It been decades since it release. Has George Foreman deliver a decent kitchen appliance or was it a failure?
It been decades since it release. Has George Foreman deliver a decent kitchen appliance or was it a failure?
The george foreman frozen-hamburger-heater-upper has it's applications if you're American like me.
I love my George Foreman grill
i use this for hamburgers exclusively.
heat control (i have an old one) doesn't really matter there and it contains most of the splatter and grease mist
i think there's lots of uses past that too if you use your head like that i'm too dumb or lazy to think of
It's a failure. Drains off the best tasting part of meat
>It's a failure. Drains off the best tasting part of meat
It's great for cooking bacon and collecting the fat for future cooking.
Efficient at Dang Ol Quesadillas
They're great for precooked frozen junk like pizza rolls. Happy medium between the speed and convenience of a microwave, and the crispness of an oven.
do you guys remember how he named all his kids george
It was a commercial success and great for cooking in an office or some other place where you do not have a kitchen. Me and my fellow wageies have a burger cookout in our cubicles the last friday of every month.
Decent novelty grill
It's okay to make pressed sandwiches like paninis and stuff but that's honestly too much effort when I could either toast it in the toaster or broil it in a toaster oven
>a few years ago in uni my friends had one in their kitchen that they made steaks with and one time there were gnats infesting the kitchen and it turned out there was a two inch thick layer of grease and maggots in the Foreman grease tray
Never used one since
Shut up, Hank Hill
you just can't beat propane for a clean, hot heat i tell ya what
It's good if you're a pleb and don't know anything about cooking. If you're at all knowledgeable about food, then no, it's garbage. A cast iron skillet is better and more useful.
Its good, I even made cakes in mine
I'm pretty sure it was George Foreman that made you incapable of cleaning a small fucking tray.
good call, good call
Their great for paninis, wraps, grilled cheeses and other similar lunch foods.
Is it a SERIOUS cooking apparatus? No. Do you NEED one? No.
But they can be handy and I get a fair amount of use out of them when I don't feel like making a full on meal.
My bad.
My grill has also only touched frozen hamburgers in the decade or so that I've owned it. Maybe hot dogs once or twice
They're shit for doing what they were advertised the most to do: cook meat.
I use mine for toasted sammiches. Picked it up second hand (but new-ish) for $10.
It’s okay for cooking bacon and lamb also but a decent beef steak you’d be crazy to use it.
There's a type of person who might need one or more of the following:
-not allowed to grill/condo rules/loves grill marks
-really restrictive diet, like really just cooking the same damn protein, steamed veggie, boring food daily
-hot climate, low budget, small electrical device doesn't warm up a whole kitchen like say an oven
-camper/RV vacationing/traveling person
-outdoor use with high fire risk climate. They make stands for them too, but basically an electrical replacement for the park hibachi
-beginning novice cook who can follow some basic marinating steps and are too stupid to understand cleanup costs
I find that the closed lid steams quite a bit and that any desired crust that real grilling would make is kind of softened and steamed soggy.
Veeky Forums here.
cooks boneless/skinless chicken breasts without oil and doesn't afraid of anything.
Cast iron skillet can do all those plus more. Just get a portable electric hob if you don't have anything to cook on.
Its also much easier to clean a pan.
Taste the meat not the heat thats what I say.
i used to use one for sandwiches when my roommate got one until he bought a waffle maker and i realized i could just use that for that and more
waffle maker
waffle maker
waffle maker
there is nothing you cant cook in a $20 avengers waffle maker
The George forman model blows ass, but the pressed burger-maker idea is solid and a staple in american kitchen appliances.
This. That user is a fucking loser (I won’t give him a You). We’ve got a small GF that we use exclusively for toasties. It’s excellent.
My sister was very reluctant about it and essentially bitching about it to my other, saying it wasn't good enough. Hey boyfriend was cooking amberjack we just caught on it. It turned out delicious, and my sister ate her words.
I have no personal experience, but I'm inclined to believe it's a decent device for those who may need it, as said. My mom couldn't use a grill at her old apartment.
my brother always wanted to be a boxer but was handicapped. Bought all his grills. Failed miserably, very difficult to clean and ended uo in the garage attic until i found it and realized it was shit and was a mess to clean up and tossed it into the attic UNWASHED. Waiting for younger brother to find it and go through the phases. Marketing is great.
it's awful
stinks up the whole house
I have one with removable grates so it's easier to clean but it gets dirty way fucking faster and my burgers stick to it all the time unlike my old one
The word “panini” is already a plural, you fucking imbecile. You don’t need to add an S to the end. Stick to silly pictures, fuckwit.
Hulkster all the way
I love cooking while fish in mine, skin on.