What leftovers?
What leftovers?
lol, newfag that didnt know how to properly reply to a thread.
I'm drinking and wasn't paying attention.
Retard alert, repeat retard alert
we've got a hot one, boys.
You idiot. A thread died because you can't reply to a post properly.
Nice thread :^)
>look at how diverse and inclusive I am! I take selfies with women from cultures where the men have free reign to beat them, restrict them from driving, and force them to cover their body lest other men decide to rape me from a sliver of sexy ankle
Are they allowed to show teeth when smiling?
Yes, if they have any.
Isn't that the German chick who hitchhiked across some middle eastern country to prove how good the culture was and got raped and killed like a month into her trip?
Is this something that happened?
And then there were all those Germans who got raped by refugees but didn't report it because they didn't want to media to demonize refugees. German women must be the craziest.
Pippa Baccu and my mistake she was Italian not German. Does look like her alot though but I'm not sure it is
Pic didn't upload
that was a northern italian woman
look at the shirt, two sands of the same nigger
>isn't this something that happened?
Yes, in the fevered brains of neo-nazis /pol/tards. In the real world? No. You really must go back to your barbed wire containment
i dare you to point out one single person on this board who isn't a hot flaming retard
that guy with the dog who makes shine and doesn't clean his house
i missed out on that and i spend every waking minute here
Sorry that an a news report of an actual event upset you so much. I guess her sexual assault and unsolved murder shouldn't be reported on or talked about because it isn't politically correct and might hurt some liberals feelings by going against what the media has told you that Muslims are all good people who never do evil things?
recent thread, cooking sauce instead of sauce... well you know
That gif is nice.