What the fuck was wrong with people in the 70s?
What the fuck was wrong with people in the 70s?
Women were still doing the majority of the cooking
the US was still a white majority country
You never heard of aspics ? Jellied salad, cold gelatinous things used to be a thing, like from medival through victorian times. Like head cheese. 70/80's were sorta the last hurrah before bone broth recently sorta revived the concept. Gelatine to balance out the aminos in muscle meats, recreate balance found from eating whole animal and not just choice cuts. Fuck avacados though, gross.
>hating avocados
Glad to know I'm not alone
Marketing schemes were the problem. My Grandma still talks about loving lime jello with celery, carrots, and stuff in it. No thanks.
Glad to know I'm not the only faggot on this board
Angry white girl detected
You can't fool me. We all know avocados are strictly a millennial thing. Everybody says so.
>t. Raging homosexual
only wh*tes did this
Don't be mad you creatures couldn't figure it out
what is wh*tes?
its from /pol/ white hating black people use it as a derogatory racist term
Why do people love avacados so much? Shit's gross.
We had this thread about 200 times already you fucking millenial dumbass
but how is being a retarded nigger that can't spell being derogatory toward white people?
Same thing as today. pic related
thanks to jackie kennedy french food was seen as the epitome of fine dining in the 60s and 70s, so we ended up with these charcuterie abominations, where Oscar Meyer lunch meat, Jell-O, and Miracle Whip played the parts of real ingredients
it was an unfortunate collision
You think I'm upset because I can't figure out how to shit into a jello mold?
for god's sake don't pin this on us
Aspics and jellies replaced roasts as impressive dishes during lean times and they stuck around longer than they should have because the 50s were the age of convenience and aspics are piss-easy to make.
>muh sacred plant testicles! sacrilege infidel!
>lean times
There's more to it than just frugality. They used to actually be a rare treat a century ago because gelatin was fairly scarce.
Then, around the 40s or early 50s-ish gelatin started being produced on an industrial scale, supply soared, prices fell, but people were still brought up when it was a special treat, so the perception lagged behind for a while.
The fact that the early postwar era was a fucking wasteland of canned crap and corporate-shilling recipes and that it really was easy and cheap to make didn't hurt, of course.
So was England and they weren't doing this shit
>replying to race bait
It would have been too exotic for England because it had something resembling flavor.
>They used to actually be a rare treat a century ago because gelatin was fairly scarce.
Dessert aspics, maybe. Otherwise an aspic is basically what you get if you boil the rubbery bits of an animal and let the broth cool. Meat jellies have been popular in eastern Europe for centuries.
They are definitely not gross, but they are not worth a premium at all. They should be a regular condiment like tomatoes or onions
Heavy marketing in the 90s.
My mom makes something similar to that but she adds chopped shrimps to it and it's fucking delicious.
No, they were big in the 70s too
England was definitely doing this shit too back then.
Plus tripe, semolina pudding, jellied Hough.