Food from the land where men are men. Post the most manliest food out there. Soy boys need not apply.
Food from the land where men are men. Post the most manliest food out there. Soy boys need not apply
venison and jalepeño burglars washed down with cold shiner bock
Texas is full of soyboys, only things that come from texas are steers and queers
I bet you put soy sauce in those burgers you massive fucking faggot.
and mexicants
>that overcompensation
That is chicken my dude.
its turkey you faggot. and tubesteaks on the left.
thats turkey you nobgobbler
why the fuck would i put soy sauce on venison burglars? tell me something...are you stupid?
tubesteak, eh cowboy?
face it, youre a soy cuck faggot.
because i kill a deer, field dress it, take to meat processor, get venison burglars, grill them, eat them? you're a JV level troll at best. cash in some good boy points and get your mommy to make some tendies for you.
>take it to meat processor
getting cucked and you dont even realize it.
This man is right unless you process it all yourself you are going full soycuck.
you dont even know if theyre giving you back the deer you brought in. happens all the time in texas when people try to bring in grass fed beef, they give them back grain fed.
>le compensation meme
Spoken like a true soccer mom
you know all about being cucked, don't you.
Not him but I do, I see my friends and family being cucked all of the time, most normalfags are retarded cucks.
And slutty waspy milfs. Texas rules.
you cucks always say that
lol this soyboy puts soysauce on his memeburgers.
Veggie burgers are fucking delicious. Get fucked cavemen.
No they're not you tasteless pleb
all that jizz done wrecked ur tongue, m8
LOL! you suck big black cock
This thread delivers.
So, northern Mexican food with Jewish influence via sephardi cryptojews cooked by vaqueros (cowboys)?
>That feel when you’ve lived in Texas all your life.
Yall will never know that kind of pride.
Manly appetizer.
That's the least Texan thing I've ever seen, and I grew up there. That looks more like huli huli chicken.
What's the new Austin now that Austin is garbage?
>texans are the only people in the world with pride
Do Texans really wear bandannas around their faces like OP's pic because the stink of all the mexicans?
No. The only time I've ever seen anyone in Texas wearing bandanas over their faces is when doing actual hazardous work, not grilling a bunch of fucking chivvken.
>hurr im a big manly man i like lots of meat in my mouth but im definitely not gay durr
As a proud Texan, I fucking love quiche, although that pic is way too dry and overfilled without enough custard.
San Antonio has always been better than Austin.
t. Soylet
Eating meat is morally reprehensible
>says the sodomite
god that looks like complete shit.
>Cheese is barely melted
>toast is stale looking, smashed flat
>Fries are short and soggy looking
>onion rings look cold, like leftovers from yesterday
Jesus Christ Texas why do you meme this slop so hard. Literally any other fast food chain is better.
In-N-Out cucks are worse than kiddy diddlers
>proud texan
Sure thing, here's your pic faggot.
That was set in Wyoming.
Who left the door open and let the soy in? Post more manly food to scare them away.
Yankee liberals don't know anything except that they are supposed to hate Trump
Just saying man, only two things come from texas, and I don't see any horns.
>Food from the land where men are men
Italian? I don't even think numales or soy exist over there.
Did I say anything about fucking in-n-out you dumb beaner?
>kiwwing things means I'm a big man!
step back, ladies
>gets meat processed
>ends up with just ground venison burgers
Wow. You are certainly the faggot.
southern fag here. I hate trump, you fucking idiot. Lots of people around here do.
fuck off back to /pol/ anyways you stupid faggot.
In the context of being from Texas. You should work on reading comprehension.
Yeah, sure. Are you a fucking retard? I mean, legitimately, are you mentally challenged?
>big hairy guy with a moustache is not manly
>skinny guy line dancing in a gay hat is manly
If you say so.
If you don't know quiche, you know fucking NOTHING about Texas.
>Jewben from NYC
>manly food
Most intelligent thread I've seen in a long time.
this thread is AIDS
>big hairy guy with a moustache
If this is your idea of manly would you be interested in visiting some gay bars in the Bay Area with me?
That's because they've been lanky flamboyant fags for the last two millennia, they couldn't possibly be less manly.
Some men define their masculinity by their dignity and innate strength. They are usually secure with themselves and don't need to panic about how they are perceived.
And some fret about food and are huge fags like OP.
The problem is that you are thinking American instead of Italian so of course it sounds gay. That's just what America does.
>going to a meat processor
Nothing is more manly than drinking milk from a nut.
Italians are the biggest numale soyboys of Europe
t. Greek
If you don't like inserting your penis into another man's anus you have no business being on Veeky Forums, now leave.
privileged brown male, how many whites gets to enjoy living in tropical paradise?
Soy stuff is good. Bunch of hick yokels living in the past in this thread.
pay debts
Italians are literally greeks but less gay.
tfw u know that wb
lol the future belongs to the strong. always has. always will.
Yeah, gay pride
Imagine being so insecure that a veggie burger throws you off your game. JFC I swear people used to be both smarter and tougher. Or maybe it's just the guilt people on Veeky Forums feel for jacking off to traps all day.
>jack off
>close 10 trap porn tabs
>oh god what have I done
>post a "manly" thread
>pot calling the kettle black
or is failing to pay debts "manly" now?
I'm from Texas and I love trap and tranny porn. :3
pls get nuked, Austin
so you're an all-around shit-quality person
Fuck off faggot, I'm from Dallas.
so are you a curry nigger, actual nigger, or slant eyed nigger? that's basically dallas in a nutshell
back to /pol/ nigger
>actually cooking your raw meat
holy fucking soy