wtf I hate pizza hut now
Wtf I hate pizza hut now
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Are you a bot? No?
Probably should just kill yourself then.
I'll take things that never happened for $500
"I fucked around in a desert for 3 years because I did not want a real job and didn't do well in school, and you're saying I don't get handouts for it? No!"
If you're going to "do" something for your country, then it is not my responsibility to award you or treat you differently for your actions, similar as to how there are individuals who don't take pity or mercy on others because "they didn't work or plan as hard as I did."
Wow, someone actually took the bait. Kill yourself user, you're beyond all hope.
Probably a fake story. If not its just another entitled veteran begging for a discount when their pension is twice the income of a normal citizen, when they have free healthcare and get 10% to 20% off everything in their entire lives once they go in. If pizza hut doesnt have a military discount that is their right but they shouldnt be be a dick about it. Pizza hut has always been a shit company, they serve shit products with even shittier employees. I am thankful I live in the northeast U.S. where we have the best local pizzerias and dont have to settle for some nasty chain shit.
>Welfare baby is a baby
>More at 6
Only people worse are teachers.
They were way too fucking rude. But I have a feeling he would have asked for a manager even if she wasn't rude initially.
At a certain point fuck your discounts. You can't just expect that shit everywhere.
This is old as fuck, turns out the guy was lying and then vanished from social media when he got called out. Gonna need some fresher pasta than this.
>these are the guys who call other people snowflakes
I'm a Veteran, people downplay how much discounts actually are. We get like 1-2 dollars off and in service you get paid barely minimum wage. That's why I never really care about military discounts. Also Pizzahut usually gives discounts, but not all states are Red so if it's a Blue state you won't really expect a discount.
Lastly I find it funny when people like to believe that without military or first responders they'd be able to shit post and complain as much as they do about how "lazy" we are, meanwhile all our wages get taxes and we don't see 80% of our paychecks while being expected to die at any moment.
Whatever though, many join for education, some join because we didn't have easy lives, some of us want to serve. Welfare queens and fake Veterans don't define us. But while I ain't asking for people to worship, you guys honestly have nothing to complain about, majority of you can't even run a mile.
shitty poor vet trying to get free pizza by lying
>we don't see 80% of our paychecks
why is that? do they take out costs for housing, food, etc. out while you are deployed?
I want to join. Is 21 considered too old?
Look I support the military but you're full of shit here. Yeah, base pay is low but all your food & housing needs are taken care of so it's borderline lying to quote base pay and whine about how low it is. And if you're a real veteran, you know goddamn well that probably >1% of people in the military actually have to worry about dying at any given time.
No. Go TACP, chicks dig it and you do fuck all 80% of the time.
You also get free education and pension if you stay in long enough. Not our fault you were too retarded to take advantage of that.
>self-entitled federal employee expects people to let him go to the front of line and get discounts because he did his job, probably the only job he could do (you literally need to be a functioning warm body)
What civilians fail to understand is that we don't get "free" shit, we technically pay for it and all of our insurance, along with being taxed. Housing allowance pays for where you live, if you live on base you get some shitty house and see none of the money. If you're low rank you live in a shitty dorm, and get shitty food. If you're a sergeant you're not making anywhere close to 30 a year, so imagine lower ranks. On top of that you're required to do and train for a job you'd easily get paid 60+ out in the field. That's why so many people leave. The only time you'll get paid a lot is if you're living overseas. Otherwise anywhere in the states you're probably poorer than the average person.
Military life isn't sunshine and rainbows, majority of the time you barely leave the base or want to, tons of extra laws to follow, and if your OIC hates you, you will be miserable. Majority of every service that isn't the gym is shit. Food is shit. Military stores are shit.
Then you get deployed for a several months and hope it's not getting targeted or bomb threats.
>I'm a civilian I know everything
Typical civilian. You don't know shit. 1% is the most bullshit false flag somebody can ever say. It's more like 50% depending on location and mission. Just because missiles aren't flying doesn't mean the threat isn't there. That's why it's important nobody fucks up their job.
What you're provided in the military is barely above what you get at a food drive and I can't even get a proper prescription here without complaining for weeks.
"Taken care of" is an overstatement. Only top brass is truly taken care of.
But of course some easy life civilian thinks he knows everything.
I'm still in the military you retard. Obviously I'm using my free education and working for my pension, but the pension you get is not a lot of money and free education isn't getting paid to go to ivy league.
I don't understand the logic, how does having a pizza hut on base mean that the military has helped pizza hut?
>wahhh my job is hard
So find a new career, what's the problem?
>we wuz customerz
>obesity epidemic in military since the 90s
>life is so hard
You get free education sometimes, massive monthly stipends for wives, better parking than the handicapped, discounts, and dick sucking in certain areas.
All for fucking around for a bit. There's a reason why my brother in law and cousins joined the military. It's a free ride and if you can make a career out of it, you get a fucking exorbitant salary that scales outlandishly with rank.
guess when they say they're fighting for freedom they meant free pizza, sad baka at these beggar vets
>guess when they say they're fighting for freedom they meant free pizza
Who do I have to kill for some free pizza?
>"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo."
>you get a fucking exorbitant salary
what the mother fuck?
If it sucks so much why didn't you pick a better job?
>I shot brown people for Israel, where are my hand-outs!
>being expected to die at any moment.
You know that when signing up. Dont complain about it.
>wtf I hate pizza hut now
FAKE NEWS. If you had some critical thinking skills, you'd understand posting something on social media isn't news or verified. If the corporate manager and employees had been named, someone could investigate.
But, in fact, someone did check this out, and it was indeed FAKE. If you don't know about the website snopes, you should look up thing there before you repost them. This kind of crap is exactly how the russians used facebook, ignorant dupes told to pass along fake nonsense to start debates and hurt corporations.
Should a military discount bother someone? Nah. Military is why we have the free country we do with people willing to do our safety (and police and fire), with voluntary service no less. Just look down on someone who is stupid enough to not understand what a "big picture" is all about. They're the loser.
Meh I shot them for myself.
Also, OP's pic never happened.
Looking at the website for fed payscales AF colonels can make between $6k-$11k/month. That's one example.
>whoah oh man, being in the military sucks! They dont pay me anything, the food sucks, the living quarters suck, everything sucks-WHAT THE FUCK YOU DUMB CIVVIES DID YOU JUST INSULT THE MILITARY. YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING.
How does it feel that the military hasnt defended the united states from a legitimate threat in over 70 years. You and all your friends have been nothing but a pawn for isreal, all those dead just help some jew bankers jewelers and thieves rest easy that they have their defense subsidized for them.
Lmao is there anything more laughable than the American "military"?
I could knock each of you jarhead faggots out with one punch each and I haven't exercised for about three years
>peanut butter cooking recipes
Fucking sweet.
>expected to die at any moment.
The vast majority of vets never held a rifle after basic training. Most were POG's.
Well they get free healthcare at military hospitals which are infamous for their low quality and absurdly long wait lists
>i luv the endless wars against a tactic used by every country and insurgency (terrorism) and the war on an inanimate object (drugs) so we can expand the power and force of the police state to ensure the total subjugation of a popgun holding , deluded population of chickens.
Good goys!
They could have saved everyone time and money and just not come back.
Holy fuck, I hope you get killed in combat. You're a invalid.
>durr I get free money, don't have to deal with student loans, but I wasn't smart enough to get into an Ivy, so it isn't worth it!!!
If you were smart, you'd also get them to pay for advanced degrees in relevant fields so you can get an even better job after you get out of the military, but you're just going to sit here and complain about how you can't get $2 off your fucking pizza and how unfair it is that you don't get 100k a year for your service.