Who is letting the craft beer jew get away with selling four packs at the same price, and even more than a standard six pack?
Who is letting the craft beer jew get away with selling four packs at the same price...
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Regular jews
4 packs shouldn't exist in the first place
they are generally just for stronger beer where it makes sense for them to cost more
Also, they are instead of bombers, and 4 packs are so much fucking better than bombers for top tier beer
>craft beer
We aren't all alcoholics.
I buy 4 packs when I'm trying a new beer, that way im able to really try it but not feel like i have to finish a lot of them
yeah. in my area that's actually got a low maximum alcohol content, they only seem to sell the 10% abv beers in 16oz cans in 4packs.
It's me. I'm the one allowing this.
Just go to a bottle shop then
but bombers suck, you end up paying significantly more per volume than with a 4 pack and you have to drink it all at once. All top tier beer meant for distribution should be sold in 4 packs (4-16 oz cans are even better, but 4-12oz bottles is sufficient)
You can buy individual 12 oz bottles
Very few liquor stores do that
Most will have a mix 6 pack section of base tier craft beer for like $9, but very few break down their high tier 4 packs except for the super rare stuff if they are going to limit the bottles per customer to one or two
It's about them charging more for less
4 packs are more expensive because they are more expensive beers, not because of the packaging format. They generally do it because they know most people would rather drop $10 on a 4 pack than $15 on a 6 pack, especially if its a really high ABV beer that people won't drink that fast.
Until relatively recently pretty much no one wanted to go above $12 for a six pack, so for their more expensive to produce beers they just did them in a smaller format. A classic example of this is Bells always selling Hopslam only in 6 packs, and while its a pretty good beer, few are going to buy it more than once in $15 six packs, and fewer people are willing to try it on a whim at that price, so a shit ton of it ends up sitting on the shelves way past its ideal drinking date
>craft beer drinker shows up to party with 4 pack
>wonders why the two guys who each brought a 30 pack of keystone are treated as heroes
>implying I’d ever bring a bunch of plebs actual good beer
If anything I’d bring Miller Light or Lowenbrau
>implying you would ever get invited to a party
WTF kind of parties do you go to?
30 racks are appropriate for small college parties (obviously mid-large sized ones would have kegs of cheap beer), but any adult party should have good beer. No one is going to be excited about your 30 cans of Busch light
>Going to parties
Idk man, a lot of breweries out there shouldn't really be breweries... I'm not gonna be a bitch and be afraid to say it for the sake of my conscious. A lot of breweries out there are turning into commercial, money grubbing ventures pointing fun at the dumbest American's who desire style over taste.
I mean, just because it has a fancy fucking description and it was brewed with dates or flowers doesn't mean it should cost more than $5 a beer. More than $5 a beer should only come with making up for shipping costs on beers from other countries and small time breweries that actually know how to make a genuine beer.
High ABV beers cost proportionally more to make. Regardless of quality or style, it makes a lot of sense that a 4 pack of 10% ABV beer would cost about as much as a 6 Pack of 5% beer
Not to mention that a lot of these 4 packs are barrel aged which is a whole additional layer of costs
Also, what 4 packs cost $20? Thats not really what I was talking about, the vast majority of them are $9-15, usually about $10-12 within that. I drink a lot of expensive beer and almost none of it is that expensive
Biggest kikes in the game.
Who the fuck actually pays ~$10 per 12oz bottle?
Huh, come down here to MS we'll show you excitement pretty boi, and it's Bud Light not Busch, faggot.
Why would you buy Bud Light instead of Busch when they are basically the exact same beer but Bud is more expensive and also primarily marketed to and drank by women?
This is the most redneck post I have ever read
The time it takes to make their beer shouldn't be something the customers have to pay for. Brewers should have seen this, and if they want their beers to sell they should make them affordable, in tap quantities for growlers, tastings, etc.
Barleywine's cost a lot on average, because they're made once a year and it's a hit or miss, and people aren't always down for such high abv beers in large bottles, and no, high abv shouldn't cost more.
Wait until you drink a beer at a bar, or request a special drink like an Irish Carbomb or whatever.
But I hear you bro.
I dare you to go try a fucking beer at Mellow Mushroom. I had Dogfish Head's Olde School from their once and it came in a 10oz. glass and costed twice a much as a 12oz. bottle.
>The time it takes to make their beer shouldn't be something the customers have to pay for
Um, this just isn't how economics works. A brewery isn't going to sell a beer at a loss just because it costs more to make.
Remember, this isn't either or. These brewers are generally both selling base tier craft beer, with a much smaller portion of what they make being high tier craft beer.
This is a really strange attitude on your part, and very strange misunderstanding of how economics work in general, like obviously beer that costs considerably more to make will end up costing more!
>and if they want their beers to sell they should make them affordable
This just isn't a problem. Most of these expensive specialty releases fly off the shelves. If you don't want to pay more for better beer, don't, but most people who like good beer will.
The pricing needs to be regulated on the basis of ABV so all beers are at a fair price everybody can afford without being ripped off. If they take too long to make their beer for their brew to be profitable, too bad. They should have thought about that before going into production. They don't have a right to scam the consumer just because they're not good enough at making it. That's all I'm saying.
good beer is already extremely affordable. This isn't even a real problem. Sounds like you just want to pay less for things in general
Also, regulations of this sort are almost always bad for consumers. I really really hate the fact that some people actually think like that, the pro-regulation, anti-understanding economics crowd
where in the fuck do you think you are, you dumb twat? Of course they wouldn't sell a beer at a loss just because it costs more to make, that's why they up the fucking price and sell in smaller numbers like a bunch of greedy jews, not because it costs more to make, but because that's what marketing is, it's marketing, not economics. Don't fucking argue with me.
At bars, I know they make the most money on alcohol. I grudgingly accept that a pint is way costlier than it should be, especially since I get food along with it. But it should be infinitely cheaper to buy a 4 pack for home than to get four bottles at a bar, or at least be a reasonable splurge. With the prices for a pack of 120 Minute or World Wide, I'd rather just buy a good whiskey.
If I fucking knew that people like your dumbass thought exactly what you believe to be true at this post, I would sell a beer that tastes different from every Ale or Lager out there, make it as cheaply as possible, and sell it in smaller numbers and at higher prices, JUST to make an extra buck.
>if I were a Jew
And NO, specialty releases are seasonals, and I can tell you right now, seasonals aren't as popular as the beers that liquor stores will hold off on buying because they know they sell well. One example for my hometown is Three Floyd's Zombie Dust. It's a basic pale ale that tastes like an IPA, but people shit their pants over it because our greedy liquor stores only buy it once a fucking year despite it being a god damn year-round beer. It's marketing you pretentious twat, not economics.
Not wanting to straight up lose money makes them "greedy jews"
WTF are you talking about? How do you not make these basic economic connections.
Also sure, marketing id definitely part of it, premium prices suggest a higher quality and this is a factor, but it is not the primary factor, in general beer prices are pretty closely correlated with how expensive they are to produce, and I seriously fail to see how this is a bad thing
I genuinely do not understand why this makes you mad, or you think it is inappropriate that a brewery would charge more for a better product that costs them more to make compared to their lighter, more watery products?
It makes me mad, user, because you're arguing like a jackass over something you don't fully understand, and I'm trying to explain to you something so that you might better understand the situation so that we can meet on middle ground. But you keep misinterpreting my argument to further validate your own stance. THEY ARE MAKING MONEY. Because people like you are fucking retarded.
But you keep pretending like you're correct, and correct in thinking that it's okay to overprice a product because it will sell well, or because you think your consumers can't tell the difference between taste and style. You're supporting capitalist greed. You're supporting the collapse and monopoly of a fucking beautiful industry. You sound like a god damn Jew. You don't fucking belong here! I don't fucking care if you're trolling me, get the fuck off my motherfucking board you dumb piece of shit!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>I would sell a beer that tastes different from every Ale or Lager out there, make it as cheaply as possible, and sell it in smaller numbers and at higher prices, JUST to make an extra buck.
If this is how it worked, there would already be people doing it, but the fact is, people who like good beer like stronger, more flavorful, higher quality and therefore more expensive to produce beers
Zombie dust is a great example of artificial scarcity, but its a bad example of being overpriced and whatever it is you are mad about, and its a pretty good beer. They sell six packs for like $10, a pretty reasonable , and on tap its completely normally priced. The scarcity thing definitely helps it sell fast and gets people excited when it shows up
Also, seasonal beers and specialty releases are not the same thing. Most brewers rotate a few seasonal base tier beers because getting shelf space is super competitive and people like variety so by rotating one or two of their shelf spots at the grocery store they can get better sales as people are more likely to buy a beer they like on a crowded shelf of beers they also like if they have not seen it for a while.
Specialty release stuff is usually once a year, or just whenever a brewery feels like it, usually barrel aged or more obscure styles and sold in 4 packs or bombers, generally not in the brewery's primary retail format. For the real hype releases it will be brewery only, one day only, but for most of it they go to distribution and notably do not take up one of that brewery's base shelf spots, usually going into the store's fast rotating specialty area
>I genuinely do not understand blah blah blah
I swear to god you fucking Redditor, I'd fucking kill you if I could. I'd fucking murder you, skin you apart, grind your bones into dust in the wind, burn your organs and skin, and shit on the grave your worthless family buys for you. Holy shit I fucking hate you.
You too. You're useless. Go end it all.
So for clarity's sake if I am misunderstanding. Why do you not think beer that costs more to make should be sold at a higher price?
And why do you keep yelling about jews if you want to be taken seriously, this isn't /pol/?
and now you are saying capitalism is bad? I really hope this is a ruse
The anti-capitalism guy who doesn't like basic economics is calling other people redditors?
This is genuinely amusing
Then, I'd drink a fucking Colt 45 and smoke a blunt to forget my memory of you. Because I don't pay outrageous prices for "quality" beers that I know taste like shit but have a fancy label and are only available every once in a while. Same fucking reason I don't buy Apple. I don't need something to cost more to know it tastes good. I don't need something to cost more to know it has a stronger ABV. I shouldn't have to pay more for a product for any other reason other than limited resources, supplies, and/or shipping. Anything else is greedy garbage and people like you who support this kind of thinking should be ground into mutton sandwiches.
That's the end of it. Enjoy it while it lasts you fucking losers.
>Because I don't pay outrageous prices for "quality" beers that I know taste like shit but have a fancy label and are only available every once in a while
Ok, then don't. But why does other people liking nice, not even very expensive, things make you mad?
>Same fucking reason I don't buy Apple
Terrible example. Apple makes money by heavily marketing good quality things over other similar quality things to mostly susceptible women and selling them at very inflated prices
The exact opposite is beer where the cost very closely reflects the cost to make and the quality of the beer, and almost no money is spent on marketing. I am amazed at how bad this analogy is
Your ideas on economics are really seriously dumbfounding, its hard to believe any adult has such a flawed view on how economics works
"Whaaah! Let's blame all the garbage on reddit, or on tumblr, or on 9gag." What the fuck are you pissed off about? Why are you so triggered and upset?
>I swear to god you fucking Redditor, I'd fucking kill you if I could. I'd fucking murder you, skin you apart, grind your bones into dust in the wind, burn your organs and skin, and shit on the grave your worthless family buys for you. Holy shit I fucking hate you.
lol chill your tits down dude. "Oh, I would do this or that, because I don't like a post on a website." You are a powerless faggot, you're not going to murder anyone, you are weak, and you've got your panties in a bunch trying to act like you're bad-ass. You are not. "Skin you apart"? I guarantee you've never skinned a fish or a chicken. "ooh, look at me, I'm Billy Bad-Ass!"
Chill your tits dude, learn to cook, and stop deriving your identity from a shitty website.
Stop buying craft beer then