>olives on pizza
>pineapple on pizza
Olives on pizza
olives are patrician, pineapples are terrible
olives are the top condiment to put on a pizza
Olives for sour. Pineapple for sweet. Anchovies or pepperoni for saltiness. Mushrooms for umami. This is the perfect pizza.
I don't know about you guys but I wouldn't mind pineapples on my pizza
nice meme
I unironically enjoy having both olives and pineapple on the same pizza
For me, it's vodka with my 'za, comrade.
desu i wont order it on my pizza but i will eat it if offered the ones who bitch about pineapple on pizza are autistic (man)children
pineapples on pizza is shit unless it has anchovies
the sweetness must be countered with an equal level of saltiness
otherwise it's trying to be a sweet pizza which will never work because that's what pancakes are for
i've run out of things to say but a forth line makes my post look more special
this is one special post
Ill never put either on a pizza I buy but im decidedly neutral about either
I was at first against havibg pineapple on my pizza but the hubby convinced me to add pineapple to my pepperoni pizza and it changed my world.
im loving this board more and more
for me, it is a pizza containing: cured meats, olives, anchovies, pineapple, jalapenos, and peppers, served with a nice salad, the best pizza
move out the way plebs true patrician coming through
>Pizzas on pineapple wew Lad what a timeline.
>twitch meme
>never actually worked in a kitchen
we use "savoury"
>because that's what pancakes are for
Most native english speakers would cock an eyebrow at you if you called tomatoes or carrots savory. It's not the exact same thing.
or if they called it umami
>knowing what a twitch meme is
youre just as guilty niglet
Those hands and some of that inking looks not half bad
oh wat a new and exciting meme argument OP
>reposting thread after thread after thread every day about what ingredients you don't like in your fast food
Seriously, you need to watch more porn and play more video games. Do SOMETHING with your life.
this post is two lines short of being something special
T. Unrefined taste
> signing your own post with something negative
Last night I ate an anchovy, olive, pineapple and feta pizza. And it was fucking DELICIOUS. So fuck off, pleb.
Pizza without pineapple is just glorified cheese bread. Fuck you too, Giovanni.
>something salty
That's what the ham is for!
Pineapple on pizza serves a metabolic purpose, where its enzymes help break down the wheat proteins into less problematic forms. It also does the same for the cheese proteins but it makes them into more of an issue somewhat not related to digestion. Its a pretty neat hack actually.
I love this picture. thanks
Canadian bacon or ham is the perfect savory salty companion for pineapple
I salute you for putting plebs like OP in their place.
Pizza should only have any combination of the following ingredients:
Mozzarella cheese (not pizza cheese)
white onions sliced paper thin.
That's just a parody of kronos eating zeus.
That is so horribly fucking pleb, I can't even..........
I'll never understand anti-pineapple fags. Imagine waking up and being so fundamentally shaken from the prospect of people enjoying pineapple on their pizza that you must take to an online imageboard and post your culinary fundamentalist rhetoric in the form of meme images and greentext, not once stopping to thing about the implications of such behaviors and their relevance to the fragile psyche of the kind of individuals which perpetuate the anti-pineapple fag mindset.
I honestly do feel pity for them.
Pineapple is fantastic on pizza
This desu.
i would say olives are more briny than sour. i would avoid pineapple entirely, because of it's offputting texture and tendency to coagulate the cheese, like using fresh tomatoes as a topping. i would lean towards pepperoncini or other sour pickled pepper for a sour, and go with a sweet sauce. as for the meat, i would honestly go with a sausage or ham over pepperoni/salami mostly to reduce the saltiness. i would try it with mushrooms, as long as they're not button mushrooms.
Nice digits, but what differentiates Canadian ham from any other ham?
just fuck my shit up
>work at pizza place
>think anchovies would be gross since they smell awful before they get cooked
>get a pizza with them on it to try them
>they're actually delicious when paired with other savory toppings
Everyone thinks I'm gross for liking them but they don't know what they're missing. Pineapple a shit, though.
pineapple is objectively good when you are in the mood. black american olives are objectively bad: they are cured with an iron compound, which takes away all the flavor and leaves them tasting like dried blood. kalamata are fine on pizza, as are all other olives but american iron cured. the real horror is green bell pepper. too bitter with no redeeming qualities. like swiss cheeze. can you imagine a swiss cheese, black olive and green bell pepper pizza? how about with picklked jalapenos too? aaaauuugggghh
not true
thats pizza hell