Do you have current-gen high tech kitchen gadgets?
Do you have current-gen high tech kitchen gadgets?
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I have a knife with a dull point so I can't stand any bloke.
It's not high tech but I have one of those air fryers. I very rarely use it.
I had never heard of this, and don't get the point. Is it meant to reproduce deep fried foods, but without submerging in oil? Does it pull it off?
I got one of these now
My mother bought one of these and it is honestly incredible. The next microwave as far as I'm concerned
you can make wine in those
A generic crockpot slowcooker?
It's supposed to replicate the deep fryer. But in my experience it only is really good for cooking things that arent normally deep fried. It's basically a tiny convection oven. I've used it to cook some things but it's more of a novelty than anything. Anything cooked in there for the most part can be cooked better and easier another way.
Used to use one of those vintage wooden/metal handle coffee-grinders with the little collection drawer. Grinding time 2+ minutes and a sore arm.
Then jerryrigged the grindshaft to connect with a cordless drill. Was loud but funny as fuck to watch. Grinding time
Instapot. My mother has one. I think it's more versatile than a normal slow cooker.
I have a slow cooker, and I've used it maybe 5 times. Biggest waste of money, and now, of space. Even just making rice is faster and easier on the stove top hotplate.
Give me some advice on how to make it work for me.
It is a pressure cooker with a bunch of other settings including slow cooker.
Generic pressure cooker. Big difference.
Slow cookers are for slow cooked meals while you are gone for the day.
Cook and prepare in parallel. Its not the device that takes too long, but your objectivity in the process which perceives everythibg as taking too long.
Cook and prepare in parallel. The slowcooker is meant to take over a portion of work leaving you to prepare other stuff.
You can make a pretty good pulled pork if you don't have a smoker.
So setting it up at 8:00 in the morning, and coming to a meal at 19:00 in the evening?
Seems dodgy, a mini oven working in my empty apartment on its own. Also won't the electricity bill go up? Won't bacteria love the warm but not too hot environment rich in food sitting out there all day? Won't the meal itself collapse into porridge if its soaked in hot water for so long?
One of the few meals I made had chicken breast fillet wrapped around some vegetable paste, and the thread I used to tie it actually dissolved and it all became sludge. My rice and potatoes also melted into a goo after left in "waiting" mode for about 10 hours.
Maybe I'm doing it wrong, give advice. I want to make this $50 purchase work, it hurts seeing it abandoned in my kitchen for a year.
I've got a Nutri Ninja. Mostly for frozen fruit smoothies, the reduced cleanup for bullet type blenders is convenient.
>Seems dodgy, a mini oven working in my empty apartment on its own.
It doesn't get that hot to begin with, you don't need to crank it up to max heat, and lots of them come with automatic shutoff/"keep warm" features.
>Also won't the electricity bill go up?
Probably a little bit, but not by much, see above.
>Won't bacteria love the warm but not too hot environment rich in food sitting out there all day?
Apparently not. Lots of traditional stews and things are cooked/braised over low heat for hours and hours, if that reassures you.
>Won't the meal itself collapse into porridge if its soaked in hot water for so long?
This can be a real issue, yes. Personally, I find that the best way to use a slow cooker is to make a big batch of stewed/braised chicken or beef about once a week and portion it out with whatever vegetables and whatever starches for meals over the course of the week.
Didn't someone figure out you can just squeeze those bags with you hands and almost as much juice comes out as when you use the press?
Post her feet.
The machine supposedly scans the package to give you recipes, expiry dates, etc stuff like that.
I think they meant for people to order juice packs, bring them to the cafe, have them Juicero'd and prepared there by the staff, so you can have your juice in Starbucks.
Most of them are automatic now. They cut themselves off when it's done.
>Mark of the Tide Pod
what exactly is that thing supposedly detecting?
I'm hesitating to get this for its pressure cooker function and to replace my old cheapo rice cooker.
How does it compare to a stovetop pressure cooker? Also does it cook decent rice?
I don't care much for slow cooker functions.
I went with this bad boy
Ninjas are such garbage. Should have got a vitamix.
>actually buying a $170 notepad
one model detects radiation... the other does phosphates or some shit
I just got one too, it's actually great
Not the second coming of Christ as some bloggers make it out to be, but if you want to cook a big hunk of meat fast you can't go wrong
It's a con. It's really just a poor quality convection oven aka a fan assisted oven.
It bakes food, it doesn't fry it.
Sorry to tell you this OP but it's rubbish. Vitamix or Breville Boss.
Not to add to the chorus but you should have bought a fucking vitamix.
harmful substances, duh
you could get this on your phone for free, or like $2 if you want all the voice recognition bullshit
No such thing as frying in air. Its just a fucking oven with a fan in it. You can get the same thing by putting it in the toaster oven
I got one of these. Works well but holy fuck is it annoying to get the bowl to lock in place.
Mostly use it as a pasta maker to be honest
Whats the point then? I don't get it at all.
Also, somewhat related video:
>a geiger counter for fucking food
fucking what
Read the customer reviews on the cup blender accessories for the Vitamix.
Excellent blender, shitty cup blender.
>nah bruv your $50 blender is shit, lemme shill you this $400 blender with diminishing returns
>Didn't someone figure out you can just squeeze those bags with you hands
That product is among the most over-engineered, ridiculous pieces of shit ever marketed, and morons STILL bought the damn thing.
>Works well but holy fuck is it annoying to get the bowl to lock in place.
You're a woman, aren't you? Only people I've met who have trouble with these are girls. Here's how a man does it:
1. Hook one pin on
2. Press the bowl stud in the back under the spring
3. Push in and hook the other pin on
You're not supposed to hook both pins and then push down on the spring.
This count?
>diminishing returns
I want this
Assuming he's talking about increase in quality vs. increase in price the use of the term seems acceptable to me.
Protip: The expert installation is worth it.
Konichiwa, Ken-Sama.
Ohayo, user-kun.
Vitamix motors burn out from basic half loads of stuff
>but you can heat up soup in it
If i want lukewarm puree or soup I can do that on the stovetop not the blender, Ninjas don;t burn out pureeing parsnips and need to sit in the freezer for ten minutes while my parsnips sit in the temperature danger zone because the blender motor is designed to go fast instead of having any durability.
Vitamix blenders are useful don't get me wrong but for the high as cost they should be a better value and while the motors run faster than any other blender on the market they run too hot and need resting between tasks which is bullshit you don't need to blend things that fast if it cost you time letting the motor cool down. Ninja is a good value that it does what you need it to do without fucking up too much for the price but it isn't the best around either just the second best known brand.
Why are you tripfagging right now? For what purpose? N
Have a little respect for the dead.
You don't have to congratulate him, it's our duty as men to educate retarded women.
>Men teach women
>Women teach the children
This is how society works.
The guy who made it is a big proponent of “raw water” now.
>“raw water”
One of the best investments ever.
A client of mine has one of those. She spends mountains of money on totally useless shit every day so I kinda tuned her out when she was telling me about it.
What exactly does it do? Some kind of refrigerated blender?
So a pacojet?
you can make wine in an empty soda bottle
what are you, kenny loggins?
a microwave?
I own a bit of weird shit for the kitchen.
Pizzazz pizza oven
>God's gift to frozen pizza
>give pizza pockets great texture
>stick lunchmeat on one slice of bread, cheese on the other, and get warm cheese and warm meat on toast for sandwiches in 5 minutes
>sucks ass making fries and tater tots
>makes great cookies but you have to watch them like a hawk.
Induction Cooktop (Rosewill)
>Can't use it with 90% of my cookware
>but holy shit does it work great with the stuff it can use
>huge cast iron pans and pots will heat up really fast
>will burn the non-stick coating off ultra thin shit tier cookware in seconds. Literally seconds.
>I use it with a massive 14" lodge wok, it's an amazing combo
>avoid using it for anything greasy since there usually isn't ventilation above it like a normal stove top
>great alternative to a hot plate and easier to clean
Ninja Blender
>motor is a separate assembly you put on top of the container
>blends stuff really well
>but good luck finding a happy medium between "kinda blended" and "puree / powder"
George Foreman grill
>angled surface means fat drips off and collects away from food as advertised
>but I can't keep if from burning the hell out of everything and making meat dry as fuck
George Foreman rotisserie
>Similar problem as the grill
>but not as bad
>when done right makes amazing chicken
>pain in the ass to clean
I know this is a matter of semantics, as frying is a defined cooking method, but you can bake bacon in the oven or even the microwave and it basically fries itself.
My mom got one. She made some beef stew in it and it was amazing. Softest and juiciest meat I'd ever had.
>open juicer door
>take packet out
>wring it out by hand into glass
Thats illegal.
>drink it directly from the packet
Does that mean untreated full of disease water?
that's not what a geiger counter looks like
>not activating your almonds in raw water
No, it means natural water free from tge poisons the government put in:
>waaah why does the government purify water waaaah i want to go back to dysentery and cholera days waaaah
>activating your almonds
>adult capri sun
>sells an expensive machine to go with it too instead of just selling juice boxes
who buys this
People forget that being an elementary school teacher at the turn of the century was like being a maid or a nanny. Something poor unskilled women with no other options did. They were barely paid for it and definitely not appreciated.
It's only recently that parents have given up raising their own kids and teachers are suddenly important.
Capri Sun packs are juice with additives.
Juicero packs are pulp without additives.
Okay, someone help me with this. I'm just old enough I missed out on going to a liberal arts college with today's (((students))).
Did they really make up a negative word for when a man explains something, and the person listening is a Stronge Empowered Womyn who's sure she knows fucking everything already?
Please tell me your blender doesn't have a touchscreen.
>his blender doesn't use an iPad
Lmaoing at your life poorfag
Yes, where the fuck have you been? That shit's been all over the internet for like 5 years now.
I didn't say anything about those welfare leaches, fuck teachers.
Fuck you.
Mansplaining is for when a man excuses misogyny. You know, "I don't hate women, but..." type statements. Then ironic use, and retards use, of the already dubious phrase turned it into a joke.
Fuck a child, you drain on society.
yeah, i've had a bullet for going on 4 years, and it's the best kitchen tool i've ever bought. i use it every day and the fucker hasn't even thought about cutting out on me.
>being this wrong
Mansplaining is the word women use when a man explains something to them that they didn't know but is blatantly obvious and deducible using common sense. They feel stupid afterwards so instead they become hostile and defensive about it and that's when they drop that buzzword. What you're thinking of is a "microaggression," another bullshit word.