Who's jacked and on keto lads? Share your recipes and gains. Picture related.
Who's jacked and on keto lads? Share your recipes and gains. Picture related
>>That thing.
>that guy
What was the name of his book?
I keep forgetting it
>it's another retarded fad diet thread
Goyrilla Mindset?
Looks like a Sea of Thieves character irl.
Monkey thoughts
turns out, little monkey fella
We have two other threads on this already. Use the fucking catalog.
bonobo brainwave
>who keto here
>who paleo here
>who iifym here
>who small meals every 3 hours here
>who low fat here
>who atkins here
i’m not a 50 year old retard, so i don’t remember any others. it’s your fault if you’re fat, not the food you eat.
I like to get my workout started with a large semen shake
Why does dieting trigger the neck beard scum of Veeky Forums? Is it cause they lack the conviction to ever apply themselves to anything difficult?
This is actually something worth looking into. Any mention of anything other than random consumption triggers the hell out of so many people. God forbid people adopt a uniform diet.
For me, it’s the Filet-o-Fish. The Best Fish Sandwich.
Cause keto is for faggots
You're thinking of veganism, or worse yet fruitarianism.
i jacked on your keto, yeah
The concept of adhering to a strict diet is for housewives
T. Fatass
also latent homosexuals. Pic triggers the Veeky Forumsfag
Because diets are stupid and there's no evidence that adhering to any kind of strict diet yields any significant results. Healthy people don't need to diet because they know how to not overeat like a pig
Go ask to speak to the manager
no u
You forgot vegans, you idiot. How could you forget vegans?
It takes away time and threadspace from McChicken shilling.
About the only "recipe" I have nowadays is cauliflower-cheese. Best keto food ever, especially with fractal cauliflower.
Nail on head. People get upset and uncomfortable when faced with their failures
Not our fault that your diet is retarded.
How would you know you troglodyte? I power lift and in an attempt to drop some weight to get higher pound for pound lifts I did keto. I lost 20 lbs and not a single lb of muscle. Probably actually gained some considering I've gotten stronger. There is alot to benefit from this diet but rock heads like yourself who think you got it all figured out as you wipe cheeto dust away talk shit. Fuck yourself. I hope you continue to suffer thru life you arrogant nigger
>i power lift
Donkey cognisance
Proboscis Point-of-View
>getting jacked on keto
nigga you don't understand, you NEED carbs to get jacked if you're natty and/or if you're not injecting insulin. You need insulin to trigger growth. You don't release much insulin if you don't have sugar (carbs) in your bloodstream. You become jacked first then do keto to delet bodyfat
ape apoteosis