Do any Brits here know if there is a low caffeine version of coke?
Do any Brits here know if there is a low caffeine version of coke?
There's that gold Coke, which is caffeine free. It's not often sold, and maybe they've stopped making it now.
Caffeine free Coke is available in the US. Is that picture real!?
The caffeine free stuff tastes awful though
In america they sell diet no caffiene coke, but there isnt full sugar no caffiene coke anywhere that i can find
What constitutes a high caffiene drink anyway? Coke isnt one. I can understand energy drinks and coffee, but sodas?
I knew the sips memeing would go too far
It’s good that they banned high capacity caffeinated drinks. For the children. Nobody needs more than seven milligram of caffeine!
>High capacity assault caffeine
>Delivers more than 30 buzzes per hour
>Ban the soda
Oh wait.
Off the top of my head I think it's only Waitrose doing this and it would only affect a number of energy drinks, not Coke
>Boots is also joining supermarkets such as Asda, Waitrose, Tesco and the Co-op in introducing the rule
The taste difference is barely noticeable. If you were blindly given caffeine free Coke you likely wouldn't even know any better.
They ought to ban eggplant/aubergine too, since it has trace amounts of nicotine in it. For the Children™, of course.
Das a racist restriction, much like voter ID laws since negroes traditionally reject the notion of having any sort of identification.
That's just sad.
You only think this because you don't know how to cook.
Faggot doesn't even brew his own cola
Now what am I supposed to boil my ham in?
It exists. It comes in gold boxes.
Have mommy buy the soda for you.
>drinks containing more than 150mg of caffeine per litre to under-16s.
Coke doesn't fall under this.
Welcome to nanny-Europe.
We're going to have to card you for that plastic picnicware, but stoning your sister for getting raped is a-okay!
Is there any downside to drinking that?
Could Britain BE any more of a nanny state?
Fucking britcucks lost their nation to invading sand niggers and their dear leaders won't let them have guns, knives, or soda
You forgot TV tax.
No, but it's very hard to find in most areas.
Yeah because God forbid w e try to tackle the health issues in our society, instead of letting the state literally push unhealthy products on us.
God save the queen.
What is a 15 year old to do if he/she wants to make a Coke cake?
I'm sorry, which government is forcing their populace to buy soda? What?
We’re all so impressed by your irrelevant trivia, user.
Shouldn't you be more worried about BREXIT or your Muslim takeover rather than young teenagers buying carbonated beverages?
Maybe if you encouraged healthy and delicious food, and the fun that comes with exercise, instead of trying to prevent access to things then your society would be better off. Prohibition doesn't work, never has. Education and encouragement is the path.
Someone please post that billboard with government billboard with the giant eye saying we're watching. Britain is hilarious.
>I need my ID to buy groceries
Well done Britain.
We're all so impressed that you sarcastically stated how you're impressed.
Wasn't that just for halloween and that's why it says autumn on it?
the absolute state of britshits
Not that guy but he is probably referring to the corn subsidies in the US, which mostly benefit products that rely on high fructose corn syrup (like most American sodas).
The government doesn't directly force people to buy it, but they do saturate the market with it and make it cheaper than water. The result is that more people buy it.
Your personal decisions are not as perfectly autonomous as you delude yourself into believing. It doesn't matter how smart you are. You are gullible. And it's a governments duty to put checks on the exploitation of that naturally human trait.
Sounds about right. You're a pretty reasonable guy after all.
Irrelevant. It was pushed by the police on fucking groceries.
I'd be really fucking pissed if I walked two miles to the grocery to pick up eggs or something and walked two miles back empty handed. Britain has some serious civil rights issues.
That's exactly what I meant.
And we do also educate and promote sports and healthy eating. There's basically a whole department of government which does that sort of thing.
Yeah because everyone knows the government knows best.
How about you just, you know, take personal responsibility and not be unhealthy? Why do you need bit mummy bing bong to tell you what to eat and drink? Are Yuroshits too dumb to think for themselves?
>britcuck ITT unironically defending their nanny state
>Britain has some serious civil rights issues.
How is that civil rights? Does the owner of the store not have the right to do as they wish?
underage ban
The results speak for themselves. It's not a theoretical question. Corn subsidies have contributed to the obesity problem in America. You can dance around it all you want and say "people should just not get fat, problem solved!" but that won't do anything to address the problem. You are so attached to your individualist ideology that you have blinded yourself to obvious facts.
Get pressured by police to not sell food?
How the fuck is that rights?
So you're saying that the shopkeeper should be forced by the government to sell something he doesn't want to? Maybe his own house got egged by teens and he's bitter about it.
Yes, surely a collectivist mentality without the will of expression, where your existence is replaceable if not outright meaningless, is far better than having some sort of individuality.
Perhaps because no one has the will to control themselves we should put them all under the complete authority of the government, for their own good. Because that's always works out. I mean sometimes worked out. I mean, that one time it worked out. I might, it might work out this time.
You naive idealistic child.
I think it's shit anway but there cannot be that many kids that buy their own fucking groceries and were actually affected by this.
Except that doesn't work does it? According to you we don't need any law at all because people know better than to do bad things.
Hilarious how SEETHING the new worlders are.
Then he should shut his store and stop discriminating based on age; refusing to sell a non-regulated product to one party but not another. That's a crime here.
Whereas in Britain it was being encouraged.
You are just talking to yourself now, man. I never said any of that stuff. Enjoy winning the argument inside your own head, I guess.
>Then he should shut his store
So you think the government forcing shopkeepers to go out of business is greater freedom than letting them decide how to run their business?
Lots of kids get lunch money that they could choose to spend on soda instead, which is what happens, but that's generally from a news agents, not a supermarket.
Also, this isn't a law, it's an initiative being undertaken by select supermarkets, private enterprises.
I was talking about the eggs and flour thing, but you're right, soda is more relevant to kids.
Sorry, energy drinks.
Was that the picture of the poster?
I'm pretty sure that was the only poster like that in the country, probably put up by local council at the request of local schools. I feel like it's not even a thing, let alone the big deal people are trying to make it.
Discrimination is illegal. Unless it's illegal to sell the product to a party, it's discrimination.
Selling but not a person because of age, gender, race, nationality, handicap, religion, gender preference, etc is illegal.
So yes, the government should be forcing them to sell groceries unless a law to sell groceries to minors is passed. This is how rights work.
Yeah you're talking bullshit mate, flour and eggs are not civil rights issues.
Pretty sure if you refused to sell flour and eggs to brown people you'd be up to your eyes in lawsuits and death-threats right now.
Ageism is illegal in the US.
>he can't counter that argument
I live in obesity country and I can guarantee that I out-lift faggots like you, have some responsibility in your life.
You are obviously not a lawyer. The actual law around that is more complicated than you seem to think (that's why the "gay wedding cake" case went all the way to the SCOTUS). Illegal discrimination is only that which targets specified "Protected classes" in the US. Race, religion, national origin, and sex are broadly protected classes. Same for veteran status, marital status, disability, and pregnancy. Age is often discussed as a protected class, but by statute "age discrimination" is only about old people, not teenagers.
For example, housing is one of the most closely monitored areas for discrimination. Yet, in a college town you will see hundreds of rental listings that specify "no undergraduates." That is not illegal age discrimination.
This entire post screams of autism.
Strange how defensive your getting over the suggestion that maybe the government Shouldn't meddle in the everyday lives of citizens. I bet you're afraid that next I might suggest your gibs be taken away.
Literally what the fuck are you on about man? I'm not "countering your argument" because you aren't even talking to me. I don't have the opinion you seem to think I have, so why would I "counter" you?
And no one is forcing to buy those sugary food, even for those fat americans. Again take some responsibility in your life faggot.
If I ran a store and put up a sign saying I wouldn't sell flour and eggs to niggers I would be run out of town on a rail.
What does it have to do with my life? I'm thin and don't drink soda or caffeinated drinks.
I'm answering ridiculous and childish arguments with an equal response. Also I'm bored and shitposting, what do you want from me.
Race is a protected class, 16 year olds are not. I don't know about UK law but it's probably similar.
But who will build the roads?
Right, well that's not what's going on though is it?
At the point this thread seems less about US vs. UK and more about seeing how big of a mountain can be made of this molehill.
Age is a protected class.
Amazing that you view the suggestion that people take personal responsibility for their own health as a "childish argument". It sheds some insight into the bong mentality.
>more about seeing how big of a mountain can be made of this molehill.
Yeah, so much of this meaningless shit is propagated just to get a reaction out of people. I guarantee that image came from social media. It's "outrage clickbait."
Look at the link I posted. The statutory basis for age as a protected class is protection for people over a given age, not under. In the US children basically don't even have constitutional rights. A kid doesn't have broad freedom of speech at school, for instance.
Then whats your point for rambling in this entire thread? How much did the UK gov pay you?
Not that guy, and not britbong, but it is a childish argument. You are basically saying "not my problem." You aren't proposing a real solution at all, you are just shrugging it off and expecting a pat on the back.
>But who will build the roads?
Your tax money cuck ;)
You are insane brother. Yes, the government of a foreign country is paying me the big bucks to post on Veeky Forums. Fucking what?
I don't eat like shit, I found my own solution, if you can't come to.that solution yourself you deserve to die of beetus. The government Shouldn't be spending tax money telling people not to be retarded.
Hahahaha oh wow.
Son is that an egg you'r? HANDS IN THE AIR!
Like I said, I'm thin and I don't drink soda. What does that have to do with anything? Public health is a real thing. The results speak for themselves.
>literally buying whole foods
>not as perfectly autonomous
Everyone is this what brexit cuck looks like, literally too stupid to make his own decisions.
Ok, exactly, one local police initiative , big deal. If a kid came in with a shopping list given by his mum they would clearly get served. If it's 8 boys wearing costumes, probably not.
Everyone knows only Israel and Russia does this.
I guess that much is true. But not on Veeky Forums. The paid trolls just start threads on /pol/ or /b/ and mostly don't even stick around to post in them.
Fuck me, I don't have the strength to reply to you anymore.
I'm going to bed, God save the queen.
Jesus Christ newfag fuck off. /b/ isn't even relevant on this site anymore.
These are nothing more than common sense grocery laws, user.
go back to lereddit faggot.
The Russian trolls post there because they are newfags, not me.
Say that to my face motherfucker not online see what happens
Meh, I'm an American and it makes sense to have age restrictions on soft drinks given the consequences of childhood obesity.
We should tax them more just like cigarettes and try and better educate the public more too.
Public health is important. It's funny that we're criticizing the UK when we spend more per capita on public health, still lack universal healthcare, and have the worst healthcare outcomes almost across the board than any industrialized country.
Until we have a better idea, we should adopt a successful multi-payer model like Germany's and simultaneously do more to tackle obesity and malnutrition. But restricting sale of soft drink, taxing empty calories, changing our agriculture subsidy framework to skew a bit more toward fresh fruit and vegetables, and doing more to educate folks.
>buying sodas is a crime for children
Common sense mate
But that's full communism mate! Literally worse than gulags. People should just not get fat, problem solved!
If that's the case then why don't you let the government to drop literally everything? Go full 1984, eat govement regulated nutrient slop for every meal, work the mandated 16 hour government work day, do your mandatory government exercises and then your government regulated bed. Surely that would vastly improve public health.
>literally banning cokes
kek, is there no such thing as parenting in bongistan
>i don't have an argument against my oppressive government so I'm just going to blow you off and claim a moral victory
Have fun living in a Brave New World, you bootlicking cunt.