when did you realize that eating a kiwi with the skin on isn't actually unpleasant?
It's kinda rocking my world a little bit
When did you realize that eating a kiwi with the skin on isn't actually unpleasant?
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Don't tell people that you do this or else you'll be Baker Acted.
Wow this is some bargain basement dollar store shitposting right here.
It has a nice crunch, it isn't chevy, and the hairs aren't prickly. it was literally bred for this, and it's actually healthier.
I am being completely serious. It really isn't bad. It doesn't seem like it's be good, but the skin really isn't unpleasant. you'd think it'd be too fibrous and just get stuck in your mouth, but it basically breaks down instantly and is fine. I wouldn't say it's superior to pure insides, but cutting them is NOT worth the hassle to me after I found out. it moves the fruit from a C to an A in my rankings
There are people that actually throw away the skin?
what are they called then? fur?
i like it, it's like a peach
i saw a dude do it at sailing camp when i was a kid and i've been fur on ever since
I eat with the skin on
There's no downside and I don't have to go through the effort of peeling it
I don’t understand the appeal of kiwi, it just tastes like a big grape
Me too, way more convenient than fucking around with a spoon or a knife trying to maneuver around the thin skin and getting sticky juice everywhere
i did it once drunk.
it was okay.
When I was like 5.
Skin eater reporting in. I was looking at a kiwi once like 'you know what, I'm gonna eat it with the fucking skin', and I did, it was fine, and I never looked back. Everyone should try it.
Then again I also eat the entire strawberry and the entire apple so maybe I'm just a fucking weirdo.
Nikolas Cruz ate kiwi with the skin on.
BCSO and the FBI knew yet did nothing...
>entire apple
Even the seeds at the core?
enjoy your cyanide
The effort of peeling a kiwi? Are you severely disabled?
It's about dominance over the fruit!
Then again I am super sure the skin is exposed to all kinds of dirt there is. So you got a point.
t. another skin eater
>getting a knife out
>peeling the kiwi
>cleaning the knife
Why would I do that for 0 gain?
you mean the poison with a very short half life that you would need more than 30 apples worth to be poisoned by?
Yes, everything but the stem. The cyanide killed me btw, I'm shitposting from hell right now
very recently actually. I always loved kiwi but never bought it because I thought I had to painstakingly scoop all the good green part out of the skin. I feel really dumb for never just eating some skin to see whether it was unpleasant. It's really one of life's lessons: don't assume you can't do something without trying
Skin's the best part of the kiwi. All the vitamins are in the skin.
>wanting itchy fur all over your tounge
Hell yeah, I eat all my fruits whole. Oranges, grapefruits, apple cores, the works. I've never understood why people peel fruit or don't eat certain parts. I always see people throwing away watermelon rind, like wtf its good.
you chew and swallow it, you don't gingerly rest it on your tongue. also not itchy
It really isn't bad at all, and I'm such a pussy that I detest apple skin.
>eatng strong acid
I can feel my mouth and lips burn just from seeing the image in the OP
You sound like the type of girl to helicopter a brunette ponytail and spend my wallet.
Rock my world, baby girl.
that's pretty accurate.
weird bait is weird
Honestly, I discovered this sitting in a waiting room that had a bowl of complimentary fruit. There were a bunch of ripe kiwis, and they were organic so I thought 'fuck it' and bit into one. Since then I only buy organic kiwis and eat them whole. It feels savagely liberating to be free of the oppression of spoons and peelers.
It tastes like a strawberry grape
I have never heard of these fruits. I suppose I'm a pleb.
I always ate the skin. It was only recently that I discovered some people don't eat the skin!
>Eating breakfast in the cafeteria in the military
>Good buddy across from me
>We both have kiwis
>He begins just biting into like a savage
>"What the hell is wrong with you? You don't the skin!"
>Pauses. "Really? Why not?"
>Look at him. "I don't know."
>Awkward silence.
I haven't peeled a kiwi since.
Tbh you shouldn't do the skin
Do you guys eat banana peels?
Legitimately, yes. But only when they're extremely ripe and I usually cut them up and cook them with my morning oats.
When I was, I don't know, 5 maybe? Perhaps earlier.
no cause banana peels have an unpleasant, bitter taste and a bad mouth feel. Kiwi doesn't
>eating food with the peel that was probably handpicked by some nigger
anybody else thinks of kiwis as spider butts
koalas need food too
You are subhuman scum.
This thread is the first time I realize that there is a way to eat a kiwi other than just eating it skin and all. I legit had no idea
my family and friends think i am a weirdo since i starded but it's good and easier in this way so i don't care
I honestly hope this thread is all shitpost and I won't be conned into eating a kiwi with the skin on like some autist because of a Veeky Forums post.
It's not bait, I actually do this.
In soviet russia, dust eat you