Why don't you have an induction stovetop yet?
Why don't you have an induction stovetop yet?
I have a proper gas stove because I am an adult who knows how to use fire without hurting myself or others
Induction is the no-cut gloves of stoves
OP got decimated jej
I do. It's super conveninet. I love it.
>using a mandoline without those gloves.
did you slice off your thumbtip or a sliver of palm?
>tfw you buy a house but it doesn't have gas lines installed
Because I am the eternal poorfag.
use a small camping stove ora big one and butane canisters
>Why don't you have an induction stovetop yet?
I have a portable induction hotplate, it's great. Too bad most of them have very poor heat control in the low range, that makes it really difficult to simmer stuff properly. The only decent one I know in that regard is the IKEA Tillreda, with 100W and 300W settings.
>super conveninet
It's convenient but the radiation is literally killing me slowly.
>that feel when boost function will make a pot of water boil in less than 2 minutes
Feels good man
That's not an argument. Induction isn't even that much more expensive and it's more efficient so you save money on power.
If you were a real adult, you'd care about the environment and stopped using inefficient heatsources.
We're talking about an induction plate, not a nuclear reactor.
induction doesn't make my whole house stink like gas tho
>induction doesn't make my whole house stink like gas tho
If you were a mentally ill adult, you’d fall for shitty propaganda like you did.
Neither does gas unless it’s leaking and you’re about to die.
>muh conspiracies
Yeah, you're mentally healthy alright..
You’re a fucking moron if you think you cooking with natural gas is raping the world and not realizing it’s one of the cleaner fossil fuels out there.
Still not as clean as induction, rage boy. Stop telling yourself all that bullshit to justify cooking on aged dinosaur farts. It will run out sooner or later anyway.
>he thinks electricity is clean.
Unless you live near a dam, where do you think that electricity is coming from?
>electric stove
user... You do know that electricity that comes out of the wall, it's not magic right?
More then likely it came from a coal, oil or gas fired plant.
You're not saving the world.
That all said, if I didn't have the option of gas I would choose induction over the stupid lightbulb glass tops or coils. Much easier to clean/care for.
It's no small amount of radiation though, especially considering the close proximity when cooking.
Are you one of these EMF nuts?
I do. Gas is nice for being able to tilt the pan, but really it's a bitch to clean everytime. And no you cant skip that after using the stove you savage.
Seems like it should be better to use fossil fuels at one central location to generate electricity since you can try to get maximum efficiency and minimize the pollution from one point rather than distributing it?
>the fukushima nuclear POWER plant disaster
Yeah electric is clean as shit you dumbass
The pan in turn heats up the induction surface. The argument in the picture is moot. It's only good because it's fast and you don't run the risk of exploding.
My sides
>Ouchi’s exposure to the radiation was so severe that his chromosomes were destroyed and his white blood cell count plummeted to near-zero. Most of his body had severe burns and his internal organs received severe damage.
>Ouchi is considered the first fatality of his kind in Japan, perhaps the only person to ever receive such a huge amount of radiation in such a short amount of time. The amount of radioactive energy that he was exposed to is thought to be equivalent to that at the hypocenter of Hiroshima atomic bombing. The immensity of radiation completely destroyed his body, including his DNA and immune system. According to the book A Slow Death: 83 Days of Radiation Sickness, “[N]one of Ouchi’s chromosomes could be identified or arranged in order.”
>What was cruel was that, he was resuscitated on the 59th day when his heart stopped three times within a period of 49 minutes, despite wishing not to be let to suffer.
>As his condition worsened, he was transferred to University of Tokyo Hospital and, reportedly, underwent the world’s first transfusion of peripheral stem cells. He was also given many blood transfusions, fluids, and medicine that wasn’t even available in Japan yet. He also had to undergo several skin transplants which couldn’t help the loss of fluids through pores. After being treated for a week, Ouchi managed to say, “I can’t take it any more… I am not a guinea pig”. However, the doctors kept treating him and taking measures to keep him alive, which only ensured a very slow and very painful death.
>After 83 days of struggle, Ouchi died of multiple organ failure on Dec
>On November 27, Ouchi’s heart failed for 70 minutes, but the doctors managed to keep him alive with blood transfusions, fluids, and various drugs to keep his blood pressure and pulse stable. Finally, on December 21, his heart failed and the doctors did not resuscitate saying that his family wanted him to have a peaceful death.
>electro magnetic cooktop
wat. the worst it could do is fuck with a pacemaker if your gramps walked too close
Cuz imnot gay
A soiboi
>I have a proper gas stove because I am an adult who knows how to use fire without hurting myself or others
>Induction is the no-cut gloves of stoves
OP's ass is rekt
I own one.
>heats up anything fast
>will fucking destroy cheap cookware
>nonstick coatings ruined in seconds on default settings
>which is fine because 90% of cheap cookware doesn't work on it anyway
>and it pairs better with heavier cookware
>easy to clean
>easy to control temperature
I use it as an extra burner sometimes. There are some dishes that just come out better on it like stir fry. The temp control makes it great for turning a wok into an improvised deep fryer. It heats up so fast I can put my hand in a pot of water, the bottom of the pot is boiling and the top is only lukewarm at first if using a thin pot.
>induction is the new standard offer in stoves and good luck with finding new homes built with actual fires getting lit gas being burnt anywhere (aside maybe a fireplace)
FTFY. Much as I loathed getting bled for those ridiculously expensive induction cookware, the gas stove was too much trouble and money.
>will fucking destroy cheap cookware
>nonstick coatings ruined in seconds on default settings
Just pay attention while you are cooking instead of playing Candy Crush on your fucking phone.
>getting bled for those ridiculously expensive induction cookware
Niggger when did you buy it, in the 1980's? Pretty much any cookware even slightly above trash tier nowadays is induction compatible, at almost no extra cost. A normal post costs like 15€.
>peaceful death
>83 days of struggle
Lmao true Hirro
Is Ouchi the man who has suffered the most on this planet? Goddamn white coats.
Friendly reminder to get your advance medical directives in order people.
even a properly functioning gas stove has an odor, even if you're too pleb to detect it
nah, there's a distinct smell even when it's burning right and there's no leak.
He said adult, not vegan.
fuck mandolines without gloves ive hurt myself so many times on them
also fuck non gas stoves i just want a flame to cook with
>Last name is Ouchi
Japs deserve it.
Didn't this faggot basically nuke himself?
>What are safety regulations, let me just pour this shit into a container with no possible chance of anything going wrong.
>Fuck that was kinda bright.
Bugs cook themselves.
because i'm extremely poor and still have $10k in family debts to pay off
>50% of our energy comes from coal
The japs really don’t have souls
Every white coat does this
Its okay to skip morality if you can make a few bucks more on a theory paper.