>No user don't eat yet !
>Let me take a photo first !
>Haha this is what foodie does
Food arrives
Taking pictures of food is so pretentious.
It's like "yeah I didn't cook this food but I take credit for it anyway because I bought it"
I sometimes take pictures of food because I know I will enjoy it, and I want to remember it.
The foodstagram culture is annoying, though.
>and I want to remember it.
if you need to take a pic to remember it; then it wasn't remarkable anyway.
I take pictures only for the purpose of sending them to my some day gf
its a way for her to see the value in spending time around me because I have nice things so often
>its a way for her to see the value in spending time around me because I have nice things so often
So basically every single normie's facebook ever then.
The 1800s have come and gone, user.
I take photos but I don't share them
I don't do that on facebook, I text them to her directly
and also only take pictures of food that should have pictures taken of it like a particularly cute dessert or well constructed plate of sushi
unlike my friend who takes pictures of his meal at tgi fridays
I took my wife to an italian place and she stopped the meal to take a picture of a piece of chicken parm on top of spaghetti.
That's a bit sad that you can't attract someone with your own personality and have to instead import it in with cash.
I'm starting to get annoyed when people do this to the food I cook. It isn't particularly brilliant just better than the pleb tier shit people buy and warm up at home.
That's really sad for some reason. I don't even have pictures of loves one's and you're afraid to forget your fucking food...
I'm mildly autistic sooo...I'm working with what I got
Shit thats not normal. Maybe she is sending it to her boyfriend. Check her phone
i only take pictures of food i cook
ITT: autists
I take pictures of food to send to all my friends and rub it in their face.
>4cm think bun
Who is rubbing who ?
It’s all too much, and one of the reasons I ended it my last girlfriend. This will be the younger generations version of keeping up with this joneses. We’ll all live in tiny apartments and try to see who has the best “experiences.”
> go to concert, she’s filming the band
> take her out to eat, she pulls the OP and after posting it on instagram is constantly checking her phone to see who liked it.
> take her to some third-world beach country, our trip is filled with asking foreign strangers to take our picture in broken language for instagram.
> get home and she’s buying bullshit from ikea and taking pictures of our apartment.
> can’t enjoy cheap beer like she used to, it has to be the latest craft beer so she can take a picture of that.
Thats sad. But if it's just behaviour problem/bad habit. Shouldn't be hard to change
Like you had anything better
>that frozen looking burger
>that pathetic lettuce
>canned coleslaw
>like 7 fries
>a fork for some reason
>that grocery store pre-packed bun
literally what do you want to brag about with this meal?
You forgot the prison tier tray
I know a guy from Panama (country) and he's kind of a foodie, but for all the right reasons. He wants to document his time here with all the places he's been.
I'm pretty sure anyone who has ever cooked a burger at home has had better, user.
No one cares, faggot.
just wait till the alzheimers sets in and you're gonna wish you took pictures of everything
I take food pics for muh instagram stories
I lije to create a picture trail of things i eat
I bet that brown stuff has soy sauce in it.
Is it like psychological problem people have always taking pictures of shit constantly?
I get weird looks from people when I tell them I don't take pictures of things, or even really like them. Like these people take pictures of their food, their day, whats in front of them, their faces, all day every day. I just don't get it, who gives a shit? Who needs to see pictures of that every day? Like it must be a problem in their brain to always have to be taking pictures of shit and posting it constantly.
I very rarely take pictures of things I've cooked or eaten unless it's something special to me. And even then I probably don't post those photos. Last one I can remember photographing and taking some photos for was a birthday years ago where I went to some really nice places in NYC and photographed them and posted them. Why do these people feel the need to post constantly with "BRO JUST GOT 5 GUYS" "HAHA HEARS ME DRINKING MY MORNING MCLATTE #MONDAYS" "JUST MADE THIS OVERCOOKED PASTA AND JARRED TOMATO SUACE #BANGIN #KISSTHECHEF #420"
God damn. Maybe I'm just an angry autist.
dinner friday night, whole snapper, shit was so cash
Do you look through them?
Those are in every thread.
I take pictures of food.
I like looking at nice pictures I've taken. Nice food makes for good pictures. Think beyond your taste buds.
What are those """meat""" ?
It's the new cultural paradigm; you have to constantly contribute to the noise, even though nobody actually listens. Face it tiger, you're old hat now.
Whenever I think of posting anything at all I always think to myself "who actually gives a shit about this" and most of the time I either don't upload it or just share it to one or two specific people that I know would like it.
I find it so weird watching my sister go through her myface feed or whatever it's called with endless amounts of pictures of food, babies, dogs and post-workout pics and she just scrolls past them, pressing the like button and not even looking at them, while at the same time uploading her own shitty food/babb/cat pics assuming anyone actually cares. I mean what the fuck, are these people blind to their own behaviour?
Some people love remembering the good times. And the easiest way is to take photos. Having people noticed their good times gives satisfaction too. And most of the time they live a shallow life and have really low esteem
I was like that during college years. It's really cringe worthy looking back. Some people never grew out of that kind of empty life style and I pity them sometimes
>think beyond your taste buds
nigger it's food you eat food
Makes posts worthwhile to yourself and you can be comfortable about them.
I always include information I think is interesting. In theory when I look back on it in the future I'll be able to appreciate that I took the time to explain.
why are you on Veeky Forums instead of /eating/ then
never knew there was an eating board thanks for the heads up
really why are you here
sometimes to get recommendations on what to cook
>presentation is not an aspect of cooking
Stick to your tendies and go back to whichever board you came from. Don't think there is much discussion here that will interest you.
it's food, you eat food
can't eat food without cooking it first
you care enough to reply, don'tchya
Go back to the base Kaz.
those fries look pretty good desu
Taste and nutrition is way more important than presentation. Kys, millenialcuck.
pls be ironic
I take photos of good dishes and also stuff I make so I can get better at plating and track progress.
Also photos are a good way of remembering a good meal, just like photos of any memory. Who cares?
Berlin sausage
not every one lives in freedom prison country like you user
currentyear argument... to excuse being an emotionally retarded toddlerized person? Damn, talk about self defeating.
>I like looking at nice pictures I've taken.
Imagine the reeking obesity of people who fucking do that.
Do the people who take photos of their food also take photos of their poop later? You know, like a before/after artsy thing.
When I travel for work my gf likes me to send her pictures of the good food I get. Every time I feel like a tosser taking a photo of a plate of food
Every time I go somewhere nice my mom insists I take a photo of the food so "I can see if it's nice in case I ever go there"
I feel like such a wanker photographing my food but if I don't she'll be angry at me for a couple days and I won't get any sex so I'm forced to do it
>a fork for some reason
To eat the coleslaw?
>hehehe look at this burger and fries lads!
Sex... with yor mom?
Why do you care if someone takes a picture of your food, or theirs? It doesn't hurt you whatsoever.
>my mom insists I take a photo of the food
>if I don't she'll be angry at me for a couple days and I won't get any sex
I sometimes take pictures of meals I cook to prove to my family that I can indeed cook, but I loathe those who post it all over social media.
I have over 10 years of dinner pics. However, I'm not an obnoxious retard and don't take pics at restaurants or anywhere I'm a guest. It's just a diary behavior. I don't show my pics to anyone or post them anywhere
I really only like to take pics of things I make, or something stupid I do with things I buy. and then show off the stupid ones and sometimes share the things I make.
>"Oh, ok."
>wait for them to take the picture
>eat the food
That's it
Just tell them that the average mobile phone is dirtier than a toilet bowl and they risk salmonella by taking their phone out.
It's probably not true, I made it up. But they'll believe it.
No they'll look it up on the phone and then call you a dumb asshole
what if it ends up being shit?
do these people even wait to find out before they post it on their ig?
and if it does end up being shit and they haven't posted it yet do they still post it and pretend it was enjoyable?
You Better be trolling son
As someone who posts food pics, I always wait until after I've eaten. If it wasn't so good I don't bother, there's no reason to remember it.
But I hate snapchat/story features, and I know that's what the kids do most. I'm sure most people post it immediately and never think about it again.
UK?, looks comfy
Yeah of course please do, you spent your money here so you can definitely take a simple quick photo of it - be it for you to gain cooking inspiration from later, or for your digital diary, because you were impressed and wanted to capture it, because you want to recommend the place to friends via social media (I'm sure the restaurant would be happy about free advertising!) or whatever, if you feel like it there's really no reason not to! Well, other than irritating some autists on the internet which in my book is a pro, haha!
Go right ahead :)
That beer? that food? looks like central europe to me
People act like the world is following what they eat. Their friends don't even care. But apparently they don't realize that.
Once i just slapped the phone out of her hand for doing that. Hate it.
>I find it so weird watching my sister go through her myface feed or whatever it's called with endless amounts of pictures of food, babies, dogs and post-workout pics and she just scrolls past them, pressing the like button and not even looking at them, while at the same time uploading her own shitty food/babb/cat pics assuming anyone actually cares. I mean what the fuck, are these people blind to their own behaviour?
It's like a communist version of (You) fishing, gross, what's even the point?
>Swiping girls on tinder
>80% of the girl's profiles are pictures of food and dogs but with no pic of the girl
>They're profile usually has no text
>One girl had a profile like above but with an Instagram with 300pics of a rat attached
This, especially when traveling overseas.
i cannot fathom how autistic one must be to be irritated by somebody taking a picture
It's actually true. Especially considering people do gross shit like using their phones on the toilet, using them in bed after sex, while cooking etc
>inb4 Jack webm of phone in the meat tray
Is that curry powder dumped on top?
This is the kind of thing I can't stand. I never use my phone on the loo and I always wash my hands frequently when I cook.
It's not hard to be hygienic.
I'm down with people taking pictures, and even taking pictures of themselves.
But the line for me is tourists walking around with selfie sticks taking multiple pictures without paying attention to anything. That's just narcissistic.
is this a real post?
No piece of ass is worth that.
Congratulations, you're an adult.
I don't like selfies, but I can understand taking some on vacation. But there's a difference between taking a selfie and completely missing the shit you are supposed to be paying attention to while trying to get the perfect angle for the gram.
Anyone who takes picture of food is a fucking faggot.
finally somebody who said it..
I just get a quick Snapchat before I tuck in.
>kiss your sister
only here!
I can't discuss further when you don't post your sister
I do it for the gf too but I just want to banter her/make her jealous. She's well aware that I'm a fucking loser.
I've never actually seen anyone take a picture of their food before. Is this a thing that happens outside of hipster cities like Austin or Seattle?
That burger is all bread user. Might as well remove the middleman and just eat bread by itself.