So is Chic Fil A actually good or is it just a meme?
stupid loser.
It's alright, they at least appear to have fresher ingredients than most chains, but the right likes to hype it up because of muh Jesus and muh no fag marriage.
I guess it depends on the franchisee, just like any other fast food, but the company seems to be stricter than most. At least in my experience, quality and consistency have always been above average.
I think they were always bad--bizarre greasy buns, the taste of pickles covering everything, and it's very sweet. their fries were also never salted properly.
ever since cathy sr. died however they've apparently become more "automated" and procedural so now even my dad doesn't like them
Not my favorite chicken joint, but their avocado lime dressing on a chicken sandwich is pretty good.
Raising Canes > Chic Fil A
fuck off Tyler is based
a place finally opened in my area and there was a massive line outside. when i tried it i thought the chicken was a bit dry.
The chicken from all the ones I've been to has been very erratic in quality. Sometimes it's incredibly juicy and flavorful, other times it's super dry. Also their fries range from no salt (which isn't bad to be honest) to some fries being covered in salt to the point of being inedible. On average, however, their food is pretty good.
Yes. It's good. Assblasted leftards like to pretend it's bad though.
the only deciding factor of liking chic fil a is if you like pickles
all their chicken is brined in pickles and you're not allowed to not ask for pickles on sandwiches and employees follow this rule most places
if you like pickles it's okay but just go to any other fast food place that isn't KFC for better chicken desu
>and you're not allowed to not ask for pickles on sandwiches
Every chic-fil-a I've ever been to has accommodated me when I ask for no pickles. They even have "No Pickle" stickers for that very purpose.
wish there was a raising canes in RI
I bet you defend Chik-Fil-A's corporate freedoms but bitch about YouTube, Facebook etc not entertaining your white supremacist beliefs..
How dare you call out the hypocrisy of /pol/
It's all about management and holding times, they are supposed to make fresh after a certain amount of time or temperature drop because they become soggy and dry. Their packages sog them pretty quick but still a very good sandwich, the "waffle potatoes" are nothing special and go limp quick.
Those guys are just as sensitive and faggy as the SJWs they loathe. Same shit, different pile.
Holy shit is that the Food Reviewer?
I only get the spicy chicken sandwich. I haven't had a regular in so long I don't even really remember what they're like.
For fast food, yeah, it's pretty good.
I thought that was a woman until I looked it up.
There's only a handful of fast food chains with better chicken (really, just Raising Cane's as far as I've tried), and it's second only to Chipotle as a national chain overall, in my opinion.
Cane's is great, but most of the Chic-Fil-A's I've been to are pretty close.
This guy is 1) full of shit and 2) completely wrong.
>everyone in this thread making it something political
You know the gays aren't even mad about the fact that the president of Chic-Fil-A donated to an organization to argue against gay marriage in courts, right? Especially now that it's legal everywhere? You guys do realize you're getting butthurt over someone else's politics that the primary group affected never gave a shit about, right? You can't honestly be this retarded, can you? Of course you can, who am I kidding. Both sides of the American political spectrum are full of fucking idiots.
You know what? Everything is a meme. You're a meme, I'm a meme, breathing is a meme, sleeping is a meme, own things is a meme, selling things is a meme, the internet is a meme, being alive is a meme, EVERYTHING IS A MEME.
Chicken is brined with pickle juice.
It's solid but their catered stuff is terrible. My school often orders their stuff for events and it's always not nearly as good.
>Comparing a nationwide fast food joint to anything other than another nationwide fast food joint
Kill yourself.
What kind of a flyover fuck are you that you've never been to chic-fil-a?
Bet you don't have a passport.
It's pretty mediocre, like most all fast food. Service is a little better.
Who hurt you user?
Order unsalted fries for freshest batch, then ask for salt packets.
reminder that chick fil a does not brine their chicken in pickle juice
Great place to get creepshots of MILFs wearing yoga pants
Is Ricky and Morty a meme too?
I won their First 100 promotion when they opened a store in my city last October, and I've already eaten about 40 out of the 52 free meals I got.
I thought this guy died
Their waffle fries are great, idk why. Chicken is okay, it’s nice and real but they cook it in peanut oil so it tastes too sweet. Sometimes you get shitty cuts of chicken too.
>Don't compare things unless they meet my arbitrary standards!
Its good.
Good but not as good as Bojangles.
They do chicken burgers better than any other fastfood places imo. Also their waffle fries are great and you cant really find them easily anywhere else. They also have a good original sauce variety. In my top 5 for fast food places for sure.
Peanut oil. The dredges are pre seasoned. The spicy and grilled come coated with marinade, not pickle juice. It's the pickle juice all over everything that makes people think that.
It's legit good, even fags admit it. Get the spicy chiggun sandwich and don't even bother with condiments. So good.
Retard OP, confirmed.
How long did you camp out? I live in a town of 3,600 and there were like 10 people camping outside a week ahead of time.
>don't even bother with condiments
if you dont put 3 packets of chik fil a sauce on your sandwich youre doing it wrong
It's great, easily the best fast food chicken sandwich availible. Also one of the only fast food places that has waffle fries. Their breakfast however is not so great.
I didn't camp out at all, just showed up a half hour before the event started. Only about 50 people showed up for the 100 slots, I couldn't believe it. I live in New England, so I'm guessing most people didn't want to support the business out of some kind of "protest", but now that people have actually tried the food the drive thru line goes out into the street every day.
Lol, white knighting this hard for a run of the mill white meat, factory farmed, GMO fed chicken, pig slop trough, fastfood joint. Fuck, when will you stop bending over to their gay torture camp conversion virtue signalling? Grow up!
go back to your containment board
Haven't been to a Chicken filet in years. I didn't like their sandwichea because they were greasy and each sandwich had sweet pickles in it. Disgusting. I also hate waffle fries.
Their milkshakes are ok but there are other places less crowded and more cheap that serve better milkshakes.