>grandma pronounces "corn" like CAHrn
>also pronounces the "lat" in "latte" like "lat-" (like in "lateral")
>honorable mention: "warsh"
>grandma pronounces "corn" like CAHrn
>also pronounces the "lat" in "latte" like "lat-" (like in "lateral")
>honorable mention: "warsh"
My mom says EYEtalian
Do you pronounce it lawtte like I hear from American tv? That's wrong.
>>also pronounces the "lat" in "latte" like "lat-" (like in "lateral")
That's correct though.
pass me a hut dog and some pup corn
Be nice to grandma, faggot. Mine are all dead.
I've heard people actually pronounce "Catsup" the way it's spelled.
Says fucking who?
This op, you fucking ingrate
Your grandma is pronouncing latte correct
Italian phonology.
All black people.
>What kinda dippin sauce yalls got?
We have Marinara, Nacho Cheese, Ranch or Garlic Butter
>K, gimme dat mayonaka sauce. Dat marinayka sauce.
Fucking nig nogs
Look up "latte" on Google translate and listen to the audio
It doesn't say "laaaahtay" like some Americans but it sure as hell doesn't sound like a nasal "LAT" like "splat"
My grandma says Warsh like Warshington DC for example.
She also calls the toilet a torlet.
My dad calls a toilet a commode.
One can be annoyed with someone and still be kind to them
I literally only know how she pronounces "latte" because I surprise her with coffee from a local coffeehouse a couple times a month
I will never not be triggered by "warsh"
I don't care if it's some sort of regional dialect or even if it happens to be correct. It sounds fucking retarded. There's no r there!
How about idear
>google translate as a guide for pronunciation
Anyway I'm not sure how your mutt neck of the woods pronounces anything, but the standard English pronunciation of the "lat" in words like "lateral" or "Latin" is the same as the Italian "lat" in "latte".
Ir fuckr yourr momr
And by "standard" I meant that it's the same for both UK and US pronunciation in the Cambridge English dictionary (i.e. with an (near-)open central unrounded vowel).
>this stupid junior high school tier thread
Do your homework, clean your room, and stfu, child.
you are not the boss of me. kys faggot
Shut the fuck up Cheng
herro prease an herro
If you pronounce creek as "crick" or roof as "ruff" I secretly want you to die.
what the frick
Fuck I haven't seen that one in like 5 years
>pronounce root as rut and roof as ruff
>Say warsh and pop and mulk and egg as Ay-gg
>Bagel is bah-gel
I have been told it bothers people how I talk.
it’s “KWUH-SAHN”
My Grandpa does both of these.
my roommate pronounces "Worcestershire" as "War-chest-er-shy-er"
Please tell them they are wrong.
That's actual retardation in action, user.
i have told him he is wrong but he refuses to believe it because he says "if you sound it out, that's how it's pronounced"
i live a hard life guys
I say Wooster sauce
My dad calls it Bug Spit 'cause it looks like that black shit grasshoppers spit out.
>grandma always orders bal-sam-ic vinaigrette instead of bal-sahm-ic
There's a ja/ck/ video of him pronouncing Gruyere cheese as "groyer" cheese
Latte is an italian word and that's how you say it. Don't be mean to your grandma user
>pup corn
Whenever Gordon Ramsay pronounciates foreign food
Whenever any douche Food Network host pronounces any ethnic food I understand what sort of thing motivates people like Hitler.
I will never not stop saying warsh and there is nothing you can do about it
my gramma's a newfie and she says everything retarded
my fave is yogurd
My mother pronounces chipotle like "chipoltee" which causes me to want to strangle her. Also she sometimes pronounces the L's in "tortilla" and says it like tor-teel-ahs.
Herb is not a French word and the H isn't silent.
You should axe them to tell you their order again.
One of my old cowers when I used to work at a truss building company used to say that lmao. "Went fishin' at the crick over the weekend" and I was always secretly seething inside. He was a good dude though.
>Grandma pronounces Ramen as Roman
REEEEEEEEEEEE I hate this, too.
I'll do you one better
>Raymen noodles
Daily reminder that all language is an arbitrary social construct. Time to get triggered grammarsnowflakes
>live in new england
>actually hear people say "draw" for the word drawer
They also call water fountains "bubblers"
>not living in based new England where we say pizzer and soder and wata
the worst is when people who are born and raised in washington state say "warshington"
like fucking what no one says that
>I will never stop being a faggot and there is nothing you can do about it
bostonian here, can confirm
room also is usually closer to "rum" than the "room"
Reminds me of when I hitchhicked to Oregon one time and pronounced it "Ori- gone." The locals fucking freaked.
>>honorable mention: "warsh"
I freakin' love this one. My grandma always used to tell me to "go warsh ur hands" before dinner.
same here. she'd warsh, then wrench the dishes
My bosses say that. Before meeting them, I never understood Guy Fieri's "guytalian" whatever-the-fucks.
its pronounced as HERB
theres a H in it.
also cilantro and coriander are two different things, stop calling coriander cilantro
RI fag here, the whole state is like a shitty ghetto suburb of boston.
Anything said with a cranston accent rustles my jimmies like nothing else.
The h is silent
Culantro and cilantro are two different things
Coriander is the name of the seed of the cilantro plant while the word "cilantro" refers to the leaves and stem.
If you disagree with any of this, your whole family deserves to be put into a gas chamber.
>Coriander is the name of the seed of the cilantro plant while the word "cilantro" refers to the leaves and stem.
you are completely wrong, only amerimutts call coriander cilantro
no doubt because the border hoppers started using coriander when they couldn't find culantro and the name stuck
>Culantro and cilantro are two different things
that is my entire point, they're two different species of herb yet you insist on calling coriander cilantro
>The h is silent
amerimutts also are the only country on earth that call herbs erbs
>you're entire family deserves to be put into a gas chamber
pic related amerimutt
Mom calls poutine poonteen. Ive also noticed people have suddenly started saying it like putin but with some stupid made up accent
>a bloo bloo bloo amerigans
The United States of America is the only reason your language is relevant on the world stage. We'll do whatever we want with it.
your mom knows what shes saying and is acting oblivious around you to embarrass you and laughs in private
parents are assholes
I’m from New Jersey and my mom says draw. It’s infuriating.
She also says orange like “AHrange” and tells me that I’m pronouncing it wrong by saying “or”.
are you forgetting that the british empire persisted will into the 20th century and only really dissolved in the mid 20th century after spreading the language everywhere including america?
also I am not English, I merely like people to use the correct english phraseology
The American way is the correct way
But herb IS a French word, though I agree "'erbs" sounds so fucking stupid
The French for herb is herbe.