anybody ever have this drink? I had it on a trip to Brazil, and I've been addicted ever since. I order them by the boxful it's that good. Thoughts?
Anybody ever have this drink? I had it on a trip to Brazil, and I've been addicted ever since...
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My girlfriend’s Brazilian. Loves the stuff. It’s pretty good.
She’s a complete cunt, though.
Yeah it's great. Germans and Swiss love it
You're an incredible, massive faggot.
Oh man is that guarana soda? Bruce Banner works at the plant there, he get cut and his blood gets into the soda so when you buy those you basically gamble that you might get Hulk blood in your soda
Yeah, it's really good stuff but it's not imported to the states very much.
Does she like anal like most Brazilians?
i bought one for close to $3 in a Brazilian shop
it tastes bland
Boggles the mind that people outside of south america don't have guaraná soda on a regular basis
What soda do you even drink when you're tired of cola flavored sodas?
t. brazilian
Purple drink
yes its my favorit soda
thank god they sell it here in denmark
There are a lot of non cola flavored sodas in the US
Also, what is guarana?
de har den typisk i netto
ser den også nogen gange som 50 cl på tankstationer
Jeg siger tak, bor tæt på en netto så det vil jeg lige prove.
post et billede hvis du finder den
Netto 5,- pr stk eksklusiv pant.
Kæft vi er mange danskere herinde.
kan også Rekommandere
Også god
kobte den i år 2014
hvis jeg husker rigtigt smed jeg 90% af den ud
fuck mango
Den er måske lidt for sod, elsker også den her.
it's very easy to date a brazilian
they don't have the highest of standards
kunne i finde på at tage ind på odense bazaar eller vollsmose torv og kobe det her?
overvejer det lidt
I mean, same here, but it's like if you don't want cola, you go for guaraná, if you don't want guaraná then you go for the lemon and orange and grape etc sodas
Also, this is guaraná. you have probably tasted it buried under the artificial mess that is most energy drinks
Aldrig, skal ikke ind i de terror reder lad være med at bruge penge sådan nogen steder.
ayy where's the image lad
atmosfæren inde på odense bazaar er også ganske ækel. De har dog fine grontsager og frugt
Det er jo perkere skal vi huske på.
snowniggers RAUS
Blocks your path
Ingen brus = nasty
I had it once. Was WAY to sweet for me.
Har du overhovedet provet den?
I prefer inca kola
south america has a lot of good sodas
> (You)
>Har du overhovedet provet den?
Kan regne ud den er klam.
det var basically den danske version af powerade
onsker de vil sælge den igen
> (You)
>det var basically den danske version af powerade
>onsker de vil sælge den igen
Er du fra Odense eller Tarup?
Efter hans elendige dansk at domme er han ikke engang fra Danmark.
Nej han er nok perker.
Bedste ol man kan få.
What the hell is that?
Every time I got Brazil I exclusively drink Guarana. It's fucking amazing.
Kender du Hyggen76
You have to go back
Do you know what thread you are in?
Can you read?
Also, how the hell did this thread become Denmark-central? The magic of Veeky Forums…
Looks like a bunch of little monsters with big cartoon eyes
Er faktisk lige flyttet til Svendborg.
Hvor gammel er du?
og hvilken skole går du på hvis du gaar i skole?
er det her ikke tæt ved havnen?
What kind of water do you drink? Stagnant pool?
It's the best soda in the world
Hvorfor er i alle fra Fyn?
Jeg er ikke, men er meget taet paa.
Nogen der ser PSG?
mod mig nede ved skateparken på havnen imorgen kl 20
Skal vi ryge brunt eller gront og hvem tager snacks med vi er jo på Veeky Forums
Det lyder hyggeligt, men desværre bor jeg lidt for langt væk til at være med.
Mad på Fyn
Its alright. They sell it around here in aus. Nothing special
jeg skal nok tage snacks med.
skal jeg også tage ol med?
Kommer ikke er fra Aalborg
hvad fik du at spise i dag?
Middagsmad Boller med varm leverpostej, aftensmad Penne med hjemmelavet pasta sauce.
Yes yes yes, I fucking love this stuff. In Denmark we pretty much only have 33cl cans and bottles, and they're always quite expensive compared to other soda brands. I've been able to find them in a chain store "Normal" which has them for about 8DKK (1 EUR), which is quite decent.
I've been autistic about them for several years now, and recently when I was in Argentina I was at a LAN and we went to a kiosk to get snacks, and I swear to god I saw an enormous 2+ liter bottle of this, and I bought two of them to chug during that night. Greatest time of my life.
Its popular with hippies in britan
Fanta wtf
I had one at a brazilian pizza place in L.A.
It's nice.
My favorite is Cheerwine, a cherry soda from North Carolina. It's rare outside the South and probably not exported.
Moxie is nice too. It's similar to sassafras root beer. It's from New England, and the basis of Vim in Fallout 4.
Its good but I think it is a little mild. Would love more flavor/aroma.
If you ain't speakin American then you can git the fuck out.
Yeah. It's pretty good.
I don't know that it's "order them by the box-full" good, but you do you.
I only speak UK, din lille luder hæng dig selv.
>not making an Arabic joke
Do you think we speak swedish?
Fuck dig din bossekal.
Jeg er 36 så jeg går ikke i skole mere. Jeg var sygeplejerske på OUH men måtte stoppe pga. længerevarende rygproblemer. Er snart i stand til at arbejde igen heldigvis
Ja, det er mellem sygehuset og togstationen.
Haha, nej. Er heller ikke på Fyn lige nu.
Har du nogensinde dræbt en patient med morfin?
It's a little known fact that Danes absolutely LOVE soft drinks.
dude de sælger dem til 5 kr i netto
jeg hader svendborg så fucking meget
Hvilken vinder?
kan du skaffe mig noget medical-grade morfin?
Faxe kondi smager af flad sprite
Ikke hvis den er helt kold og frisk åbnet.
okay men den har stadig en klam og alt for sod smag