What savoury meals can I add dark chocolate to? Love the taste of dark chocolate, would like to cook with it more
What savoury meals can I add dark chocolate to? Love the taste of dark chocolate, would like to cook with it more
tfw going on a date with a black girl tonight
>going on a date with an obese gorilla tonight
fixed that for you, wear a condom
mah dick
Is she really that color? I'd be scared of losing her on a dark night.
it's funny when people try to photograph black people.
Imagine taking selfies in a nightclub with her
Top the dough with little mozzarella, and put it in the oven. Let the cheese get crispy, then grind a truckload of chocolate over it.
Alternatively you can top the dough with cream cheese and oven it. Then add chocolate and strawberries.
Sexy as fuck, but I think you meant charcoal.
I bet she'd be really good at stealing things at night. Nigga is so black you could shine a flashlight on her and still not even see her.
Condom can't protect him from the genital warts if his pube area touches her monkeygina
What's her X-men name?
I vote for Night Chameleon
"ok", friendly neighborhood 18-24 year old white males. you niggers ever take a good long look at how you think?
what is the best chocolate sauce brehs?
Would just be teeth and eyes
true, not like cave dwelling snow monkeys
Why would she ever wear all black?
Chameleon is already an X-Man.
Why is there a cartoon hole in the door like some human ran through it?
You'll need to explain to her why you are leaving extra cash on the table at the end of the meal.
Looks like shit tastes like heaven. Mole food of the gods.
sorry, pipian verde better
good for you user.
black is the new asian.
pee pee poo poo verde
it looks like it has a smiling face in the thumbnail
Imagine the juxtaposition of your pearly cum on this ebony skin?
that means there's still time for you to find a way to get out of it... good luck
Bring your phone and have "91" already pressed. When shit goes down (and it will), hit that second "1" and start running. Good luck, I hope you don't get shot, HIV, robbed, or any combination thereof.
The same reason Colonel Sanders wore all white. It's classy as fuck.
Chocolate goes really nicely with pork. Especially the fatty cuts. A nice fatty 'chop is great with chocolate sauce (not the same kind you put on your ice cream).
Good for you. Just don't produce any offspring with her.
The white background isn't doing them any favours.
Of course they were going to get either an underexposed subject or overexposed background.
She's pretty, though.
Captcha: select all bicycles
This made me snicker because it's true
I always add some black chocolate to Chili con carne.
if she wasnt the colour of coal
she would be very wholesome
Golly, she's blacker than the ace of spades.
Oh great, another shadow people thr---
Oh wait this wasn't /x/.
lucky bastard
good luck, some day i hope to have sex with a black girl
>Bring your phone and have "91" already pressed. When shit goes down (and it will), hit that second "1" and start running. Good luck, I hope you don't get shot, HIV, robbed, or any combination thereof.
did user survive?
that they aren't the lowest of the low because their fucking marxist professors told them so?
i doubt they have. they're just livin', dude.
Lighten the fuck up user. You sound like a white guilt apologist faggot, the thing that a lot of black people (at least in America) hate. We're just funnin' around.
Everyone thinks living in a "diverse", "colourful", "interesting" neighbourhood is great until they have kids. Then suddenly priorities change and they want to move to a "friendly" i.e. white neighbourhood.
I've seen this time and time again, especially being Canadian where everyone desperately virtue signals and can't stop parroting how great diversity is. I like ethnic food and ethnic hotties as much as the next guy, but I don't like decreased property values, crime, and people who are diametrically opposed to our progressive ideals (e.g. gender equality, gay rights, freedom of speech, secularism) yet celebrated because they look a little different.
Adamantium Increased Diabolic Seductress?
yeah your retarded buddies and want to talk to you about what you just said
doesn't mean she's not attractive
Especially if he's not in America, outside of which it is truly bizarre behaviour.
i guess it could be but probably not because she is a nigger.
>lighten up
he most likely never had a date in the first place
bit rude desu
just do it , get a pro
because it's cool brah
Curry, pasta sauce style "chili", baked beans depending on spices, spicy as fuck pasta, some beef
I mean living in a low income neighbor just fucking sucks, and its not just blacks, or asians, there are white people as well, and its just filled with poverty, and drugs. There are some very depressing places cities.
who is this semen demon
Wow that is one black negress
That's Wesley Snipes-black
ironically this
sHE looks wholesome
I hope she's a nice girl, black girls whom are nice are way better than freaks desu senpai
in bed
Right off the top of my head Djimon Hounsou is a much blacker actor.
>when you still haven't unlocked your GF as a playable character
>black girl is posted
>/pol/ oozes out of the woodwork
every time. they're like a mold grown over every board in Veeky Forums, making everything dirty and unsanitary.
Running out of safe spaces was bound to happen, cuck.
That picture is so dark, i can't even see where the dress ends and here skin begins.
/pol/ often has black girl appreciation threads actually. But since you've never visited the board you don't know about that.
It's almost as if you're prejudiced about an entire group of people who are in reality very diverse.
And you think those people ought go back where they came from and stay with their own kind.
Sound familiar at all?
>gets their frilly faggot panties in a bunch after seeing even the most casual racism
You really should douche more.
>y-yeah, we derail threads everywhere
>b-but sometimes we aren't so bad!
>you're just prosecuting us
>you're no better than us!!!
shut up faggot
the amusing thing is that "you're no better than us!" is one of the ideas the eternal /pol/tard uses in their manifestos
It's almost like their entire goal is to bring everyone down to their level
Really makes one think, don't it?
>Really makes one think, don't it?
Not if you have an IQ above room temp.
Go parrot your bullshit at your community college. People here have too much life experience to be bothered with it.
Take a look at this thread and say that again.
I'm no fan of the so-called /pol/ posters myself but I'm not delusional enough to think they actually are all from /pol/
Anyone who says "nigger" or "fag" is branded as a /pol/tard now but those words have been thrown around with abandon since Veeky Forums was created.
I don't even see much actual hate towards blacks in this thread. There are some pretty tame jokes about race and a bunch of people saying the woman in the OP is hot. Tell me how that constitutes a /pol/ raid.
>"life experience"
>when everything you've learned came from /pol/
that's called indoctrination
>4 posts in and a /pol/tard already starts trying to derail
Do you have functional eyes, user?
...says the public school educated millennial.
I'm correct about that, right?
>n-no u
Can't even form a decent arguement without his friends in his containment- i mean, safe zone.
Go on and post one of the ten nigger hate infographics you have that supplied your education for all of your adult years.
holy shit, BTFO
You ARE a public school educated millennial, aren't you?
It's rude to not answer a question. Or are you RESISTING XD so epic.
>YEAH, WELL YOU'RE [group I was taught to hate]
Nice ad hominem, but you should also figure out what a millenial is before using the term.
>you ARE a millenial aren't you?
>says the millenial
loving every laugh
the black girl appreciation threads in /pol/ are basically nonracists raiding them posting stuff that will piss them off.
Actually, I think most people notice certain issues with society themselves and go to /pol/ because of it. Not the other way around.
Especially now with increasing censorship on Twitter and Youtube you need to actively seek out anything even slightly right-wing; it will not pop up in Recommended by itself.
Jared Taylor has spoken on this many times. Young whites, especially males, are finally waking up to the fact that they are being systematically taught to hate themselves for something that happened hundreds of years ago and they're sick of it. Recruitment to sites like American Renaissance has never been better and it's not because of "shills" but because people are fed up with the lies and use the Internet to seek out the truth.
Sure, there are some crazies on /pol/, and some LARPers, but a lot of people go there for actual serious discussion. Those threads just don't get screenshot because they're not interesting to people with an agenda like yours.
It was a troll thread from the start, you idiot.
Damn, /pol/tards once again utterly bent over and assravaged!
>>YEAH, WELL YOU'RE [group I was taught to hate]
>Nice ad hominem
This is so ironic. Schools are nothing but leftist indoctrination camps now and ad hominem is the only "argument" they teach their students to use. That's why they'd much rather talk about Trump's hair and skin colour than his politics.
How convenient. If it doesn't fit your narrative you just dismiss it. I'm surprised you didn't say the threads are made by Russian bots.
/pol/ users like yourself are the funniest.
you act like your beliefs are fringe or something, when they aren't. you also act like nobody knows what /pol/ is but a few elite when it's the most trafficked board here.
Want to know what makes you, a kekistani sperg, different from people that hold those beliefs?
They don't spam their inane beliefs everywhere they can, like, say, a cooking board.