Ride never ends edition.
Al/ck/ Thread
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I would call liver disease and ending ride, OP you degenerate.
I'm probably the biggest degenerate I know.
I had the equivalent of a six pack yesterday, slept pretty well. Maybe I'll do the same today.
Daily reminder that you're all pussies
only 6 of 24 beers left. it's not tolerance, it's stamina....
Hey sorry I couldn't think of a better place to ask this but what should I try as my first alcohol?(my religion for most of my life prohibited it) I was thinking beer because its pretty weak (I heard) or vodka because its cheap and I can mix it with other shit or maybe go all out Jagermiester because its really popular where I live and I heard it tastes good?
No one cares. Either about what you think, or being perceived as a pussy.
First time ever? Drink beer or wine, but don't do vodka. You'll get fucked.
Don't start with yeager, that's too weird.
Have a beer. Try whiskey if you want something stronger.
Also never take any advice beyond this from alcoholics.
Alright, I plan to do it in a social setting outdoors near a pool so what type of shit can I expect? Do I drink it (beer) all at once or slowly? I really dont wanna lose control or black out so any tips are appreciated
shit mohammed give them all a go just like your religion accepts everyone
I'd drink your first beer not too fast. 10-20 minutes for your first beer would be good. After that, you can pretty much indicate how many beers more you can handle. First time i drank alcohol (which was a red wine) i already felt tipsy after 1 glass.
where my Auscunts at?
what's the cheapest case of beer you can all get and where are you? not asking about proper booze cos of "self controlss"
Gonna go to Narcotics anonymous tonight. People on here recommended I go because I'm young and they will more likely be around my age rather than AA, which is full of old cunts.
Is it okay if I go even if I am not physically addicted to alcohol and never have been? It said addicts only, if anything I just have a psychological dependence on alcohol.
bro you're on a rock floating though space. choose whether this path makes you happy. you're still on the rock in space at the end of the day
Hi Joe. Love the podcast buddy
Like $12 a 30 rack. For my "self control," I get Busch Light for $16 a case. My 'lism waxes and wanes, but having a dozen light beers a day is a lot better than where I used to be.
hi cunt, love your manpussy. cheers, Australia
just got the cheapest 24 case of my life today besides theft. $30 aussie for 24 X 4.7%
fuckin space man always getting in the way of progress
congrats on the reduction son, life better??
Better than having physical symptoms like feeling terrible every morning, waking up drunk, sense of dread, and anxiety for entire days out of nowhere, but I still have a inner self-loathing, shitty socialization skills, and seem to still be making 0 progress in my life. So, yes and no.
dude don't worry that's just all part of being an honest human at this stage in the game. give it time and it will pass but is it worth it? you don't really want to be them, so relish being us
>but is it worth it? do you really want to be them?
Of course, despite this thread and this site, I still want to be normal. Part of me wants to do well by myself, my family, my God, my community and my peers, climb my career, become more intertwined with my hobbies, and raise a loving family. The other half wants to forget all that mess, crawl into a bottle and snort cocaine while eating percocet and molly, playing video games.
This is the dichotomy of the human condition, body and soul. The body wants to fuse with the world, while soul wants to escape from it, and this is the primary internal tension that causes inner struggle and conflict. To destroy one to keep the other is a fake solution, at the cost of being a mutilated human being.
Now excuse me while I go grab a beer.
Malt liquor, chilled
ah my man! once you've know such pleasures a measure of normalcy will never compete. you need to play each against the other. i don't know how old you are or where you are but you know you know how to think, so get on the bus or drive it into a wall. it's all you user.. what beer you drinking?
Holy fuck beer is so expensive in Ontario. What's the cheapest here?
>need to drink the shakes off
>digestive tract is completely fucked and would probably vomit anything back up
what do?
$7.00 for a diggle
not done it but anus drinks sounds like your savior. good lucks
wouldn't I shit it right back out? I don't feel like sitting on the toilet all day
It's true, either shit, get off the pot, or in your analogy keep spinning in circles until you choke on the carbon monoxide. Inaction is always the insidious third choice that's easiest for us alchies to make, where staying the course leads you to drink more upon self reflection. And Busch Light, naturally.
like i said, never done it. mechanics check out though. got anything to lose?
Sorry, not familiar with that term.
life never throws up a third choice man, not historically anyway - plow a field this morning? kill your breakfast? didn't think so - society and your ability to think past it brought you here. is there an end - yes> but a lot of people have to die. your problem? that's the question man. drinking hollandia beers here
apologies canadia, i was drunks.
>got anything to lose?
his life
ha ha
fuckin gold. no booze up our butbutts
real talk, that shit is dangerous
probably less so when you're a serious alcoholic but still
shit man try figuring out a point on a spectrum when you're a fucking robot. noot noot!
yeah it's fine they won't know or care, and anyway you're an addict if you say you're an addict by their standards.
i've found plenty of young people in aa and plenty of old people in na though
>cut down on drinking
>hungry as fuck all fucking day
>liver starts hurting
mmm organ pains all over...eh
I'm in so fucking much agony since I cut down. Kind of scared to even find out why. Can't fully inhale a breathe because it stresses... something... and my chest and back hurt like hell. It's horrific at night, every time I need to move it wakes me up because the pain is so fucking intense. Like I'm getting cramp in muscles above both kidneys, lungs are being torn and whole spine/halfway down legs are numb/tight. 8-10 grams of paracetamol daily, plus tramadol and sumatriptan and i'm still limping around like i've been in a car crash.
good morning fwends > youtube.com
anybody made hooch? I just made some and it's getting me crazy drunk, after a few glasses. I usually drink 2-3 natty daddies a night.
>8-10 grams of paracetamol daily
that probably explains it, you're taking over double the recommended daily dose and that shit is worse for the liver than drinking
i started taking them for the pain, they can't have caused it.
They're probably not doing you any good either though, not at that high a dose.
Well within 20 mins I can at least sit down. I am taking the damn things near-constantly, but without them I'd just be laying down too uncomfortable to move. Legit worried that something within me is deeply fucked, I mean there's no explanation for the pain, didn't injure myself or anything, but it's ferocious.
im tipsy and eating pizza rolls now what
Literally worse for you than than opiates.
Talk to your doctor about getting on a different painkiller, man.
I know paracetamol is no good for the liver, but my doc has me on this 'drug seeker' list; a database of people whom GPs suspect might have addictive personalities, so it's pointless asking her for anything. Lucky to get what I do.
A doc in detox once told me that safe levels of paracetamol don't damage the liver, and i'm not drinking for a change, so even twice the recommended daily dose is probably damaging my liver less than is the norm. There's something new and horrifying wrong with me these last couple of months. Firmly blame alcohol, bound to be the cause somehow.
day 4 sober coming off basically a bender since october and i didnt realize how much time i have when i don't drink but now im in a spot where i cant be productive musically and its killing me. i need to start reading or something. any time filler suggestions?
What do you play user? I work second shift and all my roommates work first, so I never have time to play guitar
>i'm not drinking for a change, so even twice the recommended daily dose is probably damaging my liver less than is the norm
Probably not, paracetamol is the #1 cause for acute liver damage while alcohol generally takes 1-2 decades of heavy drinking to bring on liver disease
hopefully with ranch dressing
don't drink
>safe levels of paracetamol don't damage the liver
That's true but you're eating more than twice the safe levels and have the alcohol as a compounding factor. Even if you're not drinking now the fact that you used to puts you at higher risk.
I know doctors won't give you a damned thing once you're on that list, though.
It's called a rapidly developing dependency, brother
yeah just drink jager straight it's great
Are you from the Midwest?
What is a diggle?
How do you guys stay sober for work?
I don't
ha ha...
At work seems easy enough for me, if I really need it I can go have a beer in my car.
the true question is how to hide being drunk at work
what's work?
I could easily do that....Just do the same thing I do around my family. Drink vodka out of a water bottle and eat breath minds and smoke.
The problem is I have to drive an hour each way to and from work and I'm 100% against drunk driving, I won't drive if I've had two drinks. If I didn't have to drive....I would just drink at work
have a drink, it's the natural order of things. maybe a nice rum? it all does the same thing.
>mfw less than 24 hours to my first drinking day of the week
that depends, have you injected any marijuanas today?
Black label and pringles. High class.
I switched to being a beer alck and found a 6-month internship in the literal middle of buttfucking nowhere. It's an IT job so human contact is very limited, I have no car and no driver's license, and there are no bus lines either. The nearest town is at an hour and a half on foot, so I can't go buy alcohol. The company's hotel has a strict rule on not serving interns alcohol at the restaurant's bar, and it is constantly recorded by a camera. So no fucking alcohol at all for six months. And the cherry on top of the irony sundae ? I work at a motherfucking wine company.
>mfw fucking around on my DAW and synth while drunk.
So Much fun. Producing some hilarious results too. Discovered an entire custom kit I made comprised of shoots and sounds I'd made with my own voice. Good times.
sorry guy. thats some no fun shit.
Why the fuck would a company dictate what its employees do during off time when it's a legal activity?
Public transport my man.
At least I've been dry for a month except when I saw my parents last weekend and drank a decent amount of lighter-than-usual beer so I kept my drinking under control for the first time in God knows how many years. Also anhedonia has mostly faded away but my focusing capacity and short-term memory are completely fucked and I still have brain fog. Still way better than usual.
Because I'm not a full-fledged employee, just a paid intern. I have no paid vacation either so when I take a day off it's taken from my pay. Also they don't want interns to drink at the bar because it's only meant for clients, and employees once in a while. It's not that terrible tho, they give us 2 good free meals 5 days a week and I can live on site for free.
Have had this dull tightness in my back about 5 inches above my butt crack and 2 inches to the left. Had this for a week or so is this something I should worry about? Anyone else have this?
Penis papules. Everyone who drinks gets them sooner or later.
it's the cancer nigga, you a gonner.
drank a fifth and almost shot myself last night. I think it's time for me to get off the ride.
na but i had some lower pains and they stopped. I also had this weird thing where my legs hurt, but it stopped. like it never happen, i can't even replicate it. something about sleeping with your feet over the couch leg. so the body does weird shit.
it's not worth shooting your self.
are you quite sure about that
yeah it would have to be something diabolical to shot your self.
your not hitler are you? then i'm sure your fine.
what would be worth shooting your self?
Guitar bass keys vox. Anything but drum because I don't have a set to learn on.
I would hop on my daw more but I have to really be in a mood for it. Other wise I dick around. Listen to things I've made already then lose interest.
Sold my gun a few months back because I was legitimately afraid I'd do the same (only because I have a kid). Down to a six pack a day now, from a fifth of vodka a day. Doing my best to claw my way outta this hellhole.
shit, i bite my tongue hard, that will be a week to heal.
a six pack a day isn't bad.
you should just hold there and try to relax.
I don't know how some of you guys hold jobs and make money. I'm unemployed right now and doing school, but I could sure as hell not hold down a job or a family. Too goddamn hungover all the time