Eating low fat increases obesity rates

Eating low fat increases obesity rates.

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>I read Atkins so i know everything.jpg


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For kicks I like to compare the low fat to regular for calorie differences and I have seen many cases where zero fat has more calories than reduced fat or even the regular kind because they add stabilizers and HFCS and other shit to mitigate the flavor loss of taking fat out

yeah but it's low fat so you won't get a heart attack sweetie

I mean, most things that are marketing themselves largely on the fact that they are low fat should probably be avoided. Fat content of food is just a tiny part of what determines how healthy it is and not a particularly important one

Only if you're not cookingbwhole foods and buying premade, prepackaged shit foods. They replace the fats with sugars and salts to make the foods taste as good as they would with fats.

Ummmmm that's actually incorrect sweetie, heart attacks are caused by not getting enough antioxidants in your diet.

You can trust me, I saw it on doctor Oz and my doctor says I have the cardio health of a triathlete because unlike people who follow big pharma mainstream allopathic "medicine" I don't abuse my body with starvation and keep a healthy 280 pounds on my bones

fat doesn't give you a heart attack, its micro nutrient defences that cause it. empty calorie fast food is the biggest offender.

How do you know you're really hungry? My food cravings often feel like hunger, even when I've eaten so recently that it couldn't be hunger.

Well yeah, look at those “low-fat” and “fat-free” products hambeasts love to devour.

Attached: 6FF2A1B2-1223-4E08-B270-A131118FBC78.jpg (1000x1000, 255K)

The differences between cravings and hunger from my perspective is what you want to eat.

Would you eat anything put in front of you because your primal instinct tells you? Hunger

Do you feel like chocolate, feel like a turkey sandwich? Do you just want to eat because your mind tells you to, not because your primal instincts tell you to? Craving

Anyway, I eat very low carb high fat, much better lifestyle. Highly recommend trying it for anyone out there

What's your point? The image says to leave them in the store.

>micro nutrient defences

He saw it on dr. Oz a dr wouldnt lie

>no potatoes

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I agree with avoiding low fat. Low fat stuff is usually full of sugar or chemicals to compensate.
>potatoes are evil
That part can fuck off
t. bong/irish

>post Powerpoint slide
>arguenment diproved!

>Low fat stuff is usually full of sugar or chemicals to compensate.
Most things are full of chemicals these days you idiot.

guise I'm a doctor, here me out, my new miracle diet
just eat what u were gonna eat anyway and I will spout some nonsense that confirms your partialities and biases. Like meat? Well I say meat-only. Dislike sweets? Sugar be damned!
Stick to this diet and the lbs are gonna just melt right off
now give me money

>empty calorie fast food
You mean the diet that makes your body "healthier" and lose weight if you eat it 3 times a day for every meal, but in moderation?

>No potatoes or grains
I-i'm carb loading mom!

Yep. Eat things your ancestors would recognize as food. That means lots of veggies and fruit, but also real meat. With all the fat that comes with it. Work out to stay healthy.

>My food cravings often feel like hunger, even when I've eaten so recently that it couldn't be hunger.
-triglycerides in the blood stimulate hunger.
-Fat and fructose boost triglyceride levels in blood.
-Therefore, avoid fat and fructose!
-Eat complex carbs with plenty of fiber. Glucose is great for you! Avoid fat, sugary fruit and sugar completely. Eat non fat dairy for protein and other nutrients. Whole wheat breads and beans are my complex carb of choice.

Attached: whole-grain-breads.jpg.838x0_q80.jpg (838x559, 164K)

Marrow too. We developed tools for a reason, use em and dig that gold out of there.

>avoid sugar
I mean avoid sucrose, aka table sugar, which is 50/50 glucose and fructose. Fructose is bad for you!

That is because they jack up the fucking sugar / carbs on it. I'm a ketofag who lost 60 pounds so far it's really annoying the kind of bullshit they try to pull.

Do a water fast until you reach the point of true hunger and then you will know.

No, things without fat are bad for you inherently. Like vegetables No fat, no dice. I like to add coconut oil to my coffee to make it healthier.

I suppose, I steam my broccoli and vegetables with butter and toss some dressing on them and they are fuckin great.

Fast until you die. When your body dries up a bit and rigor rigor mortis sets in, you'll easily lose 5 lbs over a few days of decomposition. Gotta watch out for gas buildup in the stomach, though.

People should really be eating more offal and not just muscle meat.

Does this really work? I'm going to try it.

Not inherently. This is similar to the effect with diet soda. People use the fact that it's "fat free" to eat far more than they need to

no shit because once that fat causes heart disease study came out the (((FDA))) started recommending high carb diets which were just chalked full of sugar and HFCS.

This shit should have been self-evident 25-30 years ago I can't believe I still see the 80-90s shitty dieting tips so prevalent on here. The only reason people are fat is from listening to inept government guidelines

came here to post this

>potatoes are bad

That'll be $15

at the supermarket I go to there is a down syndrome lad that bags groceries and he is probably the friendliest, hardest working employee there

autistic people are hard workers and im not saying that to be mean its just one of their few good qualities

And yet it's these people that are always the fatties complaining about "muh genetics"

High carb diets aren't bad. Potatoes, rice, vegetables, legumes, are all high in carbs and perfectly healthy. Processed shit like whitebread, bagels, muffins, etc, that's a different story because it contains very low nutritional values and are high in calories.

Not where I shop, so fuck you roodypoo peasant.

>Processed shit like whitebread, bagels,
These are perfectly healthy. all wheat is enriched with vitamins and minerals, and has lots of protein too. the carb that is not healthy, imo, is rice.
these are loaded with fat and sugar, so of course they are unhealthy, and should not be classified as carb foods.

They lack fiber.

>go to the store to buy light bulbs
>realize it has "light" in the name
>put it back
>tfw the botnet wants me to live in darkness

I should also add that you should eat food rich in magnesium. The majority of the population is deficient.

potatoes are fucking great for you, one of the best sources of potassium

>No potatoes.
So close to kino.

This. My fat fuck friend does it all the time.

>Yeah, I'll take a Jack's Spicy Chicken, three egg rolls, four tacos, and some onion rings, and a large Diet Coke. And don't forget a lot of ranch on the side."

I used to think that was hyperbole you only see on TV but people really do it.