Uh, fuckin’ yum?
Uh, fuckin’ yum?
>it's not a hot dog
gee no shit..
i’m confident choco tacos blow those the fuck out of the water.
I really liked those
it just hit me stupid hard why I fucking like those so much, reminds me of my mom who'd make me "ice cream sandwiches" but I was a kid, grew up in a lower middle class chinese household and course my parents aren't gonna buy ice cream sandwiches. she'd put plain vanilla ice cream inside between two slices of white bread, and those were my ice cream sandwiches, stupid as it sounds it's actually really good
Not really I mean in a literal sense it's an I've cream sandwich and if it's wonder bread it might as well be unsweetened spongecake
but choco tacos blow most ice cream related things out of the water, they're just that good
comparing the two is just unfair
it was wonderbread, now I just thought of something,
> cut the crusts off
> put really cold shaped ice cream inside
> wrap and seal the edges
> quick deep fry
easy fried ice cream??
I want that
No. Fuck off.
Nah you need thicker or heartier bread to insulate the ice cream otherwise it melts under the high hear of deep frying. Deep fried ice cream uses a super thick tempura batter with sugar added to it for flavor it's gotta thick enough to insulate the ice cream but not so dense it doesn't cook
The only problem i see with it is the ice cream looks like it came out of one of those thin rubber/plastic breakfast sausage shells.
How about just wrap ice cream in the bread and freeze it
hmmm I think I'd prefer an up dog...
What is up dog?
oh not much just having a cool dog, what's up with you??
*sly wink*
It's up dog not an up dog. Because then someone can come back with
>what is an up dog
your response wont sound right
maybe in theory but in practice I knocked it out of the fucking park, see
The times between posts could have easily been all you.
all the flavors and you chose salty
Nah, it was me. I did momentarily stumble over his poor phrasing, but I chose to let the bantz flow.