What's cu/ck/s consensus on steve1989mre reviews?
What's cu/ck/s consensus on steve1989mre reviews?
My favourite Youtuber, absolute fucking legend.
Vinny and Joel both love him so he's god status now.
Steve's channel is nice.
he looks like chad kroeger
He seems like a lovely man. I really enjoy his videos.
Completely kino. I found him randomly on jewtube a couple years ago, glad he's doing well for himself he deserves it.
The aroma of that channel is just... delightful
... nice!
it's a shame he died a back in February. The whole story is just pretty sad.
Awesome guy
>let's get this out on a tray
I don't like all this time since his last videos.
It's what happens when you inhale black mold on a daily basis.
Extremely comfy
Are MRE crackers, fruit bars and powdered beverages actually good or is he just very appreciative?
MRE crackers are amazing.
not funny dudes
Finally got around to watching him a few days ago. /comfy/ af. It's like a really pumped Garth from Wayne's World reviewing MRE's.
Nice, m'kay.
Mre crackers with cheese spread is pretty nice.
I don't know much about the sides but I've had a couple of mains and they're amazing
I'd eat them all the time if they weren't so expensive
Death is only the beginning, user.
I pick up cases of Canadian ones every now and then at the local surplus store when they have them. They're great to bring camping, but I couldn't eat them regularly. I like being able to shit without tearing my asshole.
i never understood this meme
i ate army rations for four days straight when i went offroading in arizona and the three shits i took were the cleanest, smoothest i ever had
were you staying hydrated? From what I hear the bigger problem arises when people eat MREs without like, 1.5x daily amount of water.
well, i was riding dirtbikes in the middle of the arizona summer in the actual desert. came back with 1st degree burn-tier sunburns virtually everywhere, through sunscreen, armor, and clothing. I know a drank a lot of water but I honestly have no idea how much. you're probably right.
Real MREs aren't THAT bad. You can possibly not shit for days, but the shits might be the largest (yet most satisfying) you will ever have. Just a large solid shit. Better than the alcoholic shit I have now which is just clumps of weirdness.