>There's never a roadside IED when you need one.
Post retarded food trucks.
There's never a roadside IED when you need one
>based Dixie man
>Nutmilk Craft Bar
I don't even know where to begin
his sickass grillenium falcon pic is going to be invisible when he's open, what a dumbshit
i'd stop there though
the grin says it all
Wow he doesn't even look Mexican.
It's a southern white thing, amigo
user, OP said retarded food trucks.
damn that gril is thiccy af
Imagine the stank on that coon poon. I'll bet it's something south of WD-40
We're reaching soyboy levels that shouldn't even be possible
The living, breathing cartoon that truck caters to
I blame Austin for this. The stupid hipsters and their trendy fusion food trucks with cute names and professional paint jobs have run off the sweet ass poverty taco trucks.
In my heaven, John Wayne comes galloping by and greases those fruits with a goddamn bazooka. Then we smoke cigarettes and drink whiskey out of the bottle and have buttsex.
I don't get what makes these particularly bad. I can't even read the menus.
1. Shit with bacon in it
2. shit with limes in it
3. crepes with shit in it
I don't get what makes these particularly bad. Especially the crepe one. I guess the bacon one's a little cringey?
i'm never not disappointed by food trucks
what's the deal?
i kind of want to get one just to prove they don't have to be disappointing
Do it faggot. What fun wacky name will you call it? Here's an idea! Asparagrass Cart! You can have asparagus stalks in the shape of a pot leaf! 420, lmao, blaze it amirite niggs?
vegan soup
it won't be disappointing because it will secretly not be vegan
so soyboy mouth is a real
I think the collage is bigger now, that's just the last time I edited it a few months ago. It's mostly a /v/ thing.
Can you sell something called like the "veggiesplosion" but make it with chicken stock and bacon grease? just not tell anybody? they would love it and not know why and just assume it was vegetarian
their almond milk is unironically good though, only brand I'd rather drink than dairy milk
Underrated post
>It's mostly a /v/ thing.
You have to go back
It's much bigger, for example I know these guys are on it
It's false advertising and you can get straight-up sued, or get some pretty hefty fines depending on the state.
who's gonna know?
Anyone who tastes your food, or the food inspectors who see that your restaurant is clearly not a vegan establishment. Oh and if you think vegans won't get pissed and snitch, you're absolutely wrong.
Just don't market it as "Vegan" or "Vegetarian."
Just name it Veggiesplosion, and if someone asks if it is vegan/vegetarian, tell them the truth.
No need to lie, most fucks probably won't even ask.
>this doesn't taste vegan what's in it
>aquafaba, msg and special imported vegan margarine from siam
>oh cool thanks
wa la
man, there is a cuban food truck in my city that is fucking amazing. i'm in a small, rural southern town that has surprisingly little culture but this food truck is a GEM
Close yo fucking mouth
>Just don't market it as "Vegan" or "Vegetarian."
The entire reason this topic even came up is because someone wanted to make non-vegan soups and call it vegan. Yes, I agree, this would indeed solve the problem though.
Good luck trying to convince vegans that bacon grease... isn't exactly that. I've got a vegan friend who could taste that someone used a bit of lard when making biscuits. I doubt you'll be able to fool vegans long with non-vegan food, and even if you did you'd literally just be hoping nobody ever caught on or you'd be sued toot sweet.
Over what grounds? It isn't a crime to serve a vegan animal products, he would lose his reputation and business but there wouldn't be legal consequences
i served vegans non vegan food a bunch of times and they never know the difference
It's directly a crime to advertise something falsely, like if you said food was vegan when it clearly wasn't/ If you'd actually read the false advertising link I'd shown earlier you'd see that.
>Advertisements that contain representations that are false, misleading, or deceptive are an unfair trade practice and illegal under state and federal laws. To be found guilty of false advertising, it must be shown that the advertisement was deceptive in nature. Proof that the ad actually harmed anyone is not important. Moreover, the intentions of the advertiser are irrelevant, including if the false or deceptive advertisement was a mistake.
Laws are different state-by-state. Maybe you wouldn't get sued in all 50 states, but I assure you that in most of them yes you'd face some definite legal consequences.
Meat allergy, while very rare, is in fact a thing. If you serve food you claim is vegan then you could very well get in trouble when someone has an adverse reaction. This is literally true for any ingredient you claim isn't in food but really is.
shout out to the green man. he was on old black dude that sold produce out of an old green truck on the corner of the street.
I thought meat allergy was literally bullshit so I looked it up to check. Holy shit.
>A bite from the Lone Star tick can cause people to develop an allergy to red meat, including beef and pork. The Lone Star tick has been implicated in initiating the red meat allergy in the US and this tick is found predominantly in the Southeast from Texas, to Iowa, into New England.
There is literally a bug that can bite you and make you allergic to steak and bacon. That's kinda scary.
Nah, /v/ sucks. Not that Veeky Forums is much better but thank fuck there are fewer weebs. I'm /wg/ mostly but it's slow as fuck.
>Not that Veeky Forums is much better
Especially not recently with this flood of shitty topics.This one's ok, but I tend to have like 30-40 threads hidden here at any time.
based Fayetteville rep
i wouldn't mind a breakfast food truck but the name is dumb.
>I've got a vegan friend who could taste that someone used a bit of lard when making biscuits.
That's easy though.
Do the biscuits not taste like chalky shit? If yes, then there is at least some lard.
Well, honestly I agree.
>There is literally a bug that can bite you and make you allergic to steak and bacon. That's kinda scary.
It's interesting as fuck.
While it is scary, yeah you're right. It's also quite fascinating.
Do they really take those horses out on the road for show? I wonder how much they dope them up
surprisingly horses don't need as high of a dose of sedative as you think kek
You're like those faggots who get off on giving people AIDS
draught horses are very calm naturally
i'm sure they're not doped at all
his grillenium falcon speed streaks look like q tips
what a heaven
I really wish fakenews would stop calling it an allergy, because that isn't what it is
quick rundown
>many mammals have a protein in their blood that humans don't have
>tick bites other mammal and gets that protein mixed into its saliva
>tick bites human and some of that protein enters the blood stream
>human body creates antibodies to destroy the foreign protein
>those never go away
>when you eat red meat the antibodies attack it as well, not realizing the difference causing gastric problems
its just some dumb fucking happenstance that it works out that way
furries are the only population i have real actual hate in my heart for
like, i don't get it
i bet that's good
Antibodies attacking proteins that aren't actually dangerous is literally the definition of an allergy you fucking moron.
I am very intrigued
Uh, except for the fact that the ticks aren't the only way to get meat allergies.
>A meat allergy can develop any time in life. If you are allergic to one type of meat, it is possible you also are allergic to other meats, as well as to poultry, such as chicken, turkey and duck.
>Studies have found that a very small percentage of children with milk allergy are also allergic to beef. Talk with your allergist to see if you should remove beef from your milk-allergic child’s diet.
Also what the heck is "fakenews", this is from acaai, the American College of Astma, Allergies and Immunology.
Oh and also THIS, that's exactly what an allergy is in the first place.
I'd craft that slut some nutmilk
That's good though
>Not getting some buffalo chicken tacos, mexy mac & cheese and philly nachos
I guess the name "Mexicoon" was already taken.
>proprietor is fat
would berry
you idiot circulating antibodies against a protein that causes a response like that IS an allergy
it's this. this is how you know a food truck is good.
holy shit I went to college with that guy
>has a qt gf(?)
>started his own business
>is LITERALLY more succesful than you at cooking
wtf are you doing with your life user
She looks a little like my late grandmother.
don’t knock gilfs till you try them user
no nintendo switch soy?
he's by far the worst fucking one
Hey! I am from Fayettenam as well.
Yo this one is delicious tho.
hoooly fuck I had no idea this was a thing but I know one of these
Hell I'd try it.
this, also since they're raised to do this they're extra relaxed. if you take the time to desensitize a horse to crowds/travel/new things from a very young age they can be basically unshakable.
i've found desensitizing a horse is very, very difficult
This isnt so cringe as much as it is memearffic
difficult but doable, i haven't done it myself but i've visited facilities where they train horses to be used for police/prison guards and i've worked with other flighty species (flamingos are basically pink bipedal horses). i can only imagine how much time goes into handling the budweiser clydesdales, they're probably hands-on with the foals from the moment they're born.
I've eaten horse. Raw even -- basashi. It's pretty good, though a little on the chewy side. Certainly wouldn't say neigh to eating it again.
Seeing people idly tend to their little businesses, not attracting any customers, is one of the most depressing things desu. I was at one of my local food carts the other day and all the carts were booming except for one little old Asian lady's. She looked despondent it was really sad
>not hating niggers, the real life anthropomorphs
Literally the gayest fucking city in the US
>literally drinking Soylent
>furry icon
>mouth open
hold fucking shit, this can't be real. This is too many checked boxes.