Just picked them up. Was this a good deal?
Just picked them up. Was this a good deal?
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You got raped. HARD.
It was a completely average deal.
so you're going to make hamburgers?
Better had some fat.
Select is the lowest usda tier for beef. Best dress is up nicely for whatever you're doing with it.
>select ny strips
>cook thoroughly
Does all beef in USA say this? I’m Canadian and don’t ever recall seeing this on a package of steak.
"Select" is our lowest grade of meat. OP got raped hard and bought shitty quality meat on top of it.
5,99 for select strips isn't raped, but he did BUY select in the first place...
They look good, but you could just buy a large rack prime rib and portion it out as bone in rib-eyes. I could get ribeyes for only $0.50 more per lb/unit.
>prime rib for 6.50/lb
employee discount at a meat packing plant?
lmao truuuuu
They would be good in stir-fry's OP
Buy in bulk from local butcher
ahh the old local butcher!
Mine gives me free prime rib.
I just let him fuck my wife.
Do you at least watch so you make sure he doesn't abuse her?
no, I make a mean sous vide steak.
So I'm usually cooking for them, he works up quite an appetite.
>"Select" is our lowest grade of meat.
What about chicken selects?
$5.99 for select seems completely normal. Right now I can buy choice strips for $7.99/lb at my local store.
you paid .50/lb over current wholesale pricing.
>buys ribeye and porterhouse cut at the local butcher for $4.99/lb
>$3.99/lb on sale
I feel bad for you people that don't live in farm country. It's like a third world out there, apparently.
>gets meat less than wholesale.
Do you give him handies?
nothing wrong with it.
i'd serve that to any guests of mine and they would love it and thank me. these are people from NY, Midwest, South and SE. just make em right and the value will be there.
>tfw buy whole primals for $10 each at the local butcher
>bought 12 bushels of bull testicles for $12
Feels good not being a coastie
>usda select
That's what my local grocery always has them on sale for. They're normally pretty fatty though, only really use them for asian dishes.
>They're normally pretty fatty though,
select is literally the leanest grade of meat.
Mine will always have big fat strains in the rounder end of the steak
Alright smartypants in this thread, if select is the lowest grade of meat then what's the highest? Where do I find it and how much should it cost?
Cost greatly depends on your area and current market trends.
Prime is usually about 13/lb for ribeye but I'm flyover rural community.
seriously? Select makes it seem like its the top tier, are you telling me I've been bamboozled?
> $13/lb for prime ribeye
Fuck I'm jelly. I'm not even a coastie and that's the price for choice ribeye here. Prime ribeye here is like minimum $17/lb.
Why is it that most strip steaks and ribeyes in the midwest are 5.99 these days?
Did people get tired of hitting more than two keys?
>dont label it
>someone eats it out of the package
>gets sick
>sues grocery store
Dont fall for the expensive meme. Technique is more important than the cut of steak.
me on the left
I have a select grade bridge I could sell you for prime prices.