Other urls found in this thread:
>it's another "let's post /b/ tier reaction images and green text common culinary terms" thread
>the third one currently in the catalog
Fuck off.
No, these are all common scams and people shouldn't waste their money.
Problem with supporting local businesses and enjoying peak fresh produce?
muh polonium-210 tobacco
I have chickens, I'm not going to subject them to industrial poultry conditions. It's inhumane and the product is inferior.
A buzzword but see local.
Look up the nutritional differences b/w grass- and corn-fed butter and meat
Try harder
muh subsidized corn
>i get my meat from factories
Somebody post the link about the quality of american industrial meat
Grass-fed beef is amazing
Food Network watching drone detected
Put me in Le screengrab XDddddddd
No, you idiot. I mean as an american its important to get grass fed because of the terrible quality of factory meats
>eating 1.99 lb mud lot beef that stood in its shit for its entire life pumped with hormones and steroids and force fed gmo corn sludge
Food the majority of this board buys was made by federally subsidized Farmers to feed the Niger spic and white trash population.
You should be exterminated op. Contact your local Amish or kys
>not wanting your food to be better
I mean, ok I guess..
Some people care so much about random anons' opinions on the internet that they'd rather get fucked up the ass than be called a cuck.
Fuck off monsanto nigger.
Corn-fed is just as good fuckin soyboys don't know a good steak if it bit them in the ass
You idiots are paying hundreds for wagyoo steak when you could be getting these for cheap that are EXACTLY THE SAME
Pretty much, find a good butcher you genuinely trust or even better get it from the source.
are you american ?
This. GMO roundup carcinogenic pig slop is perfectly fine when you're starving in South Sudan and 20 years later you'll get cancer. Who gives a shit when your belly is swollen? I'd like to see the big agri/chemical executives take a spoonfull. Surprise, surprise they eat local small farm organic instead of the poison they produce as do the whores in Congress who support these purveyors of garbage with subsidies.
How can something be grass fed AND vegan?
Only a scam in the U.S.
You missed
If the mods ever get off their asses and post a sticky, they should just copy this.
Grug hate what Grug no understand!
>makes fun of people for not understanding GMOs
>posts "soyboy" brainlet
>soyboy brainlet
I know this is a troll but to clarify no one gives a shit if the product is gmo alone, we care when they genentically modify it to withstand being sprayed with poisons before being sold for human consumption. Gmo to grow bigger, brighter, thats fine and dandy. If it's gmo and pesticide free we're in. People like you think those that don't want their food sprayed with known carcinigens are somehow like antivaxers
>makes fun of people for not understanding GMOs
>posts "soyboy" grug
Sorry for not remembering the names of the shitty unoriginal pepe/wojak spinoffs.
i don't know about the other hippy shit but organic local tomatoes and local eggs taste million times better than the stuff served at your discount store.