>eating eggs
why? why eat something you already KNOW is bad for you? you might as well smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day
>eating eggs
why? why eat something you already KNOW is bad for you? you might as well smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day
Other urls found in this thread:
>eggs are good
>eggs are bad
>eggs are good
>eggs are bad
>eggs are good
>eggs are bad
>eggs are good
>eggs are bad
>eggs are good
>eggs are bad
ad infinitum
you even got the year wrong, dipshit
>eating non-cagefree eggs
They were always bad though. You're just a gullible dumbfuck falling for egg industry marketing tactics stolen from the tobacco industry
>doubt is our product, since it is the best means of competing with the body of fact that exists in the mind of the general public
But my cousins have free range grass-fed non-GMO chickens and give me eggs for free. I am not paying the egg industry a single dime.
implying I don't smoke 2 packs a day
100% of people who drink water, die.
good thing I substituted my 1 egg per day habit with a 1.9 cigarette packs per day habit.
Bait thread.
Why are you retards feeding him (you)s ?
>quoting a study that has been proven to have faulty data, due to the fact that they never screened the participants' diets nor exercise levels
The occasional egg, 2-4 a week, is an easy healthy way to get a bunch of different nutrients. Local free range is a bunch healthier too, but sometimes I just get great value organic.
90% of this stupid board is bait threads anymore.
Anything that oscillates so rapidly between being a super crazy health good for you health food and the worst thing you can put in your body is going to naturally fall in the middle.
As far as I'm concerned, eggs are a naturally occurring whole food that has been a staple of human diets for thousands of years and is widely consumed in the animal kingdom as well. They're fine. If you ate a carton a day you might have some issues but the same could be said for anything.
I bet you also think that yolks are worse than whites, don't you? Cite your source because I don't think you have one, I'll bet my degree in BioChem.
How does free range change an egg, it's about muscle development, and barely health of a chicken. Grass fed would again go more to the taste of the chicken and not the egg, but I guess a little to the egg, and you did hyphenate grass fed. Grass doesn't really taste better than grain in my expert opinion.
Why would you even care about GMO. Name a food that isn't GMO, did you mean transgenic? Either way, I'll take the scientific one. I refuse to buy foods that say non-GMO, it's a government rating as most of them are honestly GMO.
Eggs are just fine, just don't overdo it. Same with nearly every other food.
>why? why eat something you already KNOW is bad for you?
They're delicious.
>How does free range change an egg
caged chickens are injected with all kinds of shit to keep them alive and pumping out eggs. Whatever they stick into the chicken goes into the egg.
Also all of these "studies" are conducted by nutrionitst playing scientist. Theyre probably not even smart enough to pass a statistics class.
2 boiled eggs every morning with oatmeal and protein shake. Hopefully I don't die.
Like the sugar industry18 the meat and egg industries spend hundreds of millions of dollars on propaganda, unfortunately with great success.19–21
Following an exposé of the propaganda of the sugar industry in which the ‘smoking gun’ was unearthed in archives,18 Nestle17 commented on the attempts of the food industry in general to influence public beliefs. I commented on the egg industry and the meat industry.19
The two pillars of the egg industry propaganda are a red herring and a half-truth. The red herring is a misplaced focus on the effects of diet on fasting lipids. Diet is not about the fasting state; it is about the postprandial state.23 24 For ~4hours after a high-fat/high-cholesterol meal, there is marked oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction and arterial inflammation.25
The half-truth is the slogan ‘eggs can be part of a healthy diet for healthy people’. This is based on two US studies that did not find harm from egg consumption except among participants who became diabetic, in whom an egg a day ‘only’ doubled coronary risk.26 27 However, as discussed above, the US diet is so bad that it is difficult to show harm from any component (figure 3). In Greece, however, where the Mediterranean diet is the norm, an egg a day increased coronary risk fivefold among persons with diabetes, and even 10 g per day of egg (a sixth of a large egg) increased coronary risk by 54%.28 Egg consumption also increases the risk of diabetes.29
It is little understood that ‘people at risk of vascular disease’ essentially means everyone who aspires to achieve a healthy old age.32 A 20-year-old man might think he can eat eggs and smoke with impunity, because his stroke or myocardial infarction are 45 years in the future. But why would he want to bring it on sooner?33
>guys, what the chicken eats won't affect the egg
>but women can't smoke or drink during pregnancy, it's bad for the baby
are you this dumb all the time or it is a special day today?
Moderate and sensible posts are not allowed here
There's plenty more in OP's videos too.
>my degree
If you wanna play that game
"David Spence is the Director of the Stroke Prevention & Atherosclerosis Research Centre; David Jenkins, the guy who invented the glycemic index; and Dr. Davignon, the Director of the Hyperlipidemia and Atherosclerosis Research Group at the Montreal Institute for Clinical Research."
>Despite the widespread enthusiasm with the original statement of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report, it remains prudent to advise patients to significantly limit intake of dietary cholesterol in the form of eggs or any high-cholesterol foods to as little as possible.
Co-authored by Kim A. Williams, ACC president.
yes clearly we should all just be eating kale and wild shrimp puree, it's the only way to be sure
Yes, eating food kills you now. That's why you should just fast for the rest of your life.
>why eat something you already KNOW is bad for you?
So you're saying you don't ingest anything that's bad for you at all?
OP is a faggot, but still there is really no need of eating more than one egg for breakfast.
>you did hyphenate grass fed
What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
here's what they say about that cited article
The maintenance of the LDL-C/HDL-C ratio, an accepted CVD prediction model, does not impact CVD risk, which, in contrast to previous epidemiological studies that associated egg consumption with increased LDL-C only, then extrapolated that data to an increased risk of CVD with egg intake