Living on a vegan diet makes sens-
Living on a vegan diet makes sens-
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>Vegans: forcing their dietary choices on things that cant decide for themselves since 1944
I hope that fox got taken away from that lunatic.
the absolute state of vegans
/an/ regularily has threads about how to feed your pets and theres always a bunch of Anons in there defending vegan diets for pets, saying its healthier for them.
Its time for a good gassing.
wow. I had a neutral opinion on vegans until seeing this article.
How can every single vegan in the world do this to their pets? Don't they have any logical reasoning abilities? Why would they abuse animals like this?
Vegans are mentally fucking ill.
>Using one idiot as a strawman
>Shitty filename
>Daily Mail
>Female writer
damn I should get one of those cooky foxes
>stupid roastie virtue signals so hard she kills an animal in the name of animal welfare
Women were a mistake.
Vegans look weird. Why are her ears so big? And why does her pet have such puffy lips?
women per se weren't a mistake, letting them decide things for themselves was
>Don't they have any logical reasoning abilities
No, thats when they are vegans
Good, I hope she gets whats coming to her
They're so puffy full of collagen and Botox that presumably they'd be too limp to properly clench onto your penis shaft
They shit everywhere
that's fine I've got a roomba
The irony here is that fox will probably live much longer than average because of low muscle mass
The poor thing is literally Auschwitz mode, what the hell are you talking about?
she should never have been allowed to own that creature
srsly dont udnerstand why people (both vegans and carnists) insist on owning another animals just because it looks pretty
And the absolute kicker is that fennec foxes can eat insects for their protein. This lady fucked over that fox to save the lives of a few crickets.
Seems like this is more of a f*male problem, than a vegan problem
Not if you don't feed them.
Women really don't care about anyone or anything but themselves.
Why weren't her parents vegan ?
>implying those aren't directly connected
Have you ever met a male vegan even? The only one or two I have ever seen were only doing it for sex with a vegan women
Yeah and the majority of it's time will be spent sleeping or immobile.
I met a male vegan who was "doing it for the economics". Said it was impractical to feed animals then eat them, you're wasting the feed.
He was probably autistic.
women are also always the most progressive and left-wing cunts out there
most vocal too
letting them vote... that was the moment western civilisation doomed itself
>eat vegan because you say you care about the animals
>sexually abuse their pets
I'll never understand women
What do you mean by sexually?
This is most clearly demonstrated when Americans started allowing women to vote and they basically immediately passed prohibition and genuinely believed that since it was such a progressive idea that it would work
Lots of people do that. The economic calculation has an environmental impact as well.
Some people in the third world are mostly vegan and are "doing it for the economics".
If it's one thing women are good at, it's pointing out flaws in other women.
Fuck off meatcucks.
DOGS didn't evolve to eat meat. A vegan diet IS healthier for dogs, this is essentially a proven fact at this point.
Did you know that dogs in the wild live 30-40 years yet domesticated dogs only live 15 years? This is because we feed them meat and they cannot digest it. This is a true proven fact. You can deny it but you are just reeling off breeding industry lies. I know this because my parents had a dog when I was born, and it was 30 when I was born and lived another 10 years eating a plant based diet. Yes, I have been vegan since I was born. And I am happy about it too. Babies that don't eat meat actually have a POSITIVE effect on global warming, because the processing of plants into soft baby food involves discarding the fibre from the crushed plants into nature which acts like a fertilizer and the plants that grow absorb more carbon dioxide, I have know this since I was 5 and sometimes eat only vegan baby food to reduce my environmental impact for a few months
Dogs also understand empathy and we know this from years of interacting with them. That means that dogs have moral agency and understand suffering. If you have ever watched a documentary about farming with your dog in the room then your dog KNOWS ABOUT FACTORY FARMING and you are forcing your dog into depression with something it knows is morally disgusting.
This dog is healthy as fuck. I bet it won't get cancer or have a stroke either.
>get pissed off at this headline
>don't feel anything towards this headline
Is there something wrong with me bros? Is it wrong I care more about that fox than some baby?
Bearing in mind that women's lib at the time was predominately headed by puritans. Prohibition was progressive in the technical sense, not in the sense of enforced liberalism that is meant by the word today.
It's not a dog.
We all know girls have sex with their pets. They're depraved people.
perfectly normal
babies are fucking disgusting
baby animals on the other hand are kawaii
My cat's sometimes try to eat plastic is that vegan and natural?
>Bearing in mind that women's lib at the time was predominately headed by puritans
Still kinda is, any man who wants to have sex or makes any act toward showing interest in sex is considered bad by modern feminists
>not eating meat to accelerate the death of this godforsaken planet
>Prohibition was progressive in the technical sense, not in the sense of enforced liberalism that is meant by the word today.
Its very in line with modern progressive feminine thinking. Modern progressives are trying to ban soda and shit, its the mindset that you know better than others and because of that you should use the government as a tool to control others lives "for their own good"
My cat ways ropes, which is fiber, which is natural & organic which is good.
Honestly the mistake was giving blacks the right to vote as that is what made women jealous enough to want it. Most 1st wave feminists and all of feminism has it's roots in white supremacy
>1000 lynchings a week or more if necessary
desu maybe we should ban soda to stop fat kids
I am a meat eater and I have convinced a rabbit to take a bite of beef jerkey. Am I as evil as the lady in the OP?
Or maybe parents shouldn't allow their kids to drink so much soda.
Do you guys see how many of these fucking websites, blogs, and channels have made reports on this one girl? This is unbelievable. Why wouldn't someone just file a report to Animal Services and just be done with it? Jesus fucking christ.
Assuming you didn't attempt to feed the rabbit nothing but meat permanently, no.
Thats literally the thinking that lead to prohibition, the biggest mistake in American history
They can't help it, they're stupid
And not fedora "stupid" like 70 IQ stupid
She's in Spain. They have dick all animal cruelty laws there.
Filing a report doesn't give that e-celeb drama ad revenue
Not possible unless you restrict the sale of soda to people over 16. Parents won't have any real control of soda intake otherwise.
pretty much this
Vegans are a disease.
While it's acceptable to consume animals as a means to feed yourself; it's wrong to torture them as a means of self-justification. She is being hilariously hypocritical by harming the animal far worse than she would be by just eating the poor thing.
I'm not sure if she's displaying sociopathic tendencies not empathizing with the animal's suffering or is simply so fucking delusional that she thinks its suffering is natural.
If prohibition didnt happen we never would have had JFK and I never would have gotten to watch a guy get his head blown off in school
I'm fairly certain she probably believes her own bullshit about a vegan diet being suitable and that fox is getting all the nutrition it needs.
Why are her and John Sarkars the archetypal vegans and literally no vegans exist that variate from this type of person?
You realize that almost no one has jobs before turning 16, kids can only get significant amounts of soda if their family allows it
You've got bigger parenting problems if your kid is sneaking around you to buy soda.
How is Fantano a vegan yet has the body of a fat midwestern child?
so your plan is to not allow your children to handle even enough money to buy one soda? Like, on an average day, they're walking around with zero money on them?
This must be bait.
Why would kid have money on them? My mom always held my money when I was a kid & I'd ask her for it if I wanted to buy something.
He secretly drinks his wife's African titmilk on the side
>probably live much longer than average
No, fennec foxes need 500 mg of taurine a day, and Jumanji is getting about 100 mg a day, based on the food it is being fed (Ami brand vegan cat food.)
Information on long-term taurine deficiencies
Hairless photos are from 2015. Sonia Sae (Sonia Sae Vegan on facebook) posted a video recently of a healthy weight fox. I'm not saying it's healthy, but it isn't hairless, emaciated, or covered in sores.
They would have money in case they need to buy something and their mom isn't there. Were you homeschooled or something? How is it possible you never once had a situation where you needed money and your mom wasn't there? If nothing else I always carried a little money for lunch each day. I would also sometimes ride public transportation.
No, I plan on not being a shitty ass parent who needs to stoop to that level, but if you were such a bad parent that you kids would not stop constantly buying soda I guess thats the next step
Remember, kids are with their family almost all the time, if your kid is secretly buying enough soda to get fat in the limited time they are on their own thats just bad parenting
What kid would spend their money on soda?
Is there any proof it's the same fox anyhow?
I always had money on me as a kid, but I didn't replenish it fast enough to buy enough soda to get fat on
all of them
That user probably didn't/doesn't live in a city.
One whose parents ban it completely from their house?
>One whose parents ban it completely from their house?
It is most likely Jumanji. Sonia Sae acquired Jumanji in 2014 before Spain outlawed the ownership of Fennec foxes in 2015. Jumanji was grandfathered in.
Can't think of a situation where I would need money as a kid. If I had plans with friends to go somewhere I would tell my mom & she would give me the amount needed.
she should have the fox taken away just for the fact that she named it jumanji
You're never going to have kids because you're obviously incredibly autistic, based on your apparent belief that you can control what your hypothetical kids will do when you're not around. Autists like you are obsessed with rules and become incredibly upset when people break them, so it's a good thing no real children will be hurt by you.
Soda's not expensive, user. Why wouldn't a kid buy soda if it's the only way they get to drink any? Especially considering forbidding a kid to have something is a great way to increase the appeal of that item.
>Can't think of a situation where I would need money as a kid.
> If I had plans with friends to go somewhere I would tell my mom & she would give me the amount needed.
In other words you can very easily recall situations when you needed and were given money as a kid.
She looks like she lives on a semen diet
Yeah, things that were planned ahead, not times when I randomly needed to have $30 on me
So your mom gave you exact change, and verified that every penny was spent on what it was supposed to be?
You're telling me everyone didn't have an autistic thinking process as a kid.
>soda cost $1
>if I don't buy one I can save that $1 a day for like 2 weeks and buy a video game
>never want to buy soda because it doesn't last long and I could have a video game instead
Children should be given an opportunity to learn about finances early in life. There is an important life lesson to be gained from a limited income in return for household chores, the freedom to spend that money, and some parental advice about the value of an effective budget if they ever want to save up and buy something special.
Kids are impulsive, plus you really cannot overestimate the whole "Mom said I couldn't have this, but I'll buy it anyway!" angle.
Pretty close, she would give to the nearest dollar. I would only ever have spare change left, even that I would give back to her.
I agree with this except for the household chores bit. There should be a clear distinction between most chores that must be done because you are a member of the household and everyone needs to contribute and optional tasks that can be done for extra spending money.
That was my thinking too
Except ultimately that's all bullshit. A kid isn't spending his own money on things he really needs, unless that kid has horribly negligent parents. A kid already has everything he really needs, and any money he has can therefore only be spent on toys and crap.
Sure, he could save up his money to buy something big, but whatever it is is just going to be an even bigger stupid toy or some huge piece of shit he doesn't need and that will distract him from school.
Smart kids. Smarter than some adults I know.
>Children should be given an opportunity to learn about finances early in life
For sure, and any will quickly learn that buying the large quantities of soda required to get fat is a bad decision
I don't know. Maybe. As long as they don't just receive the money as some sort of God given right.