Yea or Nay, Veeky Forums?
Are you still working at the pancake house Ray?
a good idea if you're on SNAP and right-wingers get on your case for buying regular seasonings because that's apparently too luxurious
I can't wait for the day jiro dies so you can stop posting this
please die
Niggers don't deserve luxuries if they're sucking off the government's tit
based msg poster
my family who claims to be alergic to msg, loves that stuff and puts it on everything
The only premade seasoning mixes I have are garam masala powder, Old Bay, and adobo seasoning.
everybody check out this guy
>premade seasoning mixes
Accent is just MSG.
>implying there is a soul in the western world who isn't sucking off the government's tit
every tax bracket takes advantage of government cheese, it's just that the upper class has convinced the middle class that the working poor must be amoral/lazy by definition, and therefore are undeserving of any assistance.
No, it's MSG.
just buy MSG at the dollar store
I use this stuff whenever I'm making has a lot of different spices, a dash of this, a pinch of that
any dips it jazz up
always on my Egyptian fries
Yea. I like to throw in a pinch of MSG for soups and breading.
Goodbye kidneys
hello heart disease!
The difference is that the upper class gives back to the economy.
I've invested my super into MSG production so please buy more of that.
Fake and gay.
>drumpf, a billionaire pays no taxes, literally less than Jose, the illegal immigrant roofer.
>muh rich are reformed scrooges and shower me with their munificence.
Yeah, you probably think Horatio Algier myths are the real deal.
>loving niggers and parasitic failures this much
>unironically using 'drumpf'
>60% less sodium than salt
this is a weird fucking marketing tactic.
Where can I buy potassium glutamate?
not if you're selling to stupid people
A dash
Wow, you really drank the kool-aid, didn't you? Do you know how anything works economically? Or even politically? If you've never used more than a 1040EZ, shut the fuck up, dumbass.
>the rich don't pay taxes meme
You failed highschool economics class, didn't you?
>He doesn't base his company's HQ in Delaware or the UK