Memes aside: would you pay $300 for fish on rice?
Memes aside: would you pay $300 for fish on rice?
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Yes, $300 isn't that much honestly. The experience would be worth it.
For me, its the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich
In the US or Europe though?
I'd rather get a 2 souvlakia for 4 euros and give the rest to a good boy shelter
Nop. I can't afford it. If it maybe cost 0.4% of my salary, I would, just to spite the poor.
Jesus christ, I have filtered six variations of this god damn meme. If someone wants to pay $300 for fish on rice, then let them. You don't have to obsess over it.
Speaking as someone who has actually eaten at Sukiyabashi Jiro please feel free to ask me anything.
No weeaboo bullshit though please.
what a fucking ugly creature
Read OP again. He said memes aside.
It's a legit question.
No I would not. It's a con. All sushi tastes the same.
Yep, to think that such an ugly man would be a sushi master is absurd.
He does have the countenance of a reptile come to think of it.
Gooks don't age well.
I wouldn't pay 300 dollars for a single meal no matter what was in it.
>memes aside
>now that the dust has settled
Its just another way of fishing for replies.
Is it worth $300?
Would you eat $300 in one dollar bills if I paid you $100?
>Its just another way of fishing for replies.
What would anyone have to gain from that?
why would I eat money? :thinkingemoji:
I would pay 300 for a meal, but not this meal. The difference between this and good, but not famous sushi IN JAPAN OF ALL PLACES is not that big.
I have no doubt its some of the best sushi you can get, but you can get something almost identical for a fraction of the price.
The only thing I'd pay 300 for is something experiential, so I guess a non memey modern tasting menu that isn't just "what if we deconstructed everything and made it into foams".
Do the Nips even know what a dollar is?
Yes. This isn't the 1950s. There are sushi restaurants that are just as good as the finest Japanese establishments all over the world.
Stuff like that is wasted on me. I make a shitload of money but I can't justify paying more than 40 dollars for a bottle of wine, let alone fish on rice. I can't taste any difference, I'd rather eat a fuckload of burritos
>75k sallary
Dude that's middle class as fuck
Name one
I would definitely pay a few hundred dollars for a novelty / exceptionally high quality meal, but I wouldn't go to that guy's sushi shop even if he sold it at McDonald's prices because he has a bunch of obnoxious rules like making you shove each piece of sushi down your throat immediately after he serves it to you (because he believes it's at peak quality at that exact moment) and last I checked he doesn't even have a menu, you just have to eat whatever he picks out. Also they only do sushi, no drinks if I remember correctly except maybe water.
Yo sushi in my town centre is pretty cheap.
Nope, I'd learn to make sushi myself and spend the necessary money even if it's $300 before I paid someone else that much to do it.
tasteless brute. horrifying post.
suck my dick jiro
Maybe once ever for a very special occasion.
>why would I eat money?
no one said you had to ingest the money, fucksticks.
Do you understand this is as stupid as asking what country a car came from because only that country does it right? Why wouldn't someone else be able to prepare sushi correctly? If you're looking for the restaurant's ambience or whatever, then that's fine. $300 to Jiro. If that's too much for you to spend, fine. You can find sushi on the same level that won't cost quite as much.
I saw Jiro Ono at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Never implied it was the salary of a rich person, but if you earn $75k/yr outside california or new york you are pretty much upper middle class and can afford to splurge on shit like this once in a while
Confirmed shit person
Memes aside: fucking kill yourself
probably some fancy fucking place in las vegas or something
you've got your head up your ass if you don't think there's at least one ultra-expensive American sushi place that has either Japanese chefs or sushi chefs trained in Japan
you know we have these things called AIRPLANES? they can take you from America to Japan in just 12 hours or so
maybe once if it didn't involve waiting in lines or inconvenient bullshit
That is rent for some people you fucboi
I guess if you mean yen it doesnt matter but if you mean $300 USD is nothing, then why is a 12 year old like yourself posting on Veeky Forums?
After you fuckface
What is the point you're trying to make?
$300 is not a lot of money to save unless you're literally living in poverty.
Most people would be interested in eating a meal like that ONCE every couple of years. Not every year, every month, or every week.
$300 is not a lot of money to spend ONE TIME.
>tfw I see poor people collecting money and they have $5-600 smartphones
I don't think sushi was ever involved, but my current girlfriend was an elite Yelp reviewer when she was in her 20s and would go to Michelin Star restaurants out on the west coast all time. Said her most expensive meal was $500 per person.
I wonder if it's really worth it. She keeps saying she wants to take me to one but spending that kind of money on food seems retarded.
Where exactly is rent $300?
A decade ago in a relatively low cost area I lived in an extremely cheap efficiency apartment which I was only even allowed to do because it was fresh out of college before I had a real job and I could prove I was poor enough to live there.
And that efficiency apartment was $500 / month before utilities at the time. Ten years later it's almost certainly more expensive from rate increases, and that was already in a particularly low cost of living region, and you had to prove your income was below some very low amount like 30K.
So basically bullshit $300 is rent for any significant number of people living in developed nations today.
>That is rent for some people you fucboi
The kind of places that you can get $300 rent in don't have any restaurants that charge more than $9.99 for dinner.
My price ceiling is $33 for food.
A bill more than that has to include social events, alcohol, or some kind of quality entertainment.
why plural? I'm just one person
I can pay $27 for bomb ass all you can eat sushi in my city, the only thing is its made by Koreans
I lived in a shared apartment in Berlin for 200 bucks a person. It's not that outlandish
Why doesn't he do delivery?
The real question is how much should you tip? $50?
A place near me has EXCELLENT sushi, probbally as good as you can get outside of japan, fresh otoro, some days, just really excellent fish.
its like half of the equivlent cost in japan
Best sushi I've ever had is in a tiny New England town in a place run by a former Japanese jazz musician and his wife. He died last year but the food is still pretty good.
I dislike fish. I especially dislike raw fish. You'd have to pay me to eat sushi.
if i were in japan i would check out the street food and seafood markets directly, and never go to any of these "high end restaurants".
vid related.
No considering every sushi that isn’t tuna is worthless
but what about the egg nigiri
that's the thing though, nobody is going to pay $300 for tamagozushi. that's what he means by "worthless"
b-but it's perfectly done
>300 isn't that much
millenial pls go
Millenials are the ones who don't work hard enough to afford stuff like this. $300 is like a day's work max if you're out of college.
That's pretty lame dude. I'm not a big animal person but turtles and tortoises are pretty cool.
No, that's just a hipster trap.
No, and stop posting this retard's face on Veeky Forums please.
I live in San Diego and our sushi is better than anything from nip land.
Shit, I live in the south east US and I cant even think of a government subsidized place in the hood where rent is only $300/month.
Most rents for nigs and seniors start at $450 with maybe some utilities paid.
>Oh, like you’re doing now
Like you do now gaijen!!!
>milky ways