Chocolate milk.
Chocolate milk
Need me to watch it for you?
Not now, Twiggles :3
Be honest. That's boiled semen in a jar.
Choccy milk :3
advertising always looks so good until you look in the toilet bowl and realize you don't need a BABY COW AKA CALF'S FOOD. Are you a man child?
This stuff tastes great. Americans don't know dairy.
They have no idea and most don't even own a passport.
Anyone tried the mint choc limited edition?
- 51% of Americans are 'not at all confident' that the universe began with the Big Bang.
I'm not sure if you're trolling or just slightly retarded.
If you go by that line of thinking then eating anything other than fruit is unnatural since fruit is the only thing that wants to be eaten to spread its seeds around, and it's only natural if you poop in random places outside after eating it
-52% of Americans think it's more important to protect their right to own a gun than implement gun control.
-Only 53% of Americans support legalizing marijuana.
-54% of Americans are 'very confident' in the existence of a supreme being.
- 60% of Americans support same-sex marriage.
- 61% of Americans say they text while driving.
Why are europeans so obsessed with Americans
We don't give a shit about you over here
Fuck me, you're a thick cunt.
Have fun being young dont waste it
those times were filled by the arab golden ages, where they invented things like astronomy navigation and modern medicine. FFS china was going gangbusters that whole time
stop propagating the myth
Wow, I've diagnosed cars smarter than you.
How the fuck could you possibly think this is a euro thread when OPs product a) isn't European and there is even a fucking "Made in NZ" pic here too.
You're a fucking dim bastard aren't you.
Go back to posting some shit about all the fast food you jam down into that fat gut of yours you absolute waste of oxygen.
You sound jealous that you weren't born American.
Go back to /pol/ and stop bullying people. He's right you know. Milk is meant for calf's. We don;t drink milk from womans breast anymore. It's unnatural.
Nah mate, like the majority of the world I hate you cunts. Your foreign policy has done a fuck tonne of damage over the decades and I hope I get to see your demise.
I've never been to /pol, I don't drink a lot of milk at all and I don't eat much cheese.
I simply have tried a little of OPs picture and it does taste damn good.
If you'd even traveled outside your insular, corrupt and generally ignorant country you'd know FULL WELL how much Americans are loathed.
I've met Americans while they're abroad and they have admitted to calling themselves Canadian to avoid all the friction.
okay circle jerking samefag AKA masturbation
I'm not American.
You just seem to be really bothered by them. There really isn't a reason to get upset about a group of people that you don't interact with regularly.
I'm assuming you probably consume American made entertainment at the least and use shit like Facebook which was created by an American. So why get angry about it?
American foreign policy has personally damaged your life? In what way? or are you just mad that they start shit in the middle east?
I'm sure those people who were traveling weren't involved with starting any wars or causing any international disasters, so they are probably just trying to avoid the stereotypes that come with being American.
Fine, you're not american. I apologise for making the assumption.
I feel there IS a reason to dislike Americans because they allow incredibly important decisions to be made by a small group of corrupt greedy men and sometimes a puppet. These decisions have had a MASSIVE impact on a fairly high percentage of the world for quite a while now.
I do enjoy their movies, but again generally speaking I have the Jewish Americans to thank for that. I don't use Zuckerburgs app more than I have to. Usually only messenger.
I'm not talking about me, I'm talking about the impact their policy has had on a global level. Who gives a fuck about me? I'm just some guy wasting valuable spare time debating on /ck.
Start shit in the middle east? Is that the only time you're aware of that they've fucked around in other countries for their own gains? Really? Perhaps you just couldn't be bothered typing more examples... an "ETC" would have sufficed...
I'll admit my frustration should probably be aimed at human beings as a whole.
I think human natures worst and best quality is greed, it is the biggest motivation to achieve most of the amazing things we have done and could possibly be our ultimate demise.
>I feel there IS a reason to dislike Americans because they allow incredibly important decisions to be made by a small group of corrupt greedy men and sometimes a puppet
Name 1 (one) country where this doesn't happen.
You're not wrong. If I didn't make it clear enough at the end of the previous post.
All power corrupts.
It just feels more important because America is one of the largest superpowers, albeit a declining one.
Meh, the damage has already been done, just make the most of your time left here and try not to fuck it up for the kids.
Did you know; it won't be long now till the next largest super power will be a corporation?
Have a nice day! : )
>Americans made a handful of good shows and a shitty website so you're not allowed to have a negative opinion of them