Most of my diet consists of meat and cheese. Am I going to die?
Most of my diet consists of meat and cheese. Am I going to die?
No, on the contrary you're healthier then most people. Vegetables are good for nutrients, but as long as you're not eating copious amounts of sugar and fruit and bread/grains, you can't be unhealthy.
OP here, I eat whole grains breads, potatoes, dark greens and fruit sometimes, I have never liked sweet stuff especially hfcs and bleached cane sugar, It makes me feel like shit.
Sounds fine to me.
you're already dead. This is hell. Even if you were to die you would just enter a slightly different reality in which you managed to survive. There is no escape, and even death from old age will just start the cycle over again.
Every single fucking thread. I will skullfuck every single one of you fucking faggots until your fucking retarded brain gives birth to something that isn't so fucking stupid as to think fruit is unhealthy
Fucking castrate yourself
Fruit is unhealthy you ignorant ape. Just because you don't want to admit it doesn't change the fact that fructose is among one of the worst things you can do to your bloodsugars. I'm diabetic thanks to fucking fruit. Fruit was forbidden in the garden for a reason and we humans didnt listen to it.
You shouldn't be asking if you're going to die, because at one moment everybody will. What matters is if you are going to die happy.
sounds ideal
i have beans and potatoes
You're gud. Just don't eat so much that you get fat and you'll be healthier than everyone else who does fad diets.
I know this was weak bait but, a single fruit was forbidden everything else was hunky dorey.
Yes user, you will die someday. But that day is not today. Really only the good Lord knows when that day will come, so don't worry about it. Enjoy life, eat what you like, and take a deep breath every now and then.
One day your time will come, but that's okay.
We will all die. You probably a bit sooner than the average though because it's a shitty diet.
make the potatoes a once or twice a week thing and you're golden
I don't know why anyone wants to extend this shitty reality by eating like a bird, I'd prefer dying ten years sooner knowing I ate some good meals
you will die happy
Maybe it sucks because you're eating habits suck and make you sick? Plus you can always just an hero. Make a thread on /b/, they'll love it and you might become a meme.
no my life sucks because everything is terrible
Nigger, everyone dies... But not everyone truly lives
In the future you will
Yeah. Cold cuts are basically sliced salt
>Am I going to die?
I sure fucking hope so.
no, but you will never take a shit again
oWo whatta buldge in hib pands
No, add some vegetables, cook some of the meats to reduce your parasites intake and you'll be fine.
Yes. Everyone dies.
yes, we're all going to die
Not saying you're definitely wrong, but you're making it sound like you're explaining the earth revolves around the sun. Diet studies are far from conclusive and in general it's not very well researched yet.
It's not about living 10 years longer. It's about living now. The healthier you eat the better you feel. If you eat the OP diet your ass will get raped, I lived like that before it's not fun.
If you eat 'healthy' you feel better.
We are all going to die user
well it certainly increases your chances of getting colon cancer, especially if it is smoked