Was bacon basically the soy of the late 2000s?
Was bacon basically the soy of the late 2000s?
Americans just love bacon and bacon related products.
Exactly! I just fucking love bacon.
I like bacon as well, but does that mean I want to drink bacon, or wash myself with bacon and smell like bacon? No. No it doesn't.
>Not committing yourself to bacon.
Love bacon? You must be pansexual.
Please die.
What the fuck is this question
It puts hair on your chest and keeps Mohamed at bay.
Astagfirullah, thats haram ya habibi.
Oh you.
I used to have a tin of those exact gumballs. They tasted like liquid smoke and absolutely nothing else.
Yeah, soyboys added bacon fat to their vegan crap in those days.
I don't even understand the connection you're trying to make. You're combining a fad with the "soyboy" meme. By your reddit-tier logic, every single fad in history would be the "soy" of it's time.
No you idiot he's saying the people that embodied the "I love bacon xD" meme are the same nu-male/manchildren/soyboy types we see today. The current fads are capeshit, video games and refusal to behave like an an adult in general
no, not really at all, they filled entirely different niches
Not really but you were probably 9 years old back then anyways.
No, the "soyboys" you see today were the emo kids and the bisexual kids. Everybody and there mother was in on the bacon shit back then.
t. someone who was actually alive during that time period
soyboy is anyone who doesn't fit into the classic depictions of masculinity, that's basically most men under the age of 40
And no, bacon was a cringey meme espoused by 'reddit' types
>August 12, 2009
>Last night on No Reservations, Anthony Bourdain visited San Francisco. One of the places he checked out was the Pirate Cat Radio Café in the Mission District, (in)famous for their Maple Bacon Latte ($5).
>The maple bacon latte came with a vegan chocolate truffle, which was covered in a scary, unidentifiable pink powder. Sort of guilding the lily if I do say so myself. Perhaps a shot of whiskey in the concoction would have been a better bet. As Bourdain once said, “vegans are the Hezbollah-like splinter faction of vegetarians.” Pink powder is a weapon of mass destruction. But I digress.
>le soy XDDD
Go back to /r/eddit, retard.
Someone gave me a bacon gum ball in high school and I popped it in my mouth during biology class. It actually wasn’t bad. Then people started complaining to our teacher about how something smelled really bad. So I had to discreetly spit it out into a tissue and make my walk of shame to throw it out.
Something being "cringy" doesn't necessarily make it outside of the realm of classic masculinity. I knew a lot of bro-type dudes who were all about the bacon shit. I was in college during that time period and it was more than just these "reddit types" you're describing. You guys are taking several different memes and obscuring their definitions so much that it's becoming one convoluted mess of meaningless terminology.
You use a lot of words, but all I can hear is your stomach crying out for more soy.
They put soy into processed food as a way to cut it with filler, just like cocaine & flour/baking soda
I didn't say bacon itself wasn't masculine, it's the OP's products that are not masculine and thus are 'soy', further evidenced by Yeah some 'bros' play vidya and watch rick and morty too but that doesn't excuse them from being soy activities
Forgive me for trying to enlighten you that overusing words just destroys their meaning. I'll let you go back to calling everybody you don't like a "soyboy cuckold" since that's likely the only thing that gives you joy anymore.
Thanks, now get the fuck out.
But you're basing your connection off of a perceived demographic that in the case of the "bacon" thing accounts for a plurality, not a majority. Doing this makes you no better than the SJW crybabies who call all Trump voters "nazis" because the KKK supported him.
No, kale was. I'm not sure what today's bacon would be. Maybe bacon?
Damn I can almost smell the soy from here
>And no, bacon was a cringey meme espoused by 'reddit' types
Imagine being this revisionist.
Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums at the very least were head over heels for bacon well before anyone cared about Reddit.
Crap, I think people were still using Digg back then, actually. Not that you would know, it was before your time.
Dont you mean laxatives
ffs what year even is it
Everyone knew it was you, stinky
And your trips confirm it
They liked bacon here but you really dont remember the bacon narwhal shit? That was a different league