I don’t get it. Second time trying and I just felt a little lightheaded, tastes gnarly too.
Keep trying it to find the right dose. Take it with some coffee too. I take like, 2 or 3 grams once or twice a week before big lifting days. Gets me really focused and everything feels more fluid
Also, what strain are you using and what source did you get the kratom from?
I used to take that shit. I liked doing 6 or 7 grams. Probably too much. One time I did that and mixed it with booze. I fell down in the bathroom and couldn't get back up. Scary. Be careful OP
I’m taking two grams of green malay in a blender with an orange. I heard orange juice was a good catalyst or something? Anyway I used to take phenibut with coffee because it required a stimulant, but I quit taking that once my pee turned dark
Green malay cbd from a reputable head shop, has a room with giant jars of every strain
It's an addictive opiate that's about only as strong as drinking a cup of tea.
It's mostly a placebo.
Get yourself some herbal teas or just smoke weed instead.
Try taking 3 grams with a cup of coffee next time. I'd also suggest maeng da if you're going for a stimulant effect. I have gold maeng da for the gym and elephant for general anxiety issues. The elephant just makes me talkative and relaxed in big crowds/events.
>mixing opiates with alcohol
It could be old. Head shops don't sell a ton of it usually. I go through Gaia botanical.
It's an opioid that is still under research as to how it does actually work in the body. Why talk about something you have no information on?
this, from my experience I got like maybe one beer worth of calm and numbness from my green maeng da and when I tried to up the dose I noticed no difference but got a pounding headache the likes of which I've never had in my life afterwards.
I'm not saying that it's not a bad match for somebody out there but it's not for me
Who /phenibut/ here
Meit made me dehydrated and my pee was dark, I started getting concerned about what it was doing because the effects weren’t worth whatever was happening
how much did you do?
i take 2gs once a week on a sunday or saturday when i want to have a relaxing day. i'll take it, go out for some coffee, then find a nice place for lunch and sit outside and enjoy the weather. it works remarkably well in improving my mood and relieving my anxiety. but i suppose if you're not an anxious person to begin with maybe you wouldnt notice much.
The FDA says that it’s an opiate but the 44 deaths they say it’s accountable for were due to other drugs a user was taking in addition to Kratom, and they’re including suicides. They’re being sneaky in trying to legislate it
I take it before going to the club, party, or any social event
Makes me feel like a social god
There's also a few homicides in there. This country is so ass backwards when it comes to drugs it's insane
LiftMode phenibut twice a week with coffee on an empty stomach. Once I stopped taking it I stopped getting dehydrated so I dunno maybe it’s just me. I’d like to try it again at some point but maybe Kratom is a safer alternative
It's not an opiate, it just affects the same receptors
Super green or literally gtfo, the rest are garbage headache and vomit inducers
>trying to get high
Maybe you're the problem, not the "drug"
isn't 2g a gargantuan dose? I usually take 750mg or 500 mg twice a week max, but I don't feel a ton (I'm a quite anxious person). I hear you can build tolerance very quickly, so I'm cautious of upping the dose and chasing the effects
>It's not an opiate, it just affects the same receptors
>Both mitragynine and 7-HMG are selective full agonists of the μ-opioid receptor
>In in vitro experiments, kratom extracts inhibited CYP3A4, CYP2D6, and CYP1A2 enzymes, which results in significant potential for drug interactions
Kratom is good for withdrawals and not much else. Doesn't seem to make you higher when you use it in combination either, if anything it seems to take away from the effect,
I Take a table spoon of red maeng da to help me sleep and for pain everynight. Its not a strong nor mediate high, its subtle that's the way its suppose to be. You've got to take it on an empty stomache. I used to get very bad restless leg that would spread to my elbows and keep me up for days but kratom completely stops it. It tastes and smells like shit but its worth it for me because I'm not a degenerate junkie looking to get high, jus to get some sleep. I don't toss and wash I fill up 000 capsules on my own. I bought store bought drilled capsules once and the price was over twice than filling your own. And most of them hardly had any kratom in them at all.
used to. i felt amazing, almost like cocaine confidence but no energy spike. then effects became diminishing, and one time i felt extremely nauseated and dizzy for most of the day after.
though I did combine with alcohol and in social situations. if you're not retarded you may be able to use it responsibly for a long time
now i'm interested in this kratom lol.
>kratom cookies
Thank me later
kratom is amazing, it got me off heroin and now i use it 2-4x/week. i used to do it multiple times daily but after a certain point there are diminishing returns and you get habituated to it. taking a lower dose, less often is far superior and you feel the effects of different strains/veins much more
precious mitre is my favorite vendor so far but i also had good luck with acadica.
This is a food and cooking board, not a psuedo-drug experience board.
Good for you user.
Opiates are derived from opium. Kratom is it's own plant. You do all this selective research but can't understand a major difference in the plant?