
:we got a 20 top. 6 alfredos, 4steak, 5 salmons, 5 mcChickens with sips. Show me your warface

yee yee pack a lip

>so do you need help with anything
>alright idiot
*help anyways and it somehow gets out with two of us working*
>family has a great meal
>get fired for leaving my station

>mfw i'm not on saute tonight

No problem.

Cow meats and chicken titties on the grill 13 minutes out, where the fuck is expo?



>tfw on sauteé



I don't get it. Why is that hard?

>tfw watching the waitresses freak out over getting a big table
Feels good to be a dish bitch.

Depends on the kitchen but 20 dishes going out correct at the same time is a pain in the ass no matter where you are unless it's a cafeteria. 5 man crew coordinating that is never fun, especially if chef is drunk on brioiler.

Does it, though?

top 20 means it's gotta be out at 8pm or in 20 minutes?

Because you already have a dozen tickets in the window and jose called out sick.

20 top means 20 people, user. Are you retrded?

Nah i just didn't count the dishes.
I drove a truck for a few years and top 12 usually meant i had to pick up/deliver shit before 12pm.

>Fucking Jose.

I know, right? Fuck that guy.

Honestly yeah, get paid 9.50 an hour to do the easiest fucking job and still get to flirt with the qt waitresses.

That would be all grill at my place and GTFO with that attitude sautee is the best station it may not be pantry but it's fun

It's a 12 top. Not top 12. It's restaurant lingo. Someone 86 this celebrity.

>6 Alfredo
>5 salmon
That would all fall on sauteé. Plus sides for the steaks like mush or spinach with two people on the station. It would be a mess. Pasta isn't hard but the fish and sides would blow.

Salmon is just as likely to be a grill item, but even aside from the other tickets and sides that fall on saute, putting out 6 alfredos all at the same time with 14 other items is kind of a pain in the ass.

you wouldn't use a thermal printer in a kitchen my dude

No grill at this steakhouse. No flat top.

Im on fry tonight- KILL!

It's not bad for a college job. For 10.50 an hour for a peice of cake job I really can't complain.

>No grill at this steakhouse


imagine working in food

My place does all our salmon on the grill and sautee isn't that fucking difficult if you set up your station properly

I'm glad I haven't worked foodservice, and I hope I never will.

It’s about as close to a war zone in a civilian area as you can get
