>visit England
>they have entire sections of their stores dedicated to America
>they’re willing to pay 10 £ for Oreos
Is this why you people are perpetually assblasted around here?
Visit England
It's an obsession tax.
I mean American stores usually have a whole aisle for Italian, Goya, and Asian stuff respectively but then again we don't constantly try to tear down those cultures because we are as a society bros like that
All of Europe is like that.
i haven't once seen any of these in belgium
All of these are questionable,what is american sauce and dressing?
>tfw your mommy brings you obama-fingers instead of chicken tendies
>the UK has versions of oreo I have never seen in America
double stuffed is the only version I recognize
If I were you I'd be more upset that our view of your entire countries food is essentially biscuits.
What does American sauce taste like?
I've never seen an "Italian" aisle. I've seen pasta aisles, which tend to have several varieties of pasta sauce at once end, but nothing labeling it as an Italian aisle. Goya products and Asian stuff is generally contained in one "international" aisle.
There are imported goods and things all over the stores, but for the most part they don't have their own aisles. They're where you'd expect them with their local counterparts.
>Not a speck of dark meat.
Here in TX they each get separate aisles think it is more due to the fact that there is a massive Hispanic population and Vietnamese population in the city and Italian is code for 'northerner' since there are barely ant Italian restaurants here but my friends tell me up in the Northeast they are super common
it tastes like semen
This photo was taken in a novelty store, by the way, not a standard supermarket.
Someone please dump more pics of these American aisles. I gotta know what kind of shit the old world thinks is unique to us.
Why import regular Coca-Cola?
>regular Coca-Cola?
my burgtastic friend, there's a huge difference between coke from the US and the rest of the world, even you must know this. Ever heard about mexican coke, where they actually use sugarcane to make it instead of that sweet sweet HFCS that you guys love so much? Guess what, using actual sugar is on par with every single country except the US. So drinking the diabetes-inducing swill you call a coca-cola is a novelty for everyone else.
I'm aware of the differences between sweeteners used. Also the Hellmans mayonnaise in that pic isn't very good.
>Be Murrican
>New Mega Grocery opens
>Has "International Foods Aisle"
>Most sections are legit import foodstuffs
>British section is all Arabic labeled shit, halal, and hummus
Brits BTFO
The mint ones are pretty good, I've found them in multiple supermarkets like Acme and Shoprite
>Be Murrican
>New Mega Grocery opens
>Has "International Foods"
>chocolate hazelnut Oreos
The reason they are more expensive in Europe is because unlike Amerifats, who literally eat oreos as a meal replacement for at least one meal a day, europeans eat sweets as a once in a while treat.
So, it makes more sense to price something at 10$ when it is rarely bought ie only bought for the rare occasion of enjoying a dessert. Also, euros are more willing to pay because like mentioned, it's a once in a while treat.
On the other hand, if amerifats see that oreos cost $2.00 whereas twinkes cost $1.50, the amerifat will choose the box of twinkies because anything more expensive than 3,000 calories per dollar is too expensive. because amerifats are cheap as fuck and eat oreos every single day, it makes sense they are cheaper in burgerland.
>it's not funny
That's where you're wrong kiddo
But say you had a choice between a packet of Oreos or two quality $5 pastries.
this logic makes no sense
Amerimutt logic rarely does
>Be Britbong
>Do this on a daily basis
In everywhere in Asia, a box of Oreos costs between a dollar and two dollars, while chicken breast might cost 6 to 8 dollars per kg
source: I live in Starcraftia
It's probably a copy of Big Mac sauce.
That's an American candy store not an American section in a store. One of you fat fucks probably moved over here but missed your 14,000,000 calorie stuff so opened this shop up. Unfortunately your government contined to fuck you over even now so charges you ridiculous import tax and you have to charge £10 for a bag of Oreos. Then you realise only your fellow fat fuck ex pats and a few hipsters want to pay £10 for Oreos so you go bankrupt, close your shop down and go back to the states with your tail between your legs and buy your Oreos with food stamps like everyone else
We do the same. For some reason we get the BIG brands at our grocery stores. $4 for a box of PAD THAI rice noodle.
It's dumb but i'm fairly certain a large percentage of people are oblivious the the 3+ Hmong/Asian stores in our city.
In my local Tesco, all of the US products are stocked besides the Jewish products.
What did Tesco mean by this?
>they’re willing to pay 10 £ for Oreos
They're right, mint oreos are the fucking shit.
some stores have american sections
it's because tourist mutts can't cope with regular diets so all the fat and sugary crap they're used is made available in their very own containment zone
I barely see anyone buy stuff from those sections
it's most frozen stuff, candy, and sauces, so fairly accurate american diet
>Europeans eat sweet once in a while
SOME halal meat eaters won't go near it. Not all
Muslims virtue signal like a first week vegan. Just a bunch of them.
its these kind of shops, loads of pop tarts flavors and stuff but too expensive
Here's Japanese Krispy Kreme running an American promo.
I assume these doughnuts weren't actually served in the American locations.
>scottish friend of mine brings up irn bru
>check the Publix I work at
>they sell them
>$3 for 16.9 oz bottle
>fuck it, buy one
>this is actually good
>end up buying out entire inventory
>in our entire district
>no idea where to get more
the smartphone app linked to our inventory said "next shipment in >45 days" but now the entry is gone entirely. I'm not ever going to get Irn Bru again.
They're called international aisles, nigga. Most big supermarkets have them, and they'll have a section for a few different types of ethnic foods.
The mental gymnastics in this thread are hilarious. Enjoy the new tariffs bongs.
>American Candy
Just looks like cereal, drinks, and cookies. That is more like an American breakfast store, fucking retards
If I went in there looking for skittles or reeses' and this is all they had I would raise Hell
Publix orders anything you want. Just go talk to the customer service desk or hit up the next location. The issue with it being an imported item is not to assume it will be restocked. It could have been special ordered by someone else and you bought the remainder of the case after they got their 2 items.
I keep meaning to ask Publix to stock Crunchie bars. For a while my Miami location had the crunchie cadbury biscuits which was almost good enough. Where I am now, I pretty much limit my purchases to Birds custard mix at christmas time (to make a trifle layer), fry's turkish delight (an acquired taste), wine gums and digestive biscuits (pie crust).
I buy very often the Sharwoods indian and thai curry simmer sauces. They are very good. I'll make pork or beef vindaloo or jafrezi like stew in the crock pot from time to time with a butternut squash or sweet potatoes, bagged pearl onions, and lots of chilies and cilantro at the end.
>Just go talk to the customer service desk
I AM the customer service desk.
My store is absolutely massive. One guy does Special Orders and he is backed the fuck up so bad. I once placed an order for Baker's Poppyseed and it took months for him to get back to me on it. Not the product. Just for him to tell me he has gotten my order slip.
I asked DSD who stocks the UK section of our international aisle and they said it was literally just some guy. A married couple who are from there I guess. If I remember correctly at least. There's only one other store in my district large enough to even bother carrying UK products, and I sold them out too.
It begins.
W..what's "American sauce"
>t. A confused amerifat
"american" aisles tend to come about because there are certain niche importers who will sell their assortment to stores, however since they import relatively small batches the prices are often quite high
they'll normally have "american" goods that you don't normally get elsewhere, such as hershey's chocolate syrup, laffy taffy, frank's hot sauce, "kansas city" chili beans, pop tarts, kraft mac & cheese etc
often you can find equivalent goods at normal prices elsewhere, but sometimes there might be something specific you're after. nobody in europe pays £10 for a packet of oreos
Are all of my fellow Americans who can't recognize what American Sauce is retarded or something? Have you never seen Thousand Island / Russian dressing before?
>nobody in europe pays £10 for a packet of oreos
Oreos are actually cheaper in my supermarket than the local name brand similar product that has been on the market for decades. The store brand Oreo-escue thing is just a little bit cheaper.
Goddamn cheap Oreos flooding our market taking our jobs. Impose tariffs, trade war now reeeeeeee
boxed cereal is all sugar tho
I have some friends that go to Amsterdam every couple of years or so. They always bring Little Debbie's snacks, honey buns, and shit like that. They say that the people there love them and that you can barter with them for some cool shit.
Ha! Get a picture, I want to see.
>anything more expensive than 3,000 calories per dollar is too expensive.
Fuck, he's on to me
The best section is the Caribbean/African aisle
Nigerian Guinness is incredible
these are only sold in supermarkets at special weeks
like concave a year there is an American / Asian / Italian week with some international products
these are not sold every day
maybe they use it on some burgers or peanut butter but we don't have American isles here in Germany.
>buying hershey "chocolate"
there are UK aisles in america though
Why don't american shops have an American isle?
>obama fingers
>curry dip
I knew he was a moslem
We do, it's where they sell guns.
yum yum americum.
there's an import aisle, which has a section of almost exclusively cookies and a few chocolate bars since there's nothing else worth importing from there
right next to all the tortillas and ramen, and other "imports"
In my country whenever someone releases an godawfully unhealthy product, like oreo shakes, chocolate pizza, fried chocolate french fries etc they just slap an american flag on it. Not sure if people eat it ironically to meme or what.
>they have entire sections of their stores dedicated to America
OPs pic is not representative of supermarkets in England.
Larger supermarkets will have a world food isle.
It'll have a little bit of oriental, Indian, polish, Caribbean and american food stuff. Usually its all quite expensive. I guess because of low sales volume and high import taxes.
I'm sure yank supermarkets have something similar, or are you really that inward looking that there's no demand for foreign foods?
>it's not funny
It's not intended to be funny.
That pretty much all American aisles are too, just sweets, biscuits and cereal
Also root beer
It is always overpriced junk products as well.
I don't see the appeal besides rubbing your woman with marshmallow fluff, that's kind of great.
I'm about to go to the grocery store, would yuros like to see the international aisle in an American store?
Based store jester
the god damn jester pulled my pants down the last time I went to the store with my crush and everyone saw my penis, it was fucking humiliating. He just stood there smirking at me too, smug son of a bitch.
Do Brits really do this?
how are there not italian places in texas? I live in Louisiana and they're everywhere + there is a big italian/sicilian population in general.
This obsession
A few years ago these were popping up everywhere but most of them have closed now.
We also have Chinese, Indian and Polish Sections.
>europeans eat sweets as a once in a while treat.
>go to England
>order biscuits and gravy
>get this
>really England?
nobody calls milk gravy
>go to England
>get acid thrown in my face for not praying to Mecca
>Being this upset over a picture on the internet of cookies
>t.assblasted bong
>Russian dressing marketed as American sauce
I don't know to be honest they open up but shut down usually within a year. Just not as big a market as tacos I guess. Unless you are counting like olive garden, but I visited my gf's place up north and her main street had literally 3 Italian places within 2 blocks of each other and she said they have all been there for years (since she was growing up). Nothing close to that down in Texas even in the cities.
Russian dressing was invented in America
I never really thought about it, but even in my small Midwestern city there are a dozen different local Italian restaurants / chains.
>There's only one other store in my district large enough to even bother carrying UK products, and I sold them out too.
Where is this may I ask? I've always seen British sections in Florida Publix stores...I thought it was the large numbers of tourists from Canada and former british colonies like bahamas and jamaica. It's really a big part of the Caribbean.
Anyway, there's always Amazon or walmart online.
Berlin had some restaurants that specialized in American food. I didn't eat there because the whole point of such a vacation is to try different foods. But I was a bit curious as to what they would consider "American food" as I always assumed we just bastardized everyone else's cuisine. But it kinda looked like TGI Fridays.
sugar tax in the uk means irn bru has way less sugar now, its not the same. sorry friendo. used to be go-to hangover cure now is pish
Regular shitty Oreos are usually £1 a pack, though they go for half off all the time. The double stuffed ones are alright, I guess.
>Visit America
>They have entire sections of their stores dedicated to high quality European imports
>They're willing to pay $10 for Lidl/Aldi tier pasta
It works both ways
Stop being OBSESSED with England. It's that simple.