>I eat carbs
I eat carbs
So you all know in the 50s everyone believed fat made you fat but carbs/sugar were the healthy alternative.
Well now the opposite thing is happening. You have retards (people on keto diet) eating lard and foods high in fat and going on zero-carb diets because "fat isn't bad, so I can eat as much of it as I want!"
This is all driven by industries that sell high-carb food (agriculture) and high-fat food (dairy).
My prediction is that in a few years everyone will be eating high protein food, which might be the worst possible thing you can do. I'm already meeting people that think protein = muscle in the same way people thought that dietary fat = abdominal fat.
You are all scientifically illiterate.
you sound very equally scientifically illiterate
being an 18 year old NEET pseudo intellectual does not equate being educated
I am ignorant in many subjects but I'm doing a masters in biomed. When you actually study this kind of stuff you see bullshit everywhere.
This is you
>My autism makes me force my personal dietary preferences on everyone else
Ok Mr Biomed do you have any citations on this matter? You don't eat lard on a ketogenic diet, and many time restricted eating tests on mice use lard as an extreme negative control group. Also the keto diet is generally high protein food and if you exercise this isnt a huge issue, I'm interested what is wrong with a high fat protein diet?
Nobody was fat in the 50s though. Obesity specifically started to skyrocket in 1980. Depending on what you want to count it actually was slightly going down or at worst flatlined in the 70s.
Serious question, if carbs are so unhealthy why are med students taught that the majority of one's caloric intake should be in the form of carbs?
Or the fact that Japan and Italy are amongst the world's highest life expectancy's
Most people need 0.3-0.6 grams of protein per kg of body weight, although this figure is usually bumped to 0.8 for general guidelines (to make sure everyone gets an adequate amount). In many fitness circles you see figures like 2 grams per kilogram, which is ridiculously high. Now you might not think this is a problem, but if you eat more protein than is required the rest is turned into glycogen (this process is called gluconeogenesis). Not only that, but the process is so inflammatory it increases mortality more than diets high in the other macros, so you really shouldn't eat too much protein unless you have a good reason to.
Ketogenic diet claims it is "adequate protein" but most people on keto actually eats ridiculously high amounts of protein simply because ketogenic food is meat and cheese, both high in protein. The rest of them avoid this problem by eating oils, butter and lard. This is also retarded because there's no nutrition in these foods.
Did I say obesity was a bigger problem in the 50s? No, it is now. To be honest it has nothing to do with carbs or fats, it's to do with processed food being cheap, tasty, and abundant.
The argument is that when the US government subsides the agriculture industry they change medical school curriculums to say that carb-heavy diets are good. When people realised this they got pissed off and developed hatred towards carbs.
Obviously there's a middleground but people like to get their pitchforks out and blame their problems on other people
Why did obesity start going up the very specific year the government came out with guidelines telling people to eat like this?
Very naive view of the obesity epidemic. Many other countries issued the same guidelines, yet they don't suffer from the same problems.
Essentially there's only one reason to avoid carbs and that's if you are prediabetic, have diabetes or have a family history of diabetes. In all instances a low carb (not keto) diet, is sufficient to reduce blood sugar levels and nearly eliminate symptoms.
Because of socio economic changes. Correlation is not causation.
Or if you have epilepsy.
Show me. I bet those other country's didn't have anywhere near the money on the line be it through lobbying, subsidies, what have you to push it near as much
So none of that existed literally at all in 1979 but suddenly become a massive issue in 1980?
Italy is one of only three developed countries that isn't suffering from an obesity problems and their diet is mostly carbs.
Yeah - usually only for kids, and only for severe cases that resist treatment by medication.
Nigga, most meme diets like keto specifically push foods high in saturated fats as their alternative. Shit, Paleo even restricts a majority of oils that are high in poly and mono fats.
>carbs is bad you guize I know because a doctor with no actual education in nutrition said so
What's a good replacement food for rice?
Wouldn't the difference be that mice eat mostly a vegetarian diet? What if someone where to do a caveman low carb diet with vegetables instead of strict keto, wouldn't that be a more balanced alternative that gives you most of the benefits of keto? I read the entire article and it seems odd that high carb diets are correlating to high good cholesterol.
>people instantly became obese in 1980
Are you actually this retarded?
Association is not causation. I think it depends on a) metabolic status of population in question and b) type of carb-rich foods we're talking about. My bias is that pre-agricultural whole foods diets (low in grains/legumes) can be healthy if you don't have insulin resistance.
This study does not go into detail what foods are used as well.
This is a newer mice study with the exact opposite findings. You really can't win with these studies.
What do you think the benefits of keto are (other than treating epilepsy/diabetes)? There is literally only one, and that is that carbs can make some people hungry, so they limit them. This is a measure for preventing obesity. If you're not trying to lose weight, there's no need to avoid root vegetables, fruit and legumes just because they have carbs.
The "caveman diet" (the argument for paleo) is also a myth, there's no evidence to suggest humans have been eating nothing but meat and picking fruit off trees until the industrial revolution. I'm not saying the homo erectus was baking bread but primitive agriculture (which even apes are capable of) is high in carbs due to root vegetables.
To summarise what I've learned from years of biomed and nutrition science, stick to 0.6 grams of protein per kg of body weight, and make up the rest from vegetables, fruit, legumes and wholegrains. It doesn't matter what the fat vs carb content is as long as it's varied and you're getting all your micronutritents.
People today worry so much about macros yet most people have vitamin deficiencies. Like they think not eating carbs is anywehre near as important as getting all your vitamins so they're fine with eating cheese and meat for every meal.
Correct. Ancient Greek diet for example: legumes, bread, and dried fruit. Very good life expectancy for the time.
Exactly, which is why I stick to tried and tested diets that we know won't kill us. I would not risk my life trying to do long-term keto no matter what clinical trials tell me.
>no evidence to suggest humans have been eating nothing but meat and picking fruit off trees until the industrial revolution
Isn't the paleo diet more or less sticking to what's grown and natural? Root vegetables would be included in that.
I can't really argue against eating only what's grown and natural, since that's great, but we're talking proportions here. Here's your standard paleo diet, suggesting we were carnivores. From what we know about our ancestors, they did not hunt anywhere near this much. When animals find shortcuts, they take them, and as soon as we figured we could grow crops, hunting became less frequent.
I've seen paleo guidelines that say eat more veg and less meat, which make more sense, but they are not as popular.
But still, paleo is missing some good foods like diary and wholegrain.
To build on what said, Paleo specifically refers to a quack claim about what "cavemen" ate. It's just a cleverly marketed low-carb high-fat diet.
Scooby pls go
Protein does equal muscle you liftlet.
>m-muh kidneys
Just drink plenty of water and you can eat lots of protein
I'm not gonna bother explaining this to you since you need to go and learn basic biology instead of getting your info from bodybuilding.com and Veeky Forums
Open mouth insert soy.
why are you here, shouldn't you be eating chicken breast and broccoli?
for me it's the mc fast food erryday
the protein fad already happened retard. And explain how diabetes and heart disease has been on the rise in the US since people were told to eat carbs instead of fat.
You don't deserve an explanation. Try not being a fucking spacker before talking to people like that.
this is you isn't it
>dude people were totally farming stuff millions of years ago and/or subsisting on literally a handful of strawberries and apples or literally almost nothing at all on cold northern europe. They didn't really hunt as much.
>what do you mean they would have died if their diet didn't come from 80% hunting? Fat intake? what? they just pressed olives with their buttcheeks and eat the oil, geez get an edumacation
Veeky Forums never changes. It's momscience popquiz tier when it comes to nutrition and history. Maybe it's because this is classically a female hobby and lures in males that lack iq and overdose on soymilk while opening their mouth as hard as they can?
>So you all know in the 50s
That meme started in the 80s/90s though when govt/medicine started pushing high carb, low fat diets. Which caused the obesity epidemic.
People prior to that would eat high protein and fat diets. Carbs were there but only the poor ate them as a primary nutrient
Hmm you've really made a compelling argument I think I'll throw away all my medicine and science books since they're obviously wrong.
>That meme started in the 80s/90s though when govt/medicine started pushing high carb, low fat diets
This has been stated several times in this thread already.
>Which caused the obesity epidemic
Again, we've been over this over-simplistic view.
>People prior to that would eat high protein and fat diets
Do you have anything original to say? We have discussed this, it's not true.
> Carbs were there but only the poor ate them as a primary nutrient
Poor people must have been so fat lmao
>my sacred books are better than a reasonable and empirical explanation of how people survived millions of years ago that you can't literally counter with anything sort of saying they pulled sufficient caloric input and fat intake out of their ass or they had magical brains that allowed them to farm (which would contradict archaeological findings
Ah, I see you are a religious person. None of my points were refuted, thanks for playing. Praised be the holy books of Dr. Schlomo and Dr. Chayim.
It should be illegal to burn people this hard lmao.
>no nutrition in butter
Grass fed has CLA, omega 3s, vitamin A in retinol form, k2.
>tried and tested
so diets from before modern cultivation?
>even though people are living till 90 on modern diets which are high in grains and corn you should emulate diets that we speculate humans hundreds of thousands of years ago were on
Amazing. You know what's more important for your health? Having friends, getting some exercise, being sexually active, and having hobbies. It doesn't seem like you fucktards do any of this.
Keep arguing about keto diets I'm sure it'll benefit you.
Why do you idiots keep bringing up Japan when they eat such small portions of food, a large percentage of it being seafood?
Seafood isn't /that/ common. They'd have a higher prevalence of mercury poisoning.
Usually they just have a slice or two of fish, a small bit. Fish is used in a lot of stock for dishes though.
Rice goes with every traditional meal though. And noodles are super common, which are also carbs.
If anything, the japanese diet is too high in sodium.
people eat way too much food. what people think is one serving is actually more like 3-4 servings of carbs/fruit/protein, you name it.
also, most people just eat whatever the fuck they want anyways.
>he eats
>I'm already meeting people that think protein = muscle in the same way people thought that dietary fat = abdominal fat.
Lift heavier
ok retard what should we eat then
Japan surely eats a smaller amount of net carbs then Americans do. And Italians eat fresh foods with antioxidants and olive oil. Hardly HFCS laden zombie-corn snacks (low fat!).
I've become carbs
Not that guy, but you still haven't given evidence that early humans were able to farm root vegetables. And even if they were, I doubt they'd be sophisticated enough to be able to do it on a large enough scale and have enough throughout the year.
Also, why do you have such strong faith in the medical field? Plenty of studies are conflicting and big pharma definitely conducts biased research to push their drugs. Why do you think nutrition is any different?
Half of them don't have enough money for food so it averages out
>it's the carbs!
>it's the protein!
>it's the fat!
No, it's the ridiculous sheer amount of food most people eat. Show a glutton what an actual, recommended portion of food looks like and they'll do all sorts of mental gymnastics just to keep stuffing themselves. It doesn't matter if they're eating plain chicken because they'll still ear half a ducking chicken's worth. Then they'll sit on their ass all day because modern lifestyles are conductive to that, which is the major reason everyone's in such shit shape, but then again some people would rather die than think about taking 30 minutes out of their day to exercise or feel the burn. If they moved their ass they could stuff themselves into dizziness as they wish, but they want to have their cake and eat it too.
t. Fatfuck who lost all the weight and gained it back after a summer of shutting myself in my room because all my friends went back home for summer and I used food to cope with boredom. Chad McThundercock is telling me it's okay and we're going to the gym again as soon as class starts. This is one hell of a ride.
This desu, though I'd also add that ignorance of calorie content contributes. Portions don't meanquite as much as just knowing how many calories you're taking in vs how many calories you burn.
>I shitpost on Veeky Forums
I'm enjoying my ~70% carb, slim and fit life.
Shut the fuck up retard