what is something you can eat all day?
What is something you can eat all day?
her ass and naked pussy
god i wish that were me
tee hee Im a boy tho
The key is to eat food that keeps you satisfied so you don't eat all day. That means you gotta eat lots of complex carbs and very little fat and sugar
>her ass and naked pussy
enjoy throat and mouth cancer.
>enjoy throat and mouth cancer.
go to bed mr. douglass
she can enjoy throat and mouth cockings from my cock
Imagine being such a faggot you think you will get cancer from pussy. Please please kys
So is she lifting her ass like that because it's actually saggy?
>ass so big
>has to hold it up
>has to arch back like mad
>removes fingers from beneath cheeks
>insta flat but wide
if you eat an hpv-infected pussy it can theoretically cause oral or throat cancer but the obvious solution would be to not go down on diseased sluts
Chili. One small pot can last all day. Big ol' stock pot or crock pot can last several days.
you mean lots of fat and as little carbs as possible?
I always just didn't eat pussy because it's gross and also it does not contribute to my own pleasure in any direct way. No wonder I don't have cancer
forget what i said before, you're definitely a fucking queer
2 horrible posts in 1, how efficient
>you mean lots of fat and as little carbs as possible?
Eating fat and fructose increases appetite because both increase triglyceride levels in the blood, which in turn increases Galanin production in the brain, which stimulates hunger.
good for your skin and mood
She shouldn't be culturally appropriating a disgusting fat ass from the negro community.