>look user, someone brought in donuts! Help yourself!
>what do you mean you've 'already eaten'?
>come on just have one
>What's wrong? you never take any of our food
What the fuck? A donut is like a fifth of the entire amount of food you're supposed to eat in a day, why do people think it's rude not to have an entire extra unplanned dessert in the middle of the day? I understand food can be very social but I feel like they think I'm calling them fat, when I'm not even thin. I don't even like sweets, they're almost always too much.
Look user, someone brought in donuts! Help yourself!
post tits pls
>what do you mean you've 'already eaten'?
>come on just have one
>What's wrong? you never take any of our food
I refuse to believe that these events actually happen.
In any case, just tell them you're diabetic.
>people want to socialize, woe is me!
>i can't be assertive enough for them to fuck off!
make like a banana
Stuff them into your mouth while going
>are you happy now??!?!
>it's so fucking delicous?!?!?
doughnut pieces falling everywhere, as you slam one after another into your gullet.
then finish up storm off to your desk (or wherever the fuck you work) and mutter under your breath
They probably wouldn't want to experience that again, so would avoid asking you in the future.
thow in some uncontrollable sobbing for maximum effect
It's more that I'd rather them understand my polite declining without me having to resort to explaining my diet to a group of defensive obese women who are already nervous I'm not eating the way they are
>HR calls you up around noon
>you're terminated on the spot, security takes you to your desk so you can get your personal things, then escorts you outside immediately afterward
3D women are something else.
hey, no more doughnuts though.
People have insisted I eat before, to a ridiculous extent.
I can squeeze a donut in and splurge for a week if I wanted. Doughnuts though..
Someone gives me a Little Debby or some awful cake doughnut or something that tastes like plastic I refuse, but most of the time I accept doughnuts. But usually people bring the shittiest fucking doughnuts in.
Have you ever considered bring an AK47 into work?
No such thing.
Holy shit I thought I could escape this meme by leaving /k/
Example: if I'm offered this, I'd eat. Even if I ate donuts every day that week, I'd eat. I'd run an extra mile for it.
>i'd run an extra mile
>he doesn't realize that a doughnut has way more than 100 calories in it
I'm all for doing a cheat day every now and then, but high sugar cheats are kind of a waste. They just spike your blood sugar and make you hungry again in an hour.
When I get a sugar craving I eat peanut butter and an apple: at least I get the fiber to slow down the insulin response and the fat to increase satiety. If I'm treating myself, I'll eat some of my homemade dark chocolate with nuts that's higher fat and lower sugar
Yeah you're right doughnuts have a lot more than just 100 calories. It'd take a while to burn it off. I just mean that I just have enough room for it since I can control it. If they were available everyday I wouldn't accept it all the time, but if someone offered me one now I'd say "Yeah sure" the same way some fat guy would. I'm still like that in ways. It will definitely hurt me in the long run if I did it a lot.
I try to satisfy my cravings the same way, I eat a ton of fruit. It's been keeping me going, I just haven't figured out other ways to deal with it. or I'd try to get something that's freshly made. A doughnut off the shelves is a lot worse than a fresh one, but not like that changes it very much.
You need the cheat days and cheat meals, it sounds like you control it pretty well. If you eat clean 100% of the time & avoid all delicious unhealthy foods, you'll binge on it eventually, when no one's around, etc. Its much better for mental health to control that type of stuff.
That's the 80/20 rule I think. Personally, I do work week eat clean as whistle, then one day on the weekend I can have a beer or chocolate or extra cheesy meal. I agree quality cheat meals >>>> shitty cheat meals, I just try to cheat on low sugar high fat stuff. Read my other post about binging if you're curious, otherwise don't worry too much about it bro it sounds like you're pretty good
>A donut is like a fifth of the entire amount of food you're supposed to eat in a day
>his TDEE is 1,000
Shit son, how do you live with yourself?
Reading this gave me chills
I'd just take one, take a few bites while shooting the breeze with the co-workers. Then the uneaten other half of the donut will sit on my desk until I toss it in the trash on my way out to lunch.
Ya'll turn the littlest shit in to huge mountains. Your life will be so much easier when you realize you are the one fucking yourself over, not other people.
>refusing a donut
Literally start going to the gym and stop being a party pooper.
>throwing out food
Don't pick it up I'd you're going to do this. You think people don't notice when you throw away food? They're gonna be even more pissed. Whoever bought those donuts will KNOW, when I buy snacks or something, I always see when people throw it out. I tell people it's okay since it's usually candy, but if I brought in a cake or donuts and someone threw it out I'd get super pissed. That's wasting money.
>>look user, someone brought in donuts! Help yourself!
>>what do you mean you've 'already eaten'?
>taking food you don't want just so you can only half a 300 calorie sweet you don't enjoy, then throw it away
Nah. It's not like it's a huge deal or anything when food is offered I don't want, it's just peculiar how people get kind of nervous when you don't join them for a surprise meal.
> "lmao user the longer you work here the fatter you'll get."
> "I used to be thin like you but sitting at a desk all day every day did this to me!"
just how much does each of those retarded pastries cost
I would absolutely destroy one of those boxes of donuts. I would pack away at least 7-10.
t. low bmi Veeky Forumsizen
They always have donuts at the office on Friday. How df do you eat 600 kcal of sugar at 8:30am and not fall asleep??
I do that too, I thought I was the only one
People say I'm picky and I guess I am when you think about it
>A donut is like a fifth of the entire amount of food you're supposed to eat in a day
according to who?
>why do people think it's rude not to have an entire extra unplanned dessert in the middle of the day
Its usually first thing at the beginning of work, and alos they don't think its rude, just wierd, like when someone goes to a bar and doesn't have alcohol. It just confuses people because donuts taste good and its hard to understand why someone wouldn't want one. Also, most people don't stringently map out their food plan for the day so it being unplanned isn't significant for them
Why is Veeky Forums so gay?
When I worked in an office, the company bought the donuts (or bagels or whatever the receptionist decided to buy that morning). So no, no one would care if you only ate half and tossed the rest. Guess in your eyes I picked up some bad habits.
>I buy snacks or something, I always see when people throw it out. I tell people it's okay since it's usually candy, but if I brought in a cake or donuts and someone threw it out I'd get super pissed.
That's a different matter. If I knew it was your money, I'd just turn you down if I didn't want it. Exception to that being if you baked them yourself, I'm always up to try some homebaked cake or whatever.
Also why do half of the posters here seem like they are terrified of 100 or 200 extra calories, if you are eating healthy they aren't going to do shit to you unless you have some sort of legit medical condition.
Just fucking eat less later if you don't get enough exercise to handle a little sugary food.
people are offering you free, tasty food
Wash it down with a pot of coffee.
I think that's how I'm not gaining a lot of weight. Last time I lost weight I regained it back.. would start with binging on the weekends thinking I could handle it. Nope. Now it's not a binge, it's something small, and that satisfy my junk craving. Hell most of the time it disgusts me to eat junk, just because of how I see things. I know it'll affect me, I'm afraid of having a problem with it, so I actually start to get repulsed by junk food and seeing others eat it and am less turned on by it. I mean if it helps, hell yeah. Glad that's my response. But then sometimes I crave a Big Mac. I haven't fed those cravings, substituted with other stuff. Donuts are one thing but if I find myself eating a Big Mac or something, ESPECIALLY if I'm with someone at a McDonalds (McDonalds is just the example) and at that time I'm craving it, I feel like I'd give in. Only one way to find out..
It's not hard to make one of those designs. They're cool as fuck too. It should be the same as any other eclair
People are pretty crazy. You reacting this way to something that's actually normal is funny, same with me calling it normal. We live in a world where people offer donuts to each other, and where people go to 5 minute drive thrus to spend a lot of money on poor quality food, and so forth.. of course someone's going to be offering free huge calorie pastries. It's like having cake everyday honestly, but it's doughnuts and it's individual so it seems different.
I'm not against it and I don't feel as strongly about it as you do, because it's still about individual choice. I do feel the same about the fact that it's a blind thing in a lot of people's lives, like "yeah sure i'll have a donut" and munch munch whatever. Every day, even, like Homer Simpson. Doughnuts in the morning.. that's a norm. Food culture is weird in a place that specializes in processed goods after all so I'm just accepting it as I get older. 24 now, by 40 when people are getting their burgers through IV I'm going to be ready to look the other way and no longer worry about it anymore. Right now, though, I hate it.
Pic related, 1945. Hand colored photograph. I wonder how many those kids are gonna eat.
Just to add, what felt like cheating yesterday was when I had two pieces of toast with almond butter and some canned peaches at my mother's house. (not a lot of options there)
I have no idea why it felt like cheating, I guess because of the carbs. It doesn't matter if it's sugar or eating a shitton of carbs or some empty calories, its cheating and fills my void for me if I'm eating something that's filling and tasty but that's not really that good for me, or that's a quick cheap meal thats a lot.
Yeah I'm not saying this is some terrible offense or anything, it's more that personally I'm a bit weirded out by how strange some people get when you show restraint at being offered one of the least healthy foods I can think of. It's no big deal that people snack and enjoy their office pastry, it's just I think when someone says no, some of these people realize that not taking a donut is an option they never considered. They like the donuts, it's fine, there's nothing wrong with it, but I can see where turning one down is like telling fat people you bike to work. They might take it as an argument and feel some level of blame. I don't know, I just get surprised at the resistance I get, though I suppose it is an office ritual for some.
Huge insecurities in someone if they were to feel that way because someone refused a doughnut. I just go "nah" or "no thanks" right away, and I always give the impression that this is the end of it. Someone says why not and I say "eh don't feel like it". Very dismissive. I'm dismissing the doughnut and some conversation about it that I don't want
>born just in time to explore the eclair galaxy
not him but some of those donuts are probably approaching 600 calories
I remember being in this exact situation at work. I had an apple betty-styled doughnut.
When I went into MFP to chart the calories, it was like 650 calories. I shit my fucking pants, that's well nigh half my 1500 calorie limit
Looks like tide pods
This. It's like 'oh I was going to have a NY Strip, a baked potato, and mixed vegetables for dinner later, but I guess since you offered me a donut I'll just sit here and eat all that energy in one piece of bread while I'm typing, and be hungry in an hour anyways.
>older sibling really wants to go to this place next week
>probably 400+ cals apiece so I only want to eat one
Which donut should I get?
all of those look bad
flourless powdered so youll end up with negative calories after puking
>and be hungry in an hour anyways.
wtf type of donuts are you eating?
Fuck this retarded bullshit.
honey or chocolate cruller
The high calorie low mass variety. What type are you eating?
/k/ is in every board.
>One (1) old-fashioned
Whoever bought those should kill themselves
Donuts are the superior pastry and people who don't like them or eat them because muh health can eat dog shit instead
god you sound like an insufferable faggot
Pick a dietary concern from pre-diabetic to IBS. Tell them you cheat sometimes and pay later but you really can't right now.
>Eating 800 calories of fried sugar for breakfast
>Working in a factory or field all day doing hard manual labor
>Eating 800 calories of fried sugar for breakfast
>Sitting on your ass all day in front of a computer in an air conditioned office
Foods like the donut were made when Americans needed to eat a shit ton of cheap calories. It became ingrained in our culture and we now continue to eat like that even though we don't need to any more.
Donuts were made because they taste good, and are much more culturally associated with office jobs than labor jobs. You can't put box of donuts out in a factory, nor do you carry them to a field, you buy them and put them in an office or meeting room
You put them in the break room, dumbass. Or did you think factory workers just plonk their fucking meals on the conveyor belt?
Sure its possible, but culturally its more associated with office work than anything else. People that can wander around and snack, unlike rigid factory work
Just say you can't eat dairy, or some shit.
Then again, I legit can't eat dairy (protein intolerance\mild allergy), so I have an excuse.
>culturally its more associated with office work than anything else.
Not really.
why? Do you sperg-out whenever somebody offers you a doughnut?
True, cops even moreso, forgot about that. Nothing makes eating donuts more convenient than having to drive around all morning with basically nothing going on
At my job we contribute ourselves, never actually worked somewhere in which it was the company's money. I'm not sure, average donut is 280-500 calories depending on which ones you get. iced or plain donut should be 300, filled donuts should be 400-500. I go to the gym, but I also don't eat daily or frequently.
Of course if some of these posters eat 3-6 meals a day they'd be nitpicky about a random offered donut. I mean all you have to do is not eat if you're afraid of gaining wait, can't go 24 hours without eating? It's extremely easy.
Binge and purge, user
op has an eating disorder
i will gladly take the free donut as i don't always eat breakfast or lunch every day
>Have a tiny bit of the donut in front of your co-workers making MMMMMM noises
>go back to your desk
>throw it in the bin
>you consumed an extra 50 calories and you haven't made a big scene in front of everyone
was that so hard?
"I'm on a diet"
wow that was hard.
In the gilded age ira you're harkening back to, they literally did, yes.
Hell, when I worked a job a sorting facility in the early 2000s, we did that too. Break was a just a 15 minute window where they turned the belt off and you ate from a sack you brought to your station.
estrogen from all the milk
This happens to me at work quite often
"No thanks, I've been getting a bit pudgy lately and need to watch my calories".
This shuts them up immediately and embarrasses a good 3/4 of your co-workers as a bonus. Doesn't work if you're fat yourself.
>no thank you. Don't wanna catch the die-uh-beetus
I'm not going to put on a fucking play for my coworkers just because they're picky about my diet
I've never wanted to have sex with food before,
first time for everything an' all that