Tell me about the Venetians. Why were they such dicks?
Tell me about the Venetians. Why were they such dicks?
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The Venetians were essentially the richest nation around a bunch of poorer nations. I presume they just feel superior to the other nations/countries.
They pursued their own interests as all successful cities-states should
Didn't they eventually get BTFO'd? How did they get away with their Crusades antics?
They were Catholics and Italians, so as they are not Anglos or Protestants they are not considered the forefathers of Capitalism that they were.
What I want to know is what the Genoan-Venetian rivalry was like
>How did they get away with their Crusades antics?
Papa Enrico knew how to play the game.
they should just get flooded already
>They were Catholics and Italians, so as they are not Anglos or Protestants they are not considered the forefathers of Capitalism that they were.
They weren't dicks, they just occupied a lucrative economic niche in the global trade network.