How can Japanese people eat such huge portions and not get fat? Like is it something that they put or did not put into their food supply? Like I haven't seen a 6 patty big mac until I saw it in Japan. How can they continually eat that stuff and remain thin?
How can Japanese people eat such huge portions and not get fat...
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All the eat is rice and fish. No junk food.
have you been to japan uncultured retard
westernized meme food that gets epicly upvoted on the internet because retards like you think it's epic
go stay with a family in japan for a weekend and see if you're being served western-sized portions
Well in this show this chick eats like three bowls of ramen.
Maybe it was the 2 nukes and 1 Fukushima that help keeps theyre metabolism high
>in this show
People outside the US eat tiny portions compared to Americans. Foreigners come to the US and they wonder why our food is so big and so cheap.
And they're not even that healthy, either. My girlfriend is Taiwanese and everyone in her family has high blood pressure.
They don't, that's a promotional image, and that's a novelty item. Any more stupid questions?
they walk more, they fuck more, they eat lots more veg/fruit.
have you ever fucked a jap? they are quite the nympho.
t. vietnamese weeb
That's a hapa isn't it?
that's not normal for them you fucking idiot
how hard is it to grasp the concept of "you can eat something stupid once every week or two but if you eat like this all the time you're going to turn into a balloon"
calories in = calories out
800 + 800 + 800 = 2400
200 + 200 + 2000 = 2400
>they fuck more
Ayy lmao
The eels in their butts help.
That isn't a normal portion, japan servings are small and food is expensive.
>Like I haven't seen a 6 patty big mac until I saw it in Japan
Yeah and those patties? smaller than US/EU
>How can they continually eat that stuff and remain thin?
They don't, most average meals are much smaller.
>japanese walk most of the time since owning a car is next to impossible in the city
>japanese work much longer hours than americans
>more people bike in japan
>Japan has a fat tax
I'm going back in April and I can't wait to be annoyed again by the hundreds of constantly running vitamin supplement ads because their food is basically starch, broth, and barely any meat.
Portions generally are not huge.
Pretty much any show showcasing food, which is most of Japanese television, has people eating in an unrealistic fashion. Either quantity or their reactions are far exaggerated to make for "interesting" TV.
>they eat lots more veg/fruit.
No, they don't lol. You've never been to japan, Fruit and veggies are actually very expensive compared to China or other places, a LOT has to be imported.
Also, they don't consume soda as much as others, coffee usually will not have any cream be just straight up black + maybe a sweetner unless it's canned BOSS or something. soda is fucking expensive there, 10oz of coke? 241 yen at places.
They walk/bike around a lot.
a lot of things are imported to japan including food, they drained their resources ages ago that's why the invaded china during ww2, the had no fuel sources left among other things.
This shows ends with her getting murdered by her crazy lesbian stalker and cooked into ramen. And you question the amount of food she ate in an episode?
Not really, the problem is that the country has a HUGE boom in the post 1950's population and still doesn't have enough farm land wasn't sustainable given their size. Unless they make headway in their vertical farming methods, it will remain the same.
I have a japanese gf, she is very slim only 115 pounds
their portions only look huge because they're so small.
No their portions are actually small, there is a HUGE market in japan for selling fake/plastic food and marketing portion sizes on TV shows.
Its an old drama from 2015 I forgot the name, something ramen.
>they fuck more
For starters, they generally don't eat big portions. Secondly, they're more active.
If most of your meals are small servings of rice and fish, you can eat huge meals now and then without gaining weight.
Idk why everyone thinks portions are small in Japan. They seem the same size as the US. Most Japanese men seem to order a large donburi at places like Matsuya and Sukiya for lunch. Those have similar calories to a McDonalds burger. And the Mcd's here has smaller sizes for the drink and maybe fries, but not that different. Ramen is also pretty calorie heavy. It's probably because they work so much they barely have time for food or anything. And also genetics.
Because unlike you, people have actually been to Japan and experienced the portion sizes firsthand. I lost 10 pounds just from being there for 2 months
>Idk why everyone thinks portions are small in Japan.
Because they are for the price unless you pay pretty high prices compared to the US. This was 10 or so bucks USD, forget the exact cost. That portion was pretty fucking small and most of it was empty caloric value additives.
here have a 500 yen meal, yeah THAT'S 5 dollars for something that is ~4 inches I think, mostly bread half an egg, tofu+some meat
>portions are small
>buy two portions for yourself
yeah dude, love paying 18 dollars for 4 slices man!
Because its so much more about what you eat vs how much.
their diets are typically much lower in sugar and simple carbs and much higher in lean protein
>inb4 white rice
>travels to gookland
>is poor
Don't run before you can walk.
>Portions are smaller
Is this factoring in that people there are like 5'4 on average?
Not poor, but I am putting it into proportion how much a average jap would have to pay for shit. Now think, are they going to eat as much if shit costs more? Probably not, unlike other countries they are going to limit it quite a bit.
That, most japs don't drink milk(forget the yougurt water thing they have), and they eat far less food full of broader vitamins and such compared to say average person in the EU or Americas
They don't need as much food, their race is short and skinny, bulky asians are rare.
>bulky asians are rare.
Not for people past mid 20's, lot of business men with beer guts out there since "company team building" after work for nomihodai, and you are all but required to be there. There IS a fat tax over there (not always enforced), which employers don't like. FAR less than in UK or the US, but not uncommon.
How does the fat tax actually work?
>"To reach its goals of shrinking the overweight population by 10 percent over the next four years and 25 percent over the next seven years, the government will impose financial penalties on companies and local governments that fail to meet specific targets. The country’s Ministry of Health argues that the campaign will keep the spread of diseases like diabetes and strokes in check."
If your getting health benefits your company can get hit, you being fat everyone knows why tax has gone up
>all japan is herbivore otaku hikkis like my animes tell me
This is the country that rents out love hotels by the hour. Japanese regular people fuck just fine
Right so how does taxing a company work though? I thought they'd tax people having a higher BMI or some shit. If you run a restaurant and some fatty comes in asking for extra whatever are you legally obligated to refuse him?
>The law mandates that local governments and employers add a waist measurement test to the annual mandatory check up of 40-75 year olds. For men and women who fail the test and exceed the maximum allowed waist length of 33.5 and 35.4 inches, they are required to attend a combination of counseling sessions, monitoring through phone and email correspondence, and motivational support. …
Company enforced doctor check ups/other checkups using your company insurance, it's only for companies employing fatties, there is a big grey area in there that isn't always reported but is a thing.
> If you run a restaurant and some fatty comes in asking for extra whatever are you legally obligated to refuse him?
Only for employees of that company, customers are a different thing, nothings to say it isn't some fat weeb waddling in.
>how can japanese people
they have different body proportions, they don't eat as much as you think, and you don't see them continuously eat every day, as far as you know they could be skipping a day of meals.
plus asians shame each other for being fat, there are tons of fat japs, ive been friends with several
>i get all my knowledge of japanese social dynamics and distribution of love hotels from hentai
>This is the country that rents out love hotels by the hour
Love hotels are most definately a thing but more aimed at business men for various reasons. Everyone praises the japanese train system, which is awesome, but the trains stop at midnight so anyone working late is fucked. People will often stop at a bar for some drinks to kill time, then go to a "timed hotel" or "love hotel" same shit just different rates per hour, and sleep a few hours then go back to work at 5am or sleep on a park bench. They are almost always easier and cheaper than a taxi home, and uber doesn't go outside tokyo.
>negative natality
>widespread social retardation
>most young males can't even talk to females
>incresingly growing hikki population that don't even leave their homes
>but dood some people fuck whores in yakuza hotels it dun matter brah
>implying I don't fuck mangoes from the bars with my thousand times folded ナンパ
>muh hikki (proud japanese NEETs)
>muh retarded male anime protaganist means many males are like that
>muh ebic ironic naruto ironic muslim memes
>sleeping in a literal love hotel alone
how do you know that japanese fuck more? do you have firsthand knowledge of the situation? cause everything else points otherwise
Sometimes the capsules are full, sleeping in an internet cafe will be filled with smokers, and an actual hotel is far too much.
They probably get used by HS teens a lot. Pretty hard to fuck your qt gf from math class at home when your parents are there and up in your face because your entire living quarters are 800 sq ft for four people.
>hurr evrythin i dun liek is a meme
Speak for yourself retarded kaffir.
Sorry ISIS. Allahu akbar! Muhammed was not a pedo!
Nah, usually just foriegners, drunks, business men "working late".
>Pretty hard to fuck your qt gf from math class at home when your parents are there and up in your face because your entire living quarters are 800 sq ft for four people.
Yes just like on the animes right? The working hours in japan are insane, 10 hours should be non blinking for a shift, and then 1-2 hours commuting home. Most the time you'll just see kids wandering around doing chores like laundry and stuff, and if you're in a business getup as a white dude want you to teach english or help homework. Most teens grow up alone at home and see their parents late.
>he doesn't larp as someone who fucks japanese qtpies daily
All the cool kids are doing it user.
>This shows ends with her getting murdered by her crazy lesbian stalker and cooked into ramen.
So this is how the Anime will end...
They're always moving. I lost 10 pounds just living there for a month because I have to walk to and from everywhere.
They plan ahead.
If a group of girls agree to hit the fast food joint for some monster burgs or a giant sundae or something, they will fast for a day or two in advance so the calorie intake isn't in excess.
It's because they're tiny people OP. That and camera perspective. The bowl looks huge but it's actually a childs portion.
>My girlfriend is Taiwanese and everyone in her family has high blood pressure.
Changes are your gf just has a shitty diet, maybe he's eating what you Amerimutss normally eat ie shit but just in smaller amounts which still translates into
>eat shit, feel like shit
Japanese food is pretty well balanced. However, Japanese women tend to have a good amount of body fat, it's just not as noticeable due to their elongated torsos.
fasting b4 hand also builds up ur appetite, making evrything taste a lot better, even if its shit... win win
work 14 hours a day
id like to eat a large portion of her ass and pussy
No, that's Patrick.
fuck you that meme was funny.
you stupid fuck love hotels exist because japs live with their parents well into their twenties and have no privacy at home. also some older people having an affair use them.
learn something before you say shit.
t.lived in japan
No they don't where did you hear this besides your own head?
>Japanese food is pretty well balanced.
No it isn't It's mostly oils, and starches; or useless shit like flakes of a cabbage
>No it isn't It's mostly oils, and starches; or useless shit like flakes of a cabbage
turns out eating fish, root vegetables, and "useless" shit like cabbage and cucumber all the goddamn time is pretty good for you. Red meat is a luxury item over there.
Japan has some of the lowest rates of obesity and breast cancer in the world. They're doing something right.
Yummy, I wanna taste that. The food looks good too
>turns out eating fish, root vegetables, and "useless" shit like cabbage and cucumber all the goddamn time is pretty good for you. Red meat is a luxury item over there.
They eat just as much bullshit as the rest, but it's almost always starches, they just take vitamins religiously, walk more, and get out more. The amount of "root vegetables, and other things is much lower than your average meal in the US/UK. They DO however make more things at home and take it with them.
>Japan has some of the lowest rates of obesity and breast cancer in the world. They're doing something right.
Less obese does not mean healthier, they can barely handle a cold, have to pump themselves full of vitamin drinks or C.C. drinks. They don't have breast cancer since the girls don't have large breasts.
Their food isn't shitty and full of fats and oils
>less obese doesn’t mean healthier
Fuck off fatty
Not fat user, but just because someone is then doesn't instantly make them healthy is my point. Have you seen a native japanese persons teeth? Have you gone a hike only to have all the japs want to take a break ever 5 fucking steps because they don't ingest proper caloric intake? Lift up bunch of japs luggage to the second floor because they are incapable of lifting something over 15kg? Deal with someone who got a cold and felt like they were to die? Yeah they are thin but so are PoW's, they have various reasons as stated in the thread if you scroll up as to why.
this is a regular portion though
more money =/= more food
>have you been to japan uncultured retard
What are you talking about, that plate is small as shit. Oh boy white rice that basically has nothing but carbs for you. When I leave again next month for japan I'll take better pictures for comparison to various countries currency, unless you are like 5'4'' and below then good luck getting fed off that.
They still live longer than us on average, and that’s even after being irradiated so many times. Just because they aren’t physically strong doesn’t mean they are unhealthy. Also, teeth aren’t meant to be white. Enamel is naturally yellow. Can they be healthier? Yes. Does that mean they are less healthy than fat people? Oh fuck no.
>Less obese does not mean healthier
>They still live longer than us on average,
Yeah because they don't have a standing army/navy, just a defense force that helps out, they don't have cars for the most part, they don't have nogs and pacos's killing eachother for gibs.
>that’s even after being irradiated so many times.
You get more radiation, flying in a plan across the US, or from EU to London to Egypt, than you do visiting the nuke sites. Even Fukushima isn't THAT bad, just long term residence would be a problem since the radiation was soaked into the ground.
>Also, teeth aren’t meant to be white. Enamel is naturally yellow.
And crooked and soft as shit
Yes more cells in your body does mean there is a bigger risk for cancer. That does not mean you are more healthy for being underweight. Not justifying amerilard status, just saying because you see a skinny person doesn't mean they are immune to health issues.
>Yes. Does that mean they are less healthy than fat people? Oh fuck no.
See above. fuck, you people are worse than first time posters on Veeky Forums.
>japanese have a much longer life expectancy than amerifats
>tries to rationalize it with absurd reasons
In addition to diet and exercise which are the primary factors, the most important secondary factor is their health care system is ranked 10th compared to the US laughably falling in at 37th, two positions higher than fucking Cuba at 39th.
It's not a HUGE difference considering the amount of more factors in the US compared to in japan. This isn't counting the required medical checks for people over 40 that Japan has vs the US.
japan also has no black people, who tend to die of heart disease and at much younger ages, skewing the average
Is this how you justify your fatness to yourself? By convincing yourself you’re healthier than Japanese people?
Not sure how you keep going back to that. Thin does not mean you are automatically healthy, if you can't get that through your head I don't know what to tell you. Being fat does not mean you are healthy. What I have and am saying is that just because most japanese are thin does not automatically mean they are healthier than anyone else.
No one said being thin is healthier than being fit and muscular. You’re trying to claim fat people can be healthier than thin people without directly saying it, and it’s not true. Thin doesn’t mean malnourished, which is obviously what you believe because in your mind anyone who doesn’t eat too much isn’t eating enough. No one cares about your stupid opinions, and fat people don’t get to comment on the health of others when they treat their own bodies like a human compost pile. Fuck off fatty.
All this projecting
>I win every argument by claiming people are projecting
Go be fat and stupid somewhere else.
Nah actually about to start my daily workout routine, but keep projecting. I always like a good laugh inbetween rests
walking to the vending machine for a bag of cheetos doesn't count as exercise my dude
Their regular portions are small as fuck lad, it's really only meme dishes that are that large. We have that over here too, stuff like 20lb steak challenges, 5 foot diameter pizzas, etc etc.