About to cook this steak
About to cook this steak
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Don't do it. You'll regret it.
You've been warned.
Well done, I hope
A topic died because of an attention whoring blogger that contributes nothing
With orange ketchup! Trust me, ok?
is that a trump reference
Salt and pepper
Rub it on your dick
sleep tight steaker
bad bad bad. How do you not brown the sides of that thick cut?
Bought to fuck this thing up
that fucking lettuce nigger wtf
Ah yes, I'll have a plain wedge of lettuce with my steak please
Money shot, it’s so fuckin good
Looks good mate. My gf is really icky about pink meat, so I can never cook a steak over medium. I’m jealous.
Spends so much time on the steak then just sprinkles a little pepper on a potato and chops a fucking head of lettuce in half and throws it on a plate.
I hope it’s at least washed user...
'Bout you idiot, not bought.
Eh, you didn't fuck up too much. Should have seared the sides of the steak like someone else pointed out, but whatever. I'd eat it.
It was already washed when I bought it
>Giant strip of fat completely untouched on the side
sure it was buddy
Wow. I really hope that was a joke. For your sake
Here’s the package
Nice supper, op; for a white male.
>not cooking your own steak how you enjoy it and hers well done
Jesus, how cucked can one man be?
this is grim already
lord god jesus what a fuckup
that means someone sneezed at it
think of all the raccoons that shit on it while it was growing and now all that shit is in between the layers
It was already cut, I wouldn’t care anyways cause I’m not a faggot who’s afraid of dirt and a little piss.
Looks fucking great. These highschool retards couldn't cook toast. They're just maladjusted human fuck ups that can't afford even that steak.
Just let them die of mental disorders and addictions.
i mean, i'm not afraid per se either but fuck i'm not gonna eat it if i have a choice. and you did have a choice.
jesus christ, you people are pearl clutching girls. Your mouth has more bacteria than anything you're going to shove into it. Do you think your asshole has more bacteria in it than your mouth? 3% of your body is foreign bacteria. Grow up.
Not them, and I'm not generally anal about food safety etc, but I always wash pre-packaged salad mix because they are some of the leading causes of food poisoning these days.
>Research is showing that green leafy salads containing lettuce and spinach are subject to colonisation by food poisoning bacteria, most frequently Salmonella, E. coli and Listeria. In 2014, beansprouts contaminated with Salmonella infected more than 100 people in the US, a quarter of whom were hospitalised. In February 2016, more than 50 people in Victoria, Australia developed salmonellosis after eating bagged salad leaves, while in July 2016, 161 people fell ill in the UK after eating mixed salad leaves and two people died. The EU league table of sources of food poisoning outbreaks now ranks green salads as the second most common source of food-borne illness.
soak your fucking lettuce in chlorine treated water like normal people, it's called 'hydrating'.
You people all live in Somalia or some weird hell hole that can't do normal shit every day.
Are you paying attention? OP just said he has no problem with eating literal piss and shit.
ITT all bacteria are the same
What a slop-of-shit op. Sad!
Common bacteria found in the mouth:
E. Coli
Your mouth is more disgusting than an asshole.
>there is only one strain of each of those
So be paranoid, because that makes life great.
Looks pretty good to me
I've only made one post itt and it was the one with the link, and I'm not paranoid, but I figure I may as well wash pre packaged salad. It's not hard and may stop me getting sick. I wash all of my veges, so why not those leaves too.
You should wash 'veggies'. I place all of my lettuce in giant water filled bowls and pull them apart. That's how you hydrate a good salad. I'm not bitching about cleanliness. I'm bitching about bacteria and virus paranoia. If you're going to get sick, you'll get sick. Most of that shit is airborn. Every once in a while some asshole eats an e. coli strain that gets them. One in a few million. I just want people to be sensible.
If a steak comes in a styrofoam container, start over. Find a good butcher or meat market and get something decent. Worth every penny and usually not a whole lot more than a supermarket shit steak.
>Resting steak
About to stake this cook.
great, its raw
Looks okay. USDA select from HEB? Never a bad choice. Big fan of HEB beef
I buy my ribeye at Cash and Carry. A whole prime rib for 7 bux a LB so it runs 150 plus but I get 17-20 high quality steaks for 1/2 the price of the styrofoam crap.
Bit overpriced. You can get choice ribeyes for like 8 dollars a pound.
my steak from the other day
>in 2014, 100 people in the U.S. were infected
Nobody gives a fuck asshole, that's an infinitesimal fraction of the populace, it's rare as shit. You're more likely to catch aids from smoking dicks all day than you are getting salmonella from a bag of spinach
You're right. When they package them individually they tend to charge more. I actually find thay HEB's select beef is better than their choice, at least for ribeyes. May also have some to do with the way I prefer to cook them
Of shit
Depends on where you live I suppose. I've seen insanely high-end cuts here for 8 USD even but even trash never goes lower. Usually it hovers around 9 for low quality and 12-15 for decent stuff.
I don't know if inventory meant to go to another state gets turned back and it's better to cut their losses here but sometimes you see black angus with insane marbling for 8-9 dollars. The prices are chaotic here; make freezer space.
Didn't you already post that on here and /pol/? Make a different one
They’re from heb yes.
Steak dont rest fagg*t, "bon appetit" tho
>he salts and peppers before cooking
>he doesn't salt and pepper before cooking
Looks dank af, but not perfect. As others have said you should sear the edges as well, especially the side with fat. I also like to plat with spices. Garlic salt goes great. And a lil bit of butter in the pan.
It was on a small Weber bbq pit homeboy,
I am OP
I found a great way to sear the edges.
You know how you can lock your tongs shut so they fit in a drawer?
You lock them onto the steak and then you can lean them on the edge of the pan with the steak on edge in the pan and walk away & gulp some beer whilst it's habbening.
This is a steak gallery. Well done. But not well done, but Well Done.
Depends where you live - a concept much of Veeky Forums is unable to grasp. I'm lucky to get any steaks under $15/pound where I live simply because it's fairly remote.
>Being cucked this badly
Aww, you poor little soyboy. Does she tell you what to wear as well?
That's a miniscule amount of people OP. Not even worth considering.
marinade it in coors light
>he peppers before cooking
>he doesn't salt before cooking
marinade your nipples in Girls Lite.
Don't forget the ketchup
Enjoy your burnt pepper
My girlfriend doesn't even like steak and I still cook and eat it around her.
Bon apetit
>not enjoying burnt pepper
Do you guys seriously not rest your steaks? Do you just like all of the juices squirting right out?
pepper sweetens when burned.
Same goes for well-done though...
Prions are very heat-resistant (I think up to 800-1000 degrees?)
>from undercooked primal cuts