One last cold front. So Veeky Forums... What are we cooking to knock the edge off the chill?
A stew of beef and root vegetables here.
One last cold front. So Veeky Forums... What are we cooking to knock the edge off the chill?
A stew of beef and root vegetables here.
Had half a bottle of vermouth around so I made coq aq vin blanc. Not so secret ingredient: homemade chicken stock for that lip smacking gelatin effect.
Yeah man that looks really good. Yeah man that looks really bad.
Stews are my staple. I live in the high desert mountains off grid, gets to -30 degrees here, 30 years ago it would get down to -60.
Show me yours and ill show you mine
Good old dutch peasoup. Not my picture, I already ate most and froze some for later. I over salted it a little, but it hit the spot nonetheless.
This looks fucking legit. Good work.
Thanks user. I realize the photo is not beautiful (I was lazy and didn't chop the parsley as well as I should have etc) but the taste is what counts and I was really happy with how this turned out. In the future I will probably try to keep more vermouth around for cooking purposes as it is shelf stable for like a month or two as opposed to a bottle of white wine which goes sour almost immediately.
Did the climate change on you, snowflake? You probably weren't alive 30 years ago.
Stop samefagging
get a life
Stop samefagging
>sautee chicken thighs in onions, garlic, and ginger
>add oats and water
You niggas aint shit
This is what it looks like from my perspective (that of chef), I first posted from phone and followed up from computer. So kindly focus your efforts on a more urgent problem than policing false samefagging incidents.
As a topical aside, one challenge I had during cooking this dish was that originally it ended too watery, yet the chicken had finished cooking. I had to use a spider to separate the solids and liquids so the liquids could get boiled down.
how are you posting on Veeky Forums and off the grid at the same time
So you are saying you are between the age of 40-60 years old? I mean a 10 year old is not really a reliable source of information on temperature. So unless you can pull out some actual documents on the temp every day 30 years ago, it sounds like a little kid dramatacising their memories. Which is a pretty normal experience.
>"Ohno I only maintain this one memory of my life at this age! That must mean it is dramatic and traumatic and descriptive of my childhood!"
>"I remember sitting under the dining room table before my dad came home"
>Therapist: "Obviously this means your father was abusive and you have supressed this!"
>"No dude, I literally crawled everywhere I could find, I sat in boxes, plastic totes, I pretended they were like submarines etc."
>Therapist: "Oh obviously your memories of having a childlike imagination are just proof that you were abused, true children never imagine anything and just mindlessly stare at the television!
>Therapist: "Call CPS on this monster if they ever have kids, they arent exposing their children to enough GOODGOY programming!"
That is an extremely one-sided view of how therapy works, to the extent where it makes whatever point you were trying to make completely obscure
>Hurr Durr solar panels, batteries and phones don't exist.
>Hurr durr you can't look up temperatures for 30 years ago online.
Your stew is swimming in grease and your veggies are only half cooked.
what the fuck are you talking about?
>40-60 years old
or he could have just looked up records of temp changes
I'm pretty sure you don't know what 'off the grid' is, you retarded fucking nigger
Kys, dumb cityfag.
Nice projection, my dude.
You're the one bringing up projection. Kill yourself.
Sure thing, friend
>one challenge
One is it? You think you had but one challenge? Your "dish" is an abomination. Texture colour content seasoning... all horrible. Good job "chef"
Eat a dick.
>my mom makes stew by boiling vegetables until they dissolve.