am i gonna die if i cook this? 3 days over
Am i gonna die if i cook this? 3 days over
No. It is fine.
unless it's smelly/slimy it's almost certainly fine.
I would eat it.
I agree with the rest, it's more of a suggestion.
looks great, vacuumed packed like this, i'd bet it would stay fresh for weeks.
Companies with sealed products usually give themselves at least an extra week to cover their ass.
Eggs used to be good for around 6 months passed exp, then 4 become standard, now it's 4 weeks (yay cheapening standards); but a fucking week for anything sealed is fine so long as it's refrigerated.
Since it expires in June, no.
>USDA inspected
>Must be in a European date format
Good thinking asshat
If you die from food poisoning you can always get your money back.
Would eat.
open it up & sniff it first.
if it smells like ass, throw it out.
ive had meat go bad even before the expiration date.
It's good for another several months then, isn't it, genius?
>bought some chicken meat from Target.
>3 days until the expiration date
>looked fine, but smelled horrible, i cant explain it.
>not expired yet, figured its just my imagination.
>halfway through preparing, started gagging and dry-heaving from the smell
>fuck this shit, im going to mcDonalds tonight.
I wouldn't say several... but about three months, yea
Only one way to find out and it’s win/win
It would be extremely painful
I thought several just required it to be more than two. It's not important.
I'm not a native speaker, so you might be right.
If you aren't eating your eggs within 4 weeks, you have an issue.
Hopefully, 1 less idiot on this board.
>usda factory pork
it was never good
i didn't think it was slimey and i don't think i detected any unbearable stenches so... other than the kinda greyish color being a thing i put it in the oven y'all. welp.
>european date format
amerishart edumacation
It's probably salted to high heaven. Eat it. At worst you'll get the runs.