How’d I do
How’d I do
>take food
>place on heat
dry eggs
Not once I added syrup to em
Your heat was too high. Dry eggs make me rage.
But hey, it's your breakfast, if you like it, that's what matters.
I liked it so much I ate it in under 3 minutes
Please step aside.
Literal poop
Nice, but where's the toast?
I had some cracker toast with cheese and milk tea along with them. But not really photo worthy
i don't see any syrup in that picture
Not sure why youre so proud. Your eggs are also overcooked.
But is only right because Butterworth's isn't syrup. It's not. No maple tree is found where that is made.
"Syrup" only implies viscosity. Tasteless corn sugar syrup is still syrup.
His eggs are fine. Calm down.
Someone wants to pop their dick in Mrs Butterworth's Buttery sticky slick ass.
its not interesting or funny to repost trash from r/shittyfoodporn
please make this board a better place by putting a little bit more effort into your posts and your life
I got in trouble when I was in kindergarten because I called the only nigger in the class Aunt Jemima.
Because you assumed gender.
I wish this board would have some kind of rule like the vg. Right now threads are going way too fast because of some clowns starting a new thread whenever they want attention. And we end up having 10 breakfast related thread going on at the same time
Wow buddy it sure seems like you enjoyed watching Gordon Ramsay's scrambled egg tutorials on YouTube
your eggs looks awful user. step it up.
Looks like delicious slop-a-shit.
the texture of the eggs is off
Everything is overcooked but if your hungry/drunk who gives a shit. Would still eat. Steak and eggs are still steak and eggs.
Nothing worth posting though.
>comes to Veeky Forums expecting to see things that are worth posting
Get lost newfag
Your inexperience shines through this post. Now go ahead and call me a redditor like the predictable unoriginal cunt you are.
>trying to claim ecred with an anonymous post.
Just throw up a trip all ready, I can tell you want to.
Sub par. But by ck standards, a solid 5/10
>>>graduating junior year of highschool
>shines through this post
>trying to look like a big man in the internet's darkest rectum
>comes to internets darkest rectum and declares what is worth posting and what is not worth posting
Dude, got cut your comedic chops on /b/ for a while, learn how to shit talk, ignore people you disagree with about something so petty as their breakfast is cooked, and greentexting outside of telling an elaborate story is lazy writing outside of summarizing a short story. Id wager I've been on this site since you were in elementary school. Not all of us are try too hard faggots.
TLDR: Lurk more.
You seem like a try hard faggot desu. How long did it take you to compose that masterpiece?
You jackass. More than just one person think you sound like an extreme faggot.
10 minute time gap while still being a meme spouting retard. Ill give you credit for not posting an image macro.
Guess the little /b/tard grew up. Its kind of cute, like watching a baby bird try to fly for the first time. Awkward, labored, but otherwise adorable.
How fucking pathetic are you to be so pissed off at my response to some assholes overcooked scrambled eggs?
I said I'd eat the dish and thank OP, you're the one flipping your shit.
Have fun with that, faggario.
>samefag have’n an incoherent meltdown
Did fine. Next time, when the eggs are getting close to being done, turn the heat off and let the residual heat finish cooking the eggs. Serve immediately when finished.
Also, It looks like you did, but if not, try using bacon/sausage grease to cook your eggs in. However, if scrambling don't use too much or you'll end up with greasy eggs- about 1 tsp per egg will do.
Once you finish off that syrup, try some genuine maple syrup. Tastes much better and it's healthier, but it comes with a noticeable markup.
Way to kill the only thread worth seeing, samefag
>hurr it's not running all over the plate, it's overcooked
Fuck off retard
Well, you're about on par with a college dining hall, so.... ?
Get that Mrs. Butterworth's garbage the fuck out of your kitchen
found the sunny side up faggot
Syrup on eggs is great, eat a dick
Who the fuck eats just eggs alone with syrup on them!?!?
No offense but looks a bit like urine.