I have a honey pot with a slot in the lid for the dipper. If you use one of those, how do you keep ants out? Are they not intended for storing honey?
I have a honey pot with a slot in the lid for the dipper. If you use one of those, how do you keep ants out...
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Vasoline around the bottom or a ring of cinnamon
Why do you have ants in your house?
I'm actually staying in an ant hill right now but I don't want to share
Borax around your door sills. That and a boot kills everything.
put your honey pot in a honey box.
They are for serving honey, not storing it
That image and the thoughts associated with it made me taste and smelly honey a bit. Thanks for this thread OP.
Just go to home depot and get the proper gel bait and house perimeter spray, it will cost you $12 and the big spray jug will last 3-5 years
>Not wanting ants in your honey.
It's like you don't want more protein for gains bro.
ur mom has a slot in her lid for my dipper
I don't have ants. I got one of those pots years ago from my grandparents, and wanted to use it, but I wasn't sure if it could be used for honey storage.
How gross is your house that you have ants
ay yo, buddy you thick? you stupid or something?
it's THEIR ant hill I just don't want them eating MY honey
Honey pot, you say? I have a bunch of machine gun sears I want to sell. 100 ea OBO.
It isn't YOUR honey it belongs to the bees you thief!
alright alright keep it shady, man I'm not living in an ant hill for the view
Did you try writing your name on it so the ants know it's yours?
even if they could read, which they can't... they're ants... there's no electricity and slim natural lighting
Idk man, I think they're smarter than they let on. Organized, efficient.... they're borderline German
And communicate using scent.
You must pee on the jar, make them know who owns it.
What if I just mix borax into the honey?
This guy's onto something, piss on the honey OP
I'm diabetic though, my little lock stepping homeboys would be drooling at the thought. they already spend too much time sniffing round my old briefs as it is
>I'm diabetic
Honey is alright for diabetics? you sure?
well... it's... well... but it's so sweet
Those genetically being bugs closely related to Jews
Ants are the one goddamn thing that always manage to get into my house. Never had roaches, spider here and there, never found mites in my flour/rice, occasionally get those little flies. Fucking ants though.
I keep my honey in a large mason jar and my zipper in my utensil drawer.
According to the Chicago Tribune, ammonia will only kill limited numbers of ants.
ants get literally fucking everywhere, especially if you live in the SE US. last time i was in florida, i got some cookies, and forgot them on the counter overnight, they were covered in ants the next morning.
I have ants in my pants
Underrated post