Who is Utz?

Who is Utz?
And why do they have a monopoly on cheese balls?

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A few years ago, I hosted a party for my birthday, and one of my friends brought a tub of those. No one opened it, because I had other food, so it was left unopened. The next day, I was too tired to cook, so I popped it open and are some. I quickly became that disgusting person with orange hands who's always eating cheese balls. They are ridiculously addicting. It was a relief when they were finally gone. I can't have one of those in my house ever again.

These things are barely even food

with real cheese?
the fuck does that even mean?
american cheese?

i had never seen 'utz' brand before i moved to texas.

all the 'cheese balls' i had seen were from Planters

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I used to live with someone who used this exact same cheese balls tub as a piss jug at night time. He was too lazy to go to the bathroom, even though his room was right next to it. I remember I would stop going into his room because of the smell. I always remember that when I see those tubs of cheese balls, probably why it's been 10+ years since I've had any.

Hot damn, the last time I saw any Planters Cheese Balls was in the early 90s.

The Eternal Pennsylvanian strikes again, cornering the market on snacks.

Please please sombody make a virgin pee bottle vs Chad piss barrel from this.

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Riteaid sells their own cheese ball barrels

I ate these in the 90's when I was a child

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Are they puffed corn dough balls?
Ketchup is better flavor for them.

If you ever see Grandma Utz, buy her!

>really good potato chips

This is the superior Hanover, PA snack food company and this is the superior snack food

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chad deluge barrel vs virgin tinkle cup

They are not connected to the Snyder’s of Berlin...

right company, but I prefer the pretzel pieces


are these identical to cheetos but in spherical form?

Why do US pharmacies sell food and alcohol?

>I can't have one of those in my house ever again.

this. I will go through the entire thing in a day or two. Stopping is impossible. After I finished to first container, I would think about them all day. I'd wake up in the morning and be thinking about going to buy some. I'd go to the store when I wasnt actually intending to buy them but end up in the aisle where they're located, looking for them

It's weird how quickly my brain latched on. Maybe it has something to do with how similar they taste to Cheeto paws. I used to love Cheeto paws when I was in gradeschool but once they stopped selling them, nothing else has tasted quite like them

riteaid isnt a pharmacy, it's a thriftstore

>They are ridiculously addicting.

fuckers are like crack
these too

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No, it's a pharmacy chain. With the best ice cream ever.

Dude. Idk where you live, but they sell big bags of Paws at my local grocery stores.

Do they still sell these?

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They're the reigning monarchs of cheap, large format salty snacks that get dished out for free in bars and hoarded by fat fucks who live in one room efficiencies.

They have a monopoly on cheese balls because Planter's stopped making theirs years ago.

I think its a holdover from back when things like cocktail bitters and acid phosphate and "tonics compounded from the finest medicinal herbs" were considered real medicine.

>paws are back

well fuck I have some searching to do

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Decent opinion, however wrong because utz makes these

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I always eat Market Pantry cheeseballs

I 'member those!

>not the honey braided twists
actually that might be a ROld Gold product

I need this

cmon guys get with the program

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Master race

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Goat 10/10

There's msg in some of the cheese ball containers I've purchased. Just a heads up.

>T-avid cheesehandmasturbater

Working on it


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honey mustard and onion is best waifu, cheddar cheese need not apply.
jalapeno can stay, you are alright.

Is it just the sodium that makes cheap snacks so appealing? I've gone through nearly half of pic related in one sitting. Felt like I was gonna have a heart attack afterwards.

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Legal speak for the 'orange coating was in a cow's titty at some point' many years ago in another life time before science got a hold of it

Nice. user delivers.

cracked pepper and salt is GOAT


I like you user
