Anyone here /mealprep/? I'd like to start doing it so I don't have to eat fifth grader peanut butter and jelly for lunch every day, but I don't know where to start.
Anyone here /mealprep/...
>don't want to eat pb and j everyday like a fifth grader
>eat broccoli, bacon and potatoes everyday like an adult instead
na man, i just cook or put together a variety of fresh meals every single day
imagine that
Cook stuff. Put in containers. Is it really that hard?
It would be shameful to prepare those potatoes so beautifully crispy only to nuke them later. Relevant, I would start with thinking of foods that stand up well to being refrigerated and reheated. Have categories for each protein, vegetable, carb, etc. and not always meals you have to cook. Combinations like cheese, nuts, seeds, fruit, and crackers are simple and filling. There are also mason jar recipes that you simply layer the ingredients and either add hot water or pour into a bowl and mix. You have a lot of option if you do your research, balance of nutrition is key though.
I do. Like said certain foods are better at reheating than others. For potatoes I almost always do mashed because they stay pretty much the same and hold up well over days. Then it's normally some other hardy vegetable like carrots or broccoli. For protons you can make almost anything; I do a lot of sausages, breaded chicken, and meatballs.
I use a set of containers like these because the separate compartments gives you more options, you can have sauces and wet stuff that doesn't contaminate everything else or make them soggy.
Make a fuckton of burritos. Wrap them in wax paper then foil. Put them in the freezer. Reheat as needed/wanted.
The most I've done is put chicken breast in bags of marinade kinda like pic-related. I take one out of the freezer in the morning and it thaws out in the fridge by the time dinner comes around. Kind of getting sick of that though, thinking about maybe doing some stuff with frozen shrimp, possibly some lean sausage. I dunno.
Same on the containers. They hold up well to daily abuse.
Eating the same meal 3+ days in a row makes me want to kill myself.
How do people do this?
I was going to ask. They usually appear to be quite cheap, are most of them dishwasher safe without deforming?
you don't have to eat them chronologically, and frozen food keeps.
>mfw this is guy is so hardcore he meal preps protons, literally eating acid everyday
The specific ones pictured hold up reasonably well but are flimsy. I've washed them each about a dozen times and they have warped a tiny bit but look fine and lids still attach normally Though I paid $8 for 10 on Amazon so I've already got my money's worth. Next time I might spend a tad more.
Whatever you make for dinner, make enough for lunch the next day.
I often have chicken breast, rice and asparagus and it holds up well overnight
The idea of meal prep is to plan farther ahead; That it takes just as much time to bake 16 pieces of chicken as it does 2 so if you're going to cook then cook for the week.
They say they're top-rack safe.
I just saw those at the store and was wondering if anybody else had them. Good timing.
My old Rubbermaid containers are starting to crack and stuff so I'll probably get a set soon.
Nice pic in the OP, faggot. thinly-veiled keto shilling thread, saged.
Not him but it's the fucking fifth image on Google if you type in "meal prep"
Im looking for a bento box, it cant be pinku (thats japanese for pink) or any girl color. It has to be of 2 or more kotoba (thats japanese for 2 compartments) and has be be chibi (small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make shure it's kawaii [cute]). And it would be nice if it came with matching chopstick holder (WITH chopsticks). OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of ceramic, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in japan. and not in china or corea (korea) or whatever. I have found a bento box similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 1 kotoba, and i dont want my gohan (rice) to touch my other things (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 2 compartments looks more kawaii)
how can it be keto shilling if each one has a whole medium sized potato in them????
I can't fucking eat broccoli because it just gets me hungrier.
I don't do meal prep that often, but if I'm going to be busy during the week, I'll usually make an assload of rice and a nice thick stew, and put them in the fridge separately. Both heat up pretty well in the microwave, and the rice is great if you keep it separated from the stew until everything's warm.
Hardest part for me is just eating the same shit every day for several days in a row. It also doesn't usually last through the whole week. If you do two different meal preps, it'd take longer but you'd probably fix both those problems.
Cooked my mom some breakfast for her birthday once, and the eggs were undercooked. I guess that kinda sucked.
In class filled with "liberal" equal rights men hating women and one homosexual I grew up with
>"hey user, there's pizza"
>"user, do you want one more slice?"
>Are you going to throw perfectly good food away?
>"well yeah, we don't want any more"
I go into the bathroom and see that my entire face is covered in dry skin from my morning shave. I guess that was pretty embarrassing. I also once split pizza sauce on my high school class shirt in front of one of the hottest twins I've ever seen in my life when we were out bowling on our final days. I did have a friend throw an orange once and knock a couple of squirrels having sex from off a fucking tree, might be one of the funniest moments of my life really. Thought I should add that to the mix. Oh yeah, and fuck eating out with an 18, 19 year old when people around the damn place think they can indirectly speak to you. Drives me up the fucking walls.
Reheated rice is riddled with bacteria. Google it.
Every single thing is riddled with bacteria. Google it.
There are more bactirum on / in your body than human cells.
Does your house have a bathroom?
Then everything in your house is literally covered in shit particles.
You can deal with it or you can shit in the street.
>you don't have to eat them chronologically
This was 10/10 funnier than you could appreciate right now.
>that stand up well to being refrigerated and reheated.
Or just refrigerated and eaten cold which many foods taste great as is.
I like that idea. You could do it with more meat based dishes though.
are there any non-plastic containers that work for meal prep? I've banned plastic from my kitchen.
I would just go with small glass containers (the big Tupperware type companies make them) or they make fucking everything out of silicone these days
are there silicone meal prep containers? i would love this
Imagine. A male, adult, who actually has some sort of social life, ironically wrote this and thought it would be funny. Fuck me
I suppose I could try doing something with pork, maybe some lean beef.
this fucking baffles me
like just make stuff to eat and then pretend you're putting it on a plate but put it in a airtight container instead
oh shit my life is over, literally over
I've seen a few rubber ones but it's pretty uncommon. You'll probably have to go with glass since you are a faggot who "banned" a useful material from "his" kitchen.
That's a great deal I'll have to check out and I'd be willing to pay more for a better product too.
I did before working from home. Now I have the time to just cook whenever but when I worked in an office it was nice just dropping off my meals for half a week and not having to worry about it.
Saved a lot of cash vs going out as well.
I do it just because it's so cheap
my most common prepped meals are either chicken or ground beef
with chicken I either grill/bake/fry up the lot of it and eat the first serving hot
store the rest of it plain and you can dice it and add it to rice, eggs, make a sandwich, tacos, burritos or just eat it with a side
I've started using glasslock containers, they're heavy but hold up to microwave/freezer/oven/dishwasher perfectly and still look like new over a year later
I just did a weeks worth of chicken breasts, broccoli, and some peppers, onions, and mushrooms. I also made this Cod before it got cloudy. Meal prep for me is all about getting .
I would never meal prep for the sake of my tastes. In your case I'd just go to as many places and restaurants trying different foods whenever I could for tastes and experience's sake.
shoe boxes
Do you anons have any recipes for meal prep? Which container should I use?
All this boneless skinless chicken breasts.
what is wrong with you people? have you no taste?
user, stop stealing my stories or I'm gonna start throwing these god damned fists.
>user, stop stealing my stories or I'm gonna start throwing these god damned fists.
noce quads
You don't wanna get caught in this crossfire, Pepe. I love you too much.
The goal is typically to make it cheaply, somewhat healthy and able to be made in bulk beforehand, hence why you see a lot of rice/chicken/broccoli/potatoes/eggs in meal prep plans
I'd just make rice balls. But after making my lunch for a while I said fuck it and just eat out every day.
>Pepe. I love you too much.
there's literally nothing wrong with pb and j
The amount of stress you add to your life obsessing about low fat meat is probably more counter productive than just mixing it up without worry.
Why do you faggots get so autistic about every detail.
Also lean sausage is shit. One of the main ingredients in a good sausage is the fat.
its also bad for you.
fat is really healthy
you are better of eating chicken thighs instead of breasts if you want to be healthy
I think you got lost looking for /soc/, being that you are a dick-loving faggot.
It's always funny when ignorant people actually think pepe is an alt-right or political symbol like, holy shit lmao
I do meal prep for lunch, but try to cook something fresh for dinner (maybe leave leftovers for the next night). A lot of foods really lose quality with the storage/reheating, but I think it's worth it to save time in the mornings and have something relatively healthy and tasty for lunch at work. You can just supplement with snacks if you need to hit your macros too.
Good foods for prep: pasta dishes, soups/stews, chili, rice, baked potatoes, roasted veggies, mid-quality meats
Bad foods for prep: seafood, salads, scrambled eggs (some people actually do this), anything crispy or fried, anything high-quality or expensive
I actually don't mind reheated scrambled eggs
>Bad foods for prep: seafood
really? i bake salmon and it's still very good when i nuke a couple of days later with rice.
i'd recommend sticking with very basic meals for starters.
decide for how far ahead you want to cook for, and then based on that choose your carb and meat sources for the week.
for example, i meal prep lunch and dinner for 4 days ahead, for now(due to size limits of my cooking equipment), so that's 8 containers of meals. fri-sun i just cook whatever i find or eat out.
this week i decided to alternate between spaghetti and rice during each day. for meat i had a package of wild caught frozen salmon fillet and two large chicken breasts. i also bought some extra lean ground beef because i'm short on meat for 1 of the days.
pasta and rice are simple. boil the shit and it's ready. salt and butter is mandatory. the rest of the details are up to you. for example, i'd add a hint of curry to the rice so it becomes bright yellow instead of plain old white.
meat is also ez mode. you gotta season it with salt minimum, cover it in olive oil, and shove it into the oven on a baking pan to bake for 15-25min at 400F usually.
then each day i throw in some random veggies into another container for the next day like small carrots, cucumber, and spinach for example.
that's about it. it seems to work for me so far. have been at it for at least a month+ maybe two by now.
i'm trying new things from time to time, to see what works or doesn't(i.e. the potato part), when i can be arsed to do so but this right here is the most basic framework. meals are easy to cook, refrigerate, and are tasty.
>heating food in plastic
literally estrogen tier
everytime I see this picture I think it's a Loss edit at first glance and I'm always slightly disappointed.
But scrambled eggs are one of the easiest and quickest foods to prepare a single portion of, why would you need to prep it?
>i bake salmon and it's still very good when i nuke a couple of days later with rice.
Do you do this in an office? People will genuinely loathe you for it. Fish tends to reheat ok at home, but I personally don't trust shellfish/prawns after 24 hrs.
Because it's just as easy to cook 10 as it is 2. And that saves me 10 minutes each morning all week.
what's wrong with canned?
>eating 4 day old scrambled eggs
You must admit that's pretty intense
If cooked and sealed right they really aren't bad. Better than eating cereal or some other instant prep shit.
That's jarred. Also canned products give you cancer
I just downloaded the picture off of an old meal prep thread because it looked tasty user. Not everyone is out to get you.