is there a food women universally hate? I'm a literal cocksucking faggot who hates women, so this is a topic relevant to my interests.
Food women hate
why are you on a board with a female majority if you hate women?
>feminine majority
Guys larping as women don’t mean they are women. Also degenerate tranny weebs aren’t women either.
I for one am here to let women know that they are not even welcome in cooking boards. Only in literal kitchens. They can lurk if they like, but only to read recipes that men post.
>on a site that can't cater to their narcissism
literally not a woman unless they follow the rules, and in that case they should gtfo because fuck women. men are better at cooking anyway.
>blue board = Veeky Forums
Yellow board?
What's with the recent uptick of misogyny threads on Veeky Forums lately?
Rabbit, venison, horse meat.
Any animal that is "cute and cuddley" women do not like as food.
What do you plan to do with the food that women universally hate? Serve it at parties so they all leave?
good idea. i'll go hunt some rabbit. not sure how to get horse meat without buying a horse first. guess i better call some ranches.
Fuck off nigger where do you think you are
What about my post made you so angry? I just want to know why you guys have been posting more of these threads lately.
Trump is in power and now all the angry white men feel enabled. Hillary was right.
that would be perfect
>go to party
>too many filthy women
>apply female repellent
>enjoy the sausage party
I'm talking the last month or so.
there are no girls on the internet user
Oh. Well, I guess Valentine's Day was about a month ago.
I'm angry because no women talks to me >:(
Hmm, maybe, yeah.
Dude, I'm fucking jealous of you. I fucking hate it when women talk to me. I want COCKS. Fucking vagwhores throwing their pussies at me all day. Makes me want to puke.
What is the other board that is populated with women?
fucking disgusting board reeking with vagina. yuck. i prefer men on /k/ or /v/ or Veeky Forums.
>i will never find a cute guy with freckles, a gun collection, a love for games, and a tight boipucci
You sound pretty insufferable desu, so he'd probably hate you anyway
also /x/ and /co/
this board is 5-10 percent women max
Anything that will plug them up. Women love shitting, but sharp turds tear their delicate assholes like tissue paper
/co/ isn't all that female, I don't think.
White sharia now. Fuck the skanks.
>so he'd probably hate you anyway
even better for fucking
>I'm a literal cocksucking faggot
probably about 1:2 ratio, i would guess, based on having spent a good amount of time there. not majority, but not a negligible amount either
>hatefucking is edgy
oh you sweet summer child
Yeah, it's pretty edgy.
rape is edgy. hatefucking is sweet. wait until you're older
Nah, it's pretty edgy
I love how saitama would literally hatefuck that bitch with his fist into Oblivion with ease
foooooooood is gooooood
Kill yourself
I, too, hate simple questions.
He says while posting a womyn
Loads of women eat venison, what rock have you been living under?
Ok, I get it. You're sheltered. Move on already. This thread is not for you and your unrefined tastes.
Why do you keep responding to me?
you're in for a surprise
because i like responding to bait sometimes. why not?
Stupid. Just encourages more shitposting
shitposting is part of the fun. they have fun, i have fun. do you hate fun, user?
>Anything not feminist, liberal, it catered towards women is misogyny
Holy shit fuck off, this board has been the same shit for awhile now, only thing that changed is jackposts turned into surly egg king posts
You had fun with this?
Nigger, the OP literally includes the phrase "I'm a literal cocksucking faggot who hates women"
i have fun on Veeky Forums. that's why i keep coming to this site.
nothing wrong with misogyny. especially since i suck cocks so women are wholly irrelevant to my life.
You had fun with our exchange?
Mildly amusing. Like a game of sudoku.
No but I want to exchange fluid with your food hole
fantastic! you should commit soduko
This is the worst thread on Veeky Forums right now
Spread asscheeks to prove it
show boipucci to prove it
post feet
Well, as long as this board has no mods