ITT: Gone Too Soon
This shit was probably the only Pepsi I ever actually liked for once. That, and the "Summer Mix" they released 11 years ago. Beats Pepsi Fire by a long mile.
yall can still get those my dude, check online and find some online stores that stock em
I havent had crystal pepsi for maybe 27 years .
goodnight sweet prince
I remember wanting to try these so badly and when I finally was gonna get one they were around no longer
Were they any good?
On the topic of sodas
I used to drink crystal but those motherfuckers RACIST
yes they were godly.
i was expecting that picture of someone drinking 27 year old crystal pepsi
Well fuck. I missed out on it.
They brought back Crystal Pepsi briefly about a year or two ago.
Anyone remember sprite remix? I think it tasted like skittles
nostalgia train hit me real hard with this post
In America bacon isn't classed as meat
The only place I could ever find these was at my neighborhood pool, occasionally at that, but they remain my favorite chocolate candy to this day.
Here's your reply
Their time with us was too short, but they'll always be in my heart.
The only good Sprite.
Every year I pray they bring this back. Every year I'm disappointed.
There was literally nothing like playing PSO or another MMO with your irl friends on the internet having a can of this around Christmas.
Probably the only soda I ever truly liked and they're never going to do it again.
Wait they got rid of it again?
This is literally the only soda I was drinking along with Sprite. Fucking hell.
>tfw almost out of my stockpile
No more rum and coke in my camelback at work.
Was it that good? Flavor description?
why would they ever get rid of these
>chocolate for breakfast
Is that a strawberry hot dog?
when you're a adult you can eat anything you want at any time of the day
It melts in your mouth, user. And you don't have to do what the box says if you don't want to.
This, this is true freedom.
in hebrewland fish isn't classed as meat.
Most countries in the world differentiate between seafood, poultry, and beef/land animals.
I will never be the same.
Damn it... shitty app.
DESU it's been so long I barely remember it. Idk how many years they did it but I only was able to drink it for one year. Seems like it was the last year.
Gonna try to mix cranberry ginger ale and Pepsi together when I get home from wagecucking and see how close it is.
Disgusting fucks like you hopping into the pool with sprinkles, glaze, and chocolate crumbs stuck to your mouth and fingers are the scum of the Earth
the usual "fruit" filling probably contains just as much sugar
RIP. I fucking miss these so much. They were ahead of their time and so dericious.
In Jesusland beaver is a fish.
Those were so dank. RIP.
Are you the same dude that posted these before and I linked you the petition to bring them back?
i miss you
>my wife made me breakfast while i recover from my vasectomy
I looked it up and it came out in 04 and died then revived in 06 to die once more. Maybe you'll have your chance again some day.
>not my wife's boyfriend
Always be.
>implying the bull ever preps breakfast instead of you prepping his
Those cubed Wonka bars that came out the same time as the remake movie.
>That triple dazzle caramel bar
So good
Sounds about right. I do remember drinking this in high school and the years line up. More than a decade without that sweet nectar. Makes me sad user.
That's abhorrent and extremely sad. Every inch of that picture is cringeworthy.
They look gross.
sounds comfy user. I enjoyed this soda as well.
>also pic related
I had one last week at a Wal-Mart
The only thing stopping you is yourself
Rain was the shit. Had that every morning with a Bacon, Egg, and Cheese breakfast sandwich from Wawa.
It's never coming back...
They also brought back tropical Sprite Remix a while back around the same time as Crystal Pepsi. Just as good as it was when I was five. I sort of wish they'd bring back the whole Remix line as a permanent release instead of just making a limited one-off/seasonal thing.
It was literally just highly-caffeinated Surge, but it sure as hell was pretty damn good.
Last stock of Crystal Pepsi was released back in August, which I'm sure they said would be the final re-release. Sucks...cause I actually liked it more than regular Pepsi.
Japan currently has a similar thing out there called "Coke Coffee Plus", but I'm not sure if it's anything like Blak. I'm still pretty fucking pissed that I never got to try any of these before.
fucking reddit fag
>that feeling of absolute elation when ilearned they brought these back just now when searching for the pic
Think mild mulled wine and cola
My gas station has a lot of those, they don't taste that good, better than regular pepsi though.
Eh the bowl looks cozy But it's a bad angle so idk.
(The cereal one i mean)
theyre not quite right though. And they do not have the marshmellows :(
these things ruled
Mah nigga I fucking used to love those
but not forgotten
The cereal looks good, but this faggot gathered every single bit of smoking paraphernalia he owned, paused a rick and morty episode at what is presumably a favorite part on his fag-pad, tossed in some cigarettes (which is whatever, but they're fucking camel crushes the absolute gayest half nigger cigarette of all fucking time) has a mason jar as an ashtray and a leather holster on his bic lighter (and one of those cylindrical lighters behind the mason jar so you know he means business) then proceeded to stage a photograph, angling and placing everything to highlight every bit of what he finds cool in order to post that staged photograph on Reddit to get internet points.
I've seen gore that is less awful than this picture.
I went looking for the post to read the comments by googling the title and this popped up. It made me reflect on my own habits as I'm no saint, but this user kinda nails it life on the head. Explains the differences between Redditfags and anons. If user posted that image he would get the same reaction as mine or this philosophical, pretentious prick but since it was a plebbit user I'm sure the comments are all about how nice his bong is or how funny that episode was. In a way I envy the ignorance of the normalfag but I would much rather live in reality, however harsh it may be at times.
They really need to bring this shit back.
>forgot image
the saddest part is that the other chair is empty so he had to share on the internet instead.
Obviously it's empty. I kinda can't get over this situation. At least he's in a bamboo structure, sustainability is cool. Literally the only redeeming thing about this picture. But then again, that means he is probably on vacation. Alone. Posting at breakfast on reddit.
>that picture
>some kiddo that makes wild assumptions about a person based on a few items on a table thinks he's a genius
>unsurprisingly, the retards of Veeky Forums fall for it because it's insulting and mildly eloquent
>mfw you're one of them
I can't believe "people" like this actually fucking exist
What app is that? Kind of looks like reddit. Also, there's nothing in that picture that wouldn't pass the categorical imperative.
>thinking you're superior as you sit at your computer alone posting on Veeky Forums on a friday night
had them at BK and magic mountain, other places too i'm sure
it's just a combined reddit and Veeky Forums screenshot
The original photo is cringy as fuck but the following post completely butchers Kant's philosophy
I had one on accident like 11 years ago. I remember it being horrible and hating it. I'm surprised so many people here like it because it was still to this day my worst experience with a soft drink.
Oh and to describe the flavor, like Pepsi mixed with potpourri. Fucking nasty.
did any of yall ever have the pre- rick and morty szechuan sauce? I never heard about it being good anywhere besides memes
Cooked my mom some breakfast for her birthday once, and the eggs were undercooked. I guess that kinda sucked.
In class filled with "liberal" equal rights men hating women and one homosexual I grew up with
>"hey user, there's pizza"
>"user, do you want one more slice?"
>Are you going to throw perfectly good food away?
>"well yeah, we don't want any more"
I go into the bathroom and see that my entire face is covered in dry skin from my morning shave. I guess that was pretty embarrassing. I also once split pizza sauce on my high school class shirt in front of one of the hottest twins I've ever seen in my life when we were out bowling on our final days. I did have a friend throw an orange once and knock a couple of squirrels having sex from off a fucking tree, might be one of the funniest moments of my life really. Thought I should add that to the mix. Oh yeah, and fuck eating out with an 18, 19 year old when people around the damn place think they can indirectly speak to you. Drives me up the fucking walls.
That you got so mad you typed up that whole post is almost as bad
Pepsi and ginger? Why can't you just mix ginger beer with pepsi yourself
This was the best soda I've ever tasted. I miss it so much.
They didn't they are only sold at WinCo now I buy these in 12 packs
I miss chewing my soda
Still here in Canada