Have you ever had absinthe user? what are your thoughts/suggestions Veeky Forums?
I have only had North American absinthe. It’s not the same at all. Double alcohol content and not made with wormwood. Gets you drunk as fuck tho.
yes. used to drink it when we were 18 and thought it was cool
tastes like ass
This. It tastes nice too, somewhat like Jägermeister but not disgusting.
Double alcohol content? That would push it over 100% in many cases. It's made to be diluted at the point of drinking, with or without sugar depending on your preference.
No wormwood is a definite abomination, however.
>It's made to be diluted at the point of drinking
this is true. pic related is made in the states and website claims it is made with wormwood. i liked it but no one else i had try it could appreciate the flavor
Authentic absinthe is 35% alcohol. The shit we have here is 70%
Delaware Phoenix is a craft distillery in the Catskills (ny) that makes traditional, and fucking delicious, absinthe - including wormwood. They don't distribute far, but if you can get it you won't be disappointed.
I thought it was illegal?
name a brand you would call authentic
Not anymore
they dropped the ban a few years ago in the us
I've had genuine as well as meme absinthe like Manson's Hamlet Green.
It's alright. If you like root liqueur it's not bad.
I would like to know this too. 35% content sounds way too low to me.
IIRC most are around 45% but you actually dilute it before drinking until it is weak liquor strength ~30%
There's a few Absinthe bars in New Orleans. I went a few weeks ago (Mardi Gras) and they would only serve single servings. The bartender was a bitch, too. Cool story, I know
The first time I ever drank, I drank a ton of a friend's home-made absinthe, with wormwood.
It was a mutual friend's birthday, but he didn't want to drink, so he kept passing his glass to me and I, being an idiot, kept drinking.
It was an interesting experience.
Had this exact bottle. I didn't get super drunk or anything, but I thought it was delicous
It's just strong, licorice tasting alcohol. Like ouzo or sambuca cranked to ten. It has this mystique because of the wormwood that has hung around long after the science proved that it's effects are nil.
It also has a nice color, and the ritual of pouring cold water through a sugar cube to achieve the louche is entertaining.
Agreed, its all about the ritual for sure.
this. buy any french pastis and you'll be happy
anyone saying it's just booze that tastes like licorice has only had shit-tier domestic absinthe like lucid, guaranteed. european absinthes are intensely herbal, with the anise still present but almost an afterthought in some varieties.
try a good la bleue absinthe like kübler, for instance, and have your eyes opened
[spoiler]i do agree tho that wormwood is kinda a meme and any booze with enough wormwood in it to get you high is guaranteed to taste like shit[/spoiler]
St. George is pretty good.
Did you vomit all over his house? I was at a birthday where an individuals first absinthe experience ended with him vomiting in three different rooms and on(not in) a toilet.
The last couple of times I was in Europe I brought home a suitcase full of pic related. Reviews tell me that it's just a cheap and common Spanish brand, but it's better than anything I've tried from the States, at a third of the price.
doesn't make you hallucinate or anything like the myths. imo does not taste good, but i'm not a big anise/licorice fan.
drank it diluted with simple syrup, usually do water over sugar which is the same thing.
Was gifted a bottle from La Valote Martin, a distillery in Neuchatel, Switzerland where absinthe was first created.
Absolutely delicious, definitely the highest quality food/beverage item I own. But I savor it because I'm afraid/wary of drinking any other absinthe in the future and how shitty it'll be compared to the stuff I have now.
I don't care much for peppermint so I hated it right away.
> Be in burgerland at burning man
> Man has absinthe in test tubes
> Offers me some
> It burns on the way down
> 3 hours later I can still feel intensly which side of my esophagus it trickled down and where in my stomach it landed
Surviving bottles from the Belle Époque have ABVs of 65%~70%. They too were meant to be watered down, not unlike cask strength whisky.
you dropped this
Chartreuse is better.
>No wormwood is a definite abomination, however.
You're trying too hard
It's good, but you have to drink it properly. dripped water onto a sugar cube into the absinthe.
also absinthe should really be between 55-85% ABV (that's 110-170 proof)
Had some nice absinthes. The best way to drink them is one part absinthe, three parts cold water. It turns milky white, very refreshing and drinkable.
The effect is strange, gets you extremely drunk while still feeling very clear and able to experience every detail of your drunk actions.
What is repeating a silent E supposed to signify?
I've tried the retail stuff and made my own from everclear, my everclear version tasted better in my opinion but the purchased version tasted much cleaner and had more flavor.
It was pretty good when mixed with orange juice.
I dunno either man, one of my pet peeves with native anglos