Are dairy products bad for you?
Are dairy products bad for you?
If dairy is so bad, why did the first dairy drinkers (Indo Europeans) conquer half of Eurasia. Also, why did the biggest dairy consumers (Europeans) colonize the world effortlessly?
No goyim, drink yer androgens
Not really, dairy's pretty good nutritionally,
but whats really effed are the GD pesticides for all the feed crops. Cattle need feed, and dairy cows get special food to enhance milk production. Aside from grass/hays which would
be normal, they get "concentrates" that contain soy, corn, sugar beets, canola.
"Neonic" pesticides were invented in the 90's and are the cause of "soy boys", transgenderism, low fertility, breast cancer, and all the shit going erong
in the world these days.
We know neonics are killing the bee's, and theyre also turning hims into shes.
Neonics are applied to the seed of corn,
canola, sugar beet and soy. Neonicitinoids are a major major issue.
Neonics are in dairy feed and in dairy products.
Never mind bpa, and plastics, and glyphosphate that causes ceoliac disease and holes in your guts.
its neonics that are shrinking your nuts.
neonics in soy, but its bigger than soy.
>he thinks europeans conquered anything and it wasnt africans before they accidentally left guns for them to use against them after the africans decided to remove all guns from africa since they were already civilized and didnt need weapons anymore in their civilizations
read some history wh*teboy
>Are dairy products bad for you?
Depends on how recently your ancestors started consuming it.
Atrazine is a powerful endocrine disruptor as well. That's part of why you should eat organic.
In addition, a great deal of endocrine disruptors can be found in meat products due to the lipophilic nature of dioxins, alkylphenols, etc., milk included. Milk contains straight up 17-b-estradiol, which is estrogen in itself. But over 80% of environmental estrogens come from poultry/beef urine.
The almond milk consortium spreading propaganda again I see
sounds legit.
Go to bed, Alex Jones.
You know, I set out to find some evidence to prove OPs article wrong. Just because I was under the strong conviction that milk was a safe source, and that xenoestrogens would be broken down in the gastro-intestinal tract.
I seriously wanted to believe this, as I like milk and it's an excellent source of nutrition.
And don't get me wrong, there is some convincing scientific evidence, like
But then you find stuff like this:
Which doesn't have a large enough population to be convincing, but the results should raise some suspicion, to say the least.
I'll definitely have to read more about this.
Well, shit, here is another one:
Mfw taking progesterone and estradiol supposedly can't make you a woman but drinking a glass of milk will do it
In the world where hops can trigger extreme effects of estrogen, actual mammalian estrogen having some effect shouldn't be a shock
Didn't know moobs made you a woman
literally turns kids into malformed faggots
Not very subtle anti-groid trolling but people seem to be falling for it. Good job.
>milk can change XX cromosomes to XY
this is what trannies actually believe
user you failed biology didn't you?
>implying trannies didn't fail biology
Fuck off cuck
did you fail reading comprehension?
XY is male. XX is female
So if I drink hard liquor (maybe some wine) I should be fine right?
CWC was on the soytrain before it was cool.
I wonder if he caused it actually.
>soy sauce
If he thinks that's helping he's a retard. Soy sauce doesn't contain phytoestrogens.
Oh wait, he is a retard.
Cow milk doesn't taste good anyway desu. Almond milk is superior in every way and doesn't go bad in 2 days. If you live alone you will throw out way more milk than you drink if you bother with milk.
Even if something conains phytoesterogens it dosen't change estrogen/testosterone levels...
It actually does, but marginally.
Certainly not enough to give you larger breasts.
Also if he's on hrt then consuming phytoestrogens will just make the hrt less efficient. So it's completely self defeating.
I've never heard about that, do you by any chance have a link or something?
Not calling you out or anything just curious.
Phytoestrogens are like estrogens only they are not absorbed as efficiently by the body. If you are a woman or a tranny then this can actually lower your overall estrogen because the phytoestrogen "blocks" the absorption that would normally take place. Think of it like multiple small cars entering a space between a wall vs 1 big truck. Less cars will get through overall. (kind of a dumb analogy but it's the best I can think of)
I should add that the effects are extremely marginal in both males and females.
Soy is a meme.
I might be retarded but I can't find any evidence of phytoestrogens "blocking" out normal estrogen. The reference on the wiki page you linked just sends me to a book about different drugs impact on sexual functions.
Also we have two different types of estrogen receptors and phytoestrogens seem to bind differently to the two of them.
If you're worried about estrogen, work out more.
>drinking cow milk turns human men into human women
>eating plant estrogen turns human men into soy men
This is one of those things that people think is true by virtue of 'sounding right'. I wonder if fruit was memed hard enough as being 'tree vagina' would men stop eating that too because eating tree pussy injects you with fruit estrogens. How soon could we meme eating female animals into being a 'bad thing' and have bull dick sausage be the only acceptable form of meat for men to eat?
Everything is bad for you.
does loneliness and autism cause weird outburst like this? or is it because you consume soy?
I don't think you've been here long enough to know what counts as an autistic outburst, user.
>ITT: people blaming food for personal failings.
Even if ate condensed testosterone, you'd still be pathetic fags.